Traditional Chinese medicine believes that waking up at this time helps to enhance the bodys yang energy!
Release time:2024-06-16 15:37:20
Word Count:14524
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The ancients said, "When the sun rises at the hour of Mao, breakfast at the hour of Chen... When the sun sets at the hour of You, people set the hour of Hai." In principle, 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning is the regular time to wake up, and people and nature should correspond accordingly.

As the saying goes, a day's plan is in the morning, and a year's plan is in spring. Getting up early is a good habit and a positive attitude towards life. Going to bed and waking up early, maintaining a regular lifestyle, is already very beneficial for health.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that waking up early helps to enhance the body's yang energy
When the sun rises in the morning, people naturally wake up and their yang energy gradually rises. At this time, when people wake up and move around, their yang energy in the body also starts to circulate, and only then can they be full of energy throughout the day. If you can't get up at this time, not only will it deplete the body's fluids, but it will also hide the yang energy inside. The Qi machine that is preparing to be lifted cannot function properly, and instead, it will feel more tired and emotional as it sleeps.
Getting up between 5 and 7 o'clock may seem impossible to many people, but in fact, it's just that the moment of waking up is particularly difficult. I believe everyone has experienced this feeling. The previous minute, I was lying in bed feeling particularly tired, struggling with whether to get up or not. When I really got dressed and started moving around, I suddenly felt that I wasn't tired anymore. This was because my yang energy was rising.
The fact is, when you really persist, after a little activity, walking, jumping, or stretching your body, you will feel less tired than lying in bed, and it is very relaxed and comfortable.
So what should I do if I get up early and feel really tired? You can try waking up after 5 o'clock, exercising for 10-30 minutes, and then lying down to take a nap. At this point, the yang energy has already risen, and sleeping again will not suppress it.
Only when the yang energy of the human body rises as usual every day, can the physiological activities of the five organs and six viscera operate normally and orderly, and the various functions of the body can be guaranteed.
Those who wake up early can still reap these benefits
Modern medical research shows that the clock genes in our bodies change according to natural laws. Therefore, ensuring consistent biological characteristics between the human body and day night alternation can bring many benefits to the body. For example:
Full of energy and high efficiency
Light is the most powerful regulatory factor in the human circadian rhythm system. It activates the sympathetic nervous system, increases the secretion of the neurotransmitter dopamine, and makes people happier and more excited. Getting up early allows for a more calm and organized planning of daily tasks.
Improve immunity and stabilize blood sugar
Going to bed and waking up early is beneficial for regulating the body's endocrine function, reducing the secretion levels of 24-hour adrenaline and nocturnal norepinephrine, and has a very good protective effect on the immune system.
Regular work and rest, early sleep and early rise also help to keep blood sugar stable, enhance insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Protecting the heart and brain, preventing cancer
Dysregulation of the circadian rhythm can lead to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; It can also promote tumor cell proliferation by inhibiting melatonin secretion or accelerating inflammatory reactions, among other endocrine mechanisms, to promote the occurrence and progression of tumors.
A study published in the Chinese Journal of Geriatric Cardiovascular Disease shows that healthy adults who wake up late due to sleep deprivation (4 hours) significantly increase pro-inflammatory factors, and cannot fully recover even with sufficient rest during the day. Going to bed and waking up early is the foundation for maintaining normal blood pressure, blood lipids, heart rate, and other indicators.
Control appetite and prevent weight gain
A study by Nature Communications in 2019 showed that simulating night shifts, sleep deprivation, and disrupted circadian rhythms can lead to an increase in the release of appetite stimulating hormones and a decrease in appetite reducing factors, resulting in increased eating and obesity.
Early risers with sufficient sleep tend to exercise regularly in the morning, have a healthier and more regular diet, and can maintain a good figure.
Sunshine mentality, less arguments
A study by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States shows that those who stay up late for only 4-5 hours a night are more likely to be mentally fatigued, and are more likely to lose their temper or feel sad after waking up, greatly increasing the likelihood of misunderstandings and arguments with others. Those who go to bed and wake up early have fewer problems and are better at communicating with others and handling conflicts.
Reduce depression and prevent chronic diseases
In the eyes of doctors, persisting in waking up early not only tests self-discipline and mobility, but also prevents chronic diseases and depression. A new study involving 840000 people found that going to bed and waking up early can reduce the risk of depression by up to 40%.
Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry that earlier sleep patterns can significantly reduce the risk of depression under the same sleep duration.
In addition, regardless of how long they sleep, night owls are twice as likely to suffer from depression as those who wake up early.
What can I do after waking up early?
First thing: Move your limbs
After the alarm goes off in the morning, it is important not to get up immediately and instead rely on the bed appropriately. After opening your eyes, lie down on the bed and move your limbs for three to five minutes before slowly getting up. After getting up, sit by the bed for another three to five minutes.
If you are not in a hurry to do other things in the morning, you can also make full use of the golden ten minutes after waking up and do a set of health exercises.
1. Rub your hands together for one minute
Quickly rub the palms 300 times to stimulate the meridians and acupoints of the palms, which can clear the six meridians, strengthen the internal organs, and harmonize the yin and yang qi; It can also treat shoulder pain and eye fatigue.
2. Finger massage for the first minute
Fingers deeply rub from the forehead to the back of the brain, promoting blood flow to the brain at a speed of 2-4 times per second, providing sufficient nutrition to the hair roots, resulting in black and shiny hair.
3. Gentle Earrings for One Minute
Gently rub the left and right ear wheels with both fingers until they are warm and comfortable. It has the function of promoting heat dissipation through the meridian and protecting hearing, especially in preventing and treating tinnitus, dizziness, and forgetfulness.
