Tell me about the "first prescription for strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness" in traditional Chinese medicine, to deal with dampness entangled in the body after planting mango seeds!
Release time:2024-06-19 13:19:32
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Grain in Ear begins, temperature rises, rainfall increases, and humidity increases The humid and hot atmosphere of summer has officially emerged. At this point, more and more people are troubled by dampness, especially those who already have spleen deficiency.

After awning
More prone to dampness trapping the spleen
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states that "all dampness and swelling belong to the spleen," meaning that spleen deficiency is the root cause of various dampness. The spleen in traditional Chinese medicine governs transportation and transformation, known as the "acquired foundation", equivalent to the "logistics" in the body. When the spleen is weak, if the "logistics" is not awesome, all kinds of metabolic wastes cannot be transported out of the body in time. Accumulation in the body is what we often call "moisture".
The reason why hot and humid summers are more prone to dampness is because the air humidity in summer is high, and the humidity in many places can reach 60% -80%. However, 70% of our body is water, which means the water content in the human body is 70%. Under normal circumstances, the evaporation of moisture occurs from high humidity to low humidity, and there needs to be a certain gradient between high and low humidity in order for moisture to be directed according to the situation.
When the external humidity is close to the water content in the body, the gradient disappears, making it difficult for the body to evaporate moisture outward. The spleen, responsible for transporting and transforming moisture, must fully devote itself. Therefore, in the humid and hot summer, the spleen is the most tiring time of the year. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has specially designated a "long summer" in the middle of summer, which is controlled by the spleen, in order to emphasize the importance and maintenance of the spleen.
Imagine a person who originally had spleen deficiency, and their temper was barely able to deal with internal dampness. With the blessing of external dampness in summer, the spleen is easily exhausted, and at the same time, it exacerbates the stagnation of dampness. As a result, a vicious cycle has entered, where the more spleen deficiency there is, the more prone it is to dampness, and the heavier the dampness, the more spleen deficiency there is.
People with spleen deficiency and heavy dampness
Be sure to invigorate the spleen before removing dampness
People with spleen deficiency and heavy dampness will first be very tired in summer because the spleen governs the muscles. When spleen deficiency occurs, the muscles are weak, and coupled with heavy dampness, the body becomes heavy when dampness is entangled. At the same time, their appetite also becomes very poor because the temperament of transporting and transforming food is adjusted to transport and transform dampness, leaving no spare energy to digest food. In order to reduce burden, the body can only instinctively reduce appetite.
Apart from poor appetite and inability to eat, some people don't even like to drink too much water. Even if you sweat a lot, you don't feel thirsty or don't quench your thirst even after drinking water. This situation, on the one hand, is due to spleen deficiency and inability to transport and transform water, and on the other hand, it is due to dampness carrying water, which cannot be absorbed by the body and used by the body.
The tongue of a person who does not quench thirst after drinking water is generally characterized by a plump tongