Dont treat throat disease as pharyngitis. There are four types of abnormalities in the body, so it is recommended to take them seriously and stay informed later
Release time:2024-06-17 16:50:56
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Nowadays, various types of cancer are more common, mainly because many cancers are not detected in the early stages of onset and are not taken seriously. When there are obvious changes in the body, it may be in the middle and late stages, so most cancer treatments are relatively low.

As long as any disease is linked to cancer, people will be more afraid, such as throat cancer, which may cause discomfort in the throat at the beginning. People may think it is caused by excessive heat or fever, believe that drinking more water and taking some anti-inflammatory drugs can alleviate it, and ultimately diagnosed with laryngeal cancer, which dealt a great blow to the whole person.
What are the causes of laryngeal disease? Five factors to be vigilant about
1 Dietary factors
Long term consumption of hot food, chewing betel nuts, and frequently consuming spicy and irritating foods can easily damage the mucosal epithelium of the throat, increase the risk of cancer, and trigger laryngeal cancer.
Research shows that eating hot food and chewing betelnut regularly will increase the incidence rate of laryngeal cancer. Spicy and irritating food will also stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa, which will not only induce gastrointestinal diseases, but also induce throat diseases. Long term consumption will also increase the incidence rate of laryngeal cancer.
2 Environmental factors
Long term exposure to harmful chemicals, air pollution, radiation and other environmental factors may increase the risk of developing laryngeal cancer. Manifestations include hoarseness, redness and swelling of the throat, pain, coughing, and difficulty swallowing. Avoiding prolonged exposure to harmful environments and maintaining fresh indoor air can help reduce the risk of occurrence.
3 viral infections
Such as EB virus. Virus infection may induce genetic mutations, leading to the occurrence of laryngeal cancer. Meanwhile, long-term chronic proliferative laryngitis, atypical hyperplasia of the laryngeal mucosa, keratosis of the larynx, and recurrent benign tumors of the larynx, such as laryngeal papilloma, can all lead to carcinogenesis, indicating that these lesions may transform into laryngeal cancer under certain conditions.
4 Genetics and precancerous lesions
Laryngeal cancer has a certain genetic predisposition, and as long as one's immediate relatives have laryngeal cancer, those with blood ties will have a significantly higher risk of developing laryngeal cancer. In addition, when suffering from conditions such as hypertrophic pharyngitis, vocal cord leukoplakia or erythema, close observation is necessary, and prevention and treatment measures should be taken to prevent it from developing into laryngeal cancer.
5 Smoking and drinking excessively
Smoking and drinking are not conducive to physical health, which is a well-known health knowledge. However, due to the needs of interpersonal communication, daily habits, and mental relaxation, many people still find it difficult to quit such habits, and even deliberately ignore health advice from others.
In fact, whether it is tobacco or alcohol, the irritating substances they contain may cause serious harm to the throat mucosa and tissue structure, thereby increasing the risk of chronic inflammation of the throat.
From clinical statistics, elderly people who smoke and drink excessively all year round have a risk of developing serious throat diseases that is more than 10 times higher than healthy individuals, and the likelihood of developing sudden laryngeal cancer is also more than 8 times higher.
There are four types of abnormalities in the body, and it is recommended to pay attention to them, so as not to realize later
1. The voice becomes hoarse
This is an excellent hidden manifestation. When the voice becomes hoarse, most people only think it is caused by pharyngitis or excessive speech, but rarely associate it with laryngeal cancer.
The appearance of cancer cells varies depending on their location. If cancer cells grow in the vocal cords, it can affect the sound and cause a hoarse sensation when speaking. If the symptoms of hoarseness persist, it is best to have your throat checked.
Reflex headache
Don't assume that the throat is not directly related to the brain. In fact, there are painful nerves in our throat that directly connect to the brain. If there is throat cancer in the throat, it will compress various nerves in the throat, which will reflect to the brain nerves, leading to migraines and dizziness.
3 Neck lumps
Laryngeal cancer has become a common malignant tumor. As the condition progresses, patients may experience symptoms of lumps appearing in the upper neck or behind the mandibular angle.
When a lump appears in the neck, it is important to take it seriously, seek medical examination in a timely manner, and receive targeted treatment. This phenomenon is common in middle-aged men and requires special attention.
Blood in sputum
Blood in sputum is an important sign of laryngeal cancer, as the surface of the tumor lacks blood supply, leading to local ulcers and necrosis. Patients are exposed to coughing airflow and sputum impact, which can cause blood to be present in the necrotic tissue. Therefore, when blood is present in the sputum of patients with laryngeal cancer, cancer cells have actually infiltrated deep into the laryngeal tissue.
A new study from Harvard Medical School shows that taking more flavonoids can slow down the deterioration of human cognitive ability. That is to say, in addition to the known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of flavonoids, which can help your body prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other effects, flavonoids can also delay the deterioration of the brain. This powerful nutrient is abundant in apples.
The nutritional value of apple peels is also very rich, so it is best to bring the peels with us when eating apples. After cleaning, we can then cut the apples into thin slices.
Combined with the fruit acid and antioxidant substances in apples, it can eliminate free radicals in the body, delay aging, and make the skin more delicate and shiny.
Next, prepare a few more longans and take out the flesh of the longans.
Longan contains rich nutrients such as protein, minerals, and glucose, which have the effects of brain health, intelligence enhancement, fatigue elimination, calming the mind, nourishing qi and blood, and beauty and beauty.
Eating some longans in moderation can improve hematopoietic function, enhance memory, resist aging, and prevent cancer. It can also improve the elasticity of the skin, so longan meat is also known as an "anti-aging medicine" in traditional Chinese medicine.
Next, prepare a few more red dates. Thoroughly clean the red dates.
As the saying goes, a solar eclipse of three dates brings immortality. Red dates, as a popular nutritional supplement, have high nutritional value. Red dates contain rich vitamins and iron elements, which have a very good blood nourishing effect.
3. Then pour all the prepared ingredients into the clay pot and add an appropriate amount of water. Put the lid on it and boil it over high heat for ten minutes.
After ten minutes, open the lid, skim off the foam on top, and boil the apple in a pot. Its structure will change, and the polyphenols and antioxidants in the apple will increase. These substances can clear free radicals in the body, have a good effect on caring for the cardiovascular system and delaying aging.
Therefore, apples are particularly suitable for pairing red dates and longans, and they also have a very good effect on nourishing qi, blood, and calming the mind.
This apple and jujube soup is sour and sweet, especially delicious. Some elderly people and children with weak spleen and stomach are not suitable for eating cold. At this time, you can cook apples to eat, which can promote intestinal health and relieve constipation, which has many benefits for the body.
Female friends should eat more apple, red dates, and longan soup, which can reduce wrinkles, delay aging, and make your face look rosy and shiny for a long time, making you look much younger.
How to pick delicious apples
1. Look at the color and exterior
Apples with uniform color, alternating red and yellow, and a small amount of "spots" are more delicious, while apples with a more delicate appearance are of better quality. Apples with a darker surface and green stripes have lower maturity.
2. Smell the odor
When purchasing apples, you can smell the scent. If there is a clear fruity aroma and it is not pungent, it indicates that it is a high-quality apple. If the taste is weak, it indicates poor taste or low maturity.
Kind reminder: Information is for reference and learning only, and is not used as a basis for medical diagnosis. If necessary, please use under the guidance of a physician.