4. Rotate your eyes for one minute
Turning the eyeball clockwise and counterclockwise 30 times each can refresh and brighten the eyes, strengthen the eye muscles, prevent and treat chronic keratitis, myopia, and other functions.
5. Rub your nose with your thumb for one minute
Rubbing the nose up and down with both thumbs 50 times can dispel wind and block blockages, open lung orifices, and have good preventive and therapeutic effects on colds, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, and even heart disease and arteriosclerosis.
6. Percussion and tongue rolling for one minute
Gently tapping teeth can activate blood circulation in the roots and gums, while rolling the tongue can make it move freely and increase its sensitivity.
7. Gently press the navel for one minute
Rubbing the navel clockwise with alternating palms of both hands can unblock gastrointestinal qi and promote digestion and absorption.
8. Abdominal tightening and anal lifting for one minute
Repeated contraction can lift the anus, enhance the contraction force of the anal sphincter, and promote blood circulation.
9. Stretch and bend limbs for one minute
When lying on the back, the blood flow is slow and there is too much blood left in the limbs. Through stretching and flexion movements, the blood quickly flows back, providing sufficient oxygen and blood to the cardiovascular system.
10. Kick and rub the soles of the feet for one minute
Lying on the back and alternately rubbing the soles of the feet with both heels can guide the decrease of kidney deficiency fire and upper body turbidity, and can also clear the liver and clear the eyes. It is effective in treating neurasthenia, insomnia, tinnitus, and other conditions.
Second thing: go to the restroom
After a whole night, the bladder is filled with urine and there is an urgent feeling of urination, but this matter ranks second. Why? Because if you wake up and immediately urinate to empty the bladder, it can easily cause dizziness and even urinary syncope.
After urination, you can brew the urge to defecate. People who have not yet developed this habit can intentionally cultivate it, such as eating more high fiber foods such as cabbage and coarse grains. In short, whether you have the urge to defecate or not, you should squat in the toilet when you wake up early. Over time, the habit will develop.
Thirdly, brush your teeth and wash your face
Even if you brush your teeth before going to bed, the oral environment at night is in a constant state, which is most suitable for bacterial reproduction and growth, producing breath, and harmful to oral health. Brushing teeth not only cleanses teeth, but also has the function of massaging gums and promoting periodontal blood circulation. Oral experts advocate brushing teeth for at least 3 minutes each time. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I feel refreshed and refreshed.
Fourth thing: Drinking water
The benefits of drinking warm water in the morning should be well-known. The blood in the morning is quite thick, so it is recommended to slowly and slowly drink a glass of plain water at around 40 ℃ after waking up.
The first cup of water can quickly flow through the gastrointestinal tract, clean the digestive tract, activate cells in the gastrointestinal tract, replenish the water lost in the body the night before, and dilute the gradually thickened blood, allowing the body to wake up from the inside out. In addition, it can also dilute blood, promote blood circulation, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is particularly important for middle-aged and elderly people.
Fifth thing: Eat breakfast
Long term skipping breakfast can cause malnutrition, anemia, and ultimately lead to weakened immunity, as well as the possibility of pancreatic and gallstones. Therefore, it is important to eat breakfast.
How to develop the habit of getting up early?
The human body has a strong ability to regulate itself. Once a habit of staying up late and waking up late is formed, it will lead to a vicious cycle. Only by overcoming one's own inertia and following natural laws can the body gradually become healthy and effectively restore mental and physical strength.
Developing good habits requires persistence, and with just three to four weeks of adjustment, one can develop the habit of waking up early.
Improve sleep environment by not looking at your phone before bedtime
To wake up early, the prerequisite is to go to bed early and ensure 7-8 hours of sufficient sleep time every day. The sleeping environment should not be too bright, noisy, overheated, or too cold. It is not advisable to drink beverages such as coffee and tea that can easily cause excitement before going to bed. If it is necessary to eat foods and medicines that can easily cause excitement, the time should not exceed 3pm in the afternoon.
Do not touch electronic devices one hour before bedtime. The blue light generated by mobile phones or computers can cause difficulty falling asleep.
Exercise in the morning and afternoon, and feel sleepy earlier at night
Research has shown that exercising at 7am or 13-16pm can advance the body clock, allowing people to fully consume energy during the day, advance the onset of drowsiness, and facilitate early sleep and waking up. Exercising from 19:00 to 20:00 in the evening can delay the biological clock, making people more excited at night and delaying sleep time.
It is recommended to exercise appropriately in the morning or afternoon, which can be helpful for going to bed early.
Slowly adjust the rhythm, starting from one hour
It is recommended to set an appropriate target time, and while ensuring sleep time, both fall asleep and wake up times should be moved forward accordingly. For example, advance your bedtime by one hour, wash up and no longer look at your phone, and go straight to bed.
The wake-up time is also correspondingly advanced by half an hour or one hour. After a few days of adaptation, one hour earlier, and so on, gradually reach the target time. You can also adjust your schedule under the guidance of a doctor.
Enjoy healthy mornings and have more motivation in the future
After waking up in the morning, in order to reduce drowsiness, it is important to immediately pull open the curtains and let sunlight enter the room. Make the bed, wash up, and enjoy breakfast as soon as possible. It is best to engage in appropriate outdoor activities, then develop a plan for the day and start implementing it as soon as possible. When a new day's life becomes less hectic and work more efficiently due to waking up early, waking up early becomes more motivating.
It should be noted that humans need to adapt to nature and have some flexibility and resilience, and some special situations need to be handled specially. For example, those who occasionally go to bed late and wake up early due to uncontrollable factors can take a nap at noon. If you are tired from work for a week, it is also possible to catch up on some sleep on weekends, but the best state is to stick to going to bed and getting up early on weekends.
In short, after getting used to going to bed and waking up early, the yang energy rises, and you don't feel tired anymore. Your mood improves, and your body gradually improves.