Chinese medicine, seven leaf lotus!
Release time:2024-06-18 17:55:01
Word Count:3929
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1. Aliases

Xiaoye Duck, Foot Wooden Peach Leaves, Hand Tree, Seven leaved Skin, Seven leaved Vine, Dog Feet.
2. Plant morphology
Evergreen vine like shrubs. The stem is cylindrical with fine longitudinal stripes; The twigs have irregular vertical wrinkles. Palm shaped compound leaves alternate, the stipules merge with the petiole at the base to form a sheath like structure, persistent or falling off together with the petiole; Leaves 7-9; The small leaves are leathery, inverted oval shaped, 9-16 cm long and 2.5-4 cm wide; The apex is gradually pointed or acute, the base is gradually narrowed or blunt, entire. Umbelliform inflorescences aggregate into long panicles, terminal; The total peduncle is short, sparsely stellate hairy, and the calyx is 5-toothed; 5-6 petals, separated, ovate, white; Stamens 5; Ovary inferior, without style. The berry is spherical, with obvious 5 edges and an orange yellow color.
3. Origin distribution
Distributed in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places. Born in valleys or damp sparse forests.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvested all year round, washed, fresh or sliced and sun dried.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
The stem of this product is cylindrical, with a diameter of 0.5-3 centimeters, light brown, and has straight lines; Lightweight, hard and easy to break, with a wide woody section and a central medullary or hollow structure. Palm shaped compound leaves, long petiole, enlarged base, usually 7 leaflets, hence the name "Seven leaf Lotus". The leaflets are leathery, with a glossy green color on the top and a light green color on the bottom, with obvious lateral and reticular veins. Mild qi, slightly bitter taste. It is better to have more leaves and a green color.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Warm in nature, with a spicy and slightly bitter taste. There is a small poison. No meridian return.
7. Effect and function
Dispelling wind and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and reducing swelling. Blood activating and pain relieving drugs belonging to the subcategory of blood activating and stasis removing drugs.
8. Clinical applications
Internal administration: decoction, 9-15 grams; Or soak in wine. Apply an appropriate amount externally, mash and apply to the affected area. Indications include rheumatic pain, headache, toothache, epigastric pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, falls and swelling, fractures, and sores.
9. Pharmacological research
Seven leaf lotus can lower blood pressure, cut off the vagus nerve, and its antihypertensive effect is not affected; Strengthening myocardial contractility, increasing the dosage can lead to conduction block; Resist tracheal and ileal contractions caused by histamine and acetylcholine; High doses excite the ex vivo pregnant uterus, while exhibiting inhibitory effects on the ex vivo non pregnant uterus. In addition, it has obvious sedative, analgesic, and anticonvulsant effects.
10. Chemical composition
Containing falcarinol, (E) - β - farnesene, phytol, and porous sterol.
11. Taboos for use
Individuals with weak qi and blood, as well as pregnant women, are prohibited from taking medication.
12. Related prescriptions
① Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: ① 500 grams of dried seven leaf lotus stems. Soak 1000 grams of wine, drink after 7 days of soaking. 15 grams each time. (Chinese Herbal Medicine in Huiyang District, Guangdong Province)
② Treatment for falls and injuries: 30g of the entire seven leaf lotus plant. Boiled in water. Or mash a suitable amount of fresh leaves, stir fry with wine, and apply externally. (Selected Guangxi Materia Medica)
③ Treat external trauma and bleeding: Apply an appropriate amount of Hantao leaves to the affected area by pounding and applying. (Handbook of Commonly Used Folk Herbs in Guangxi)
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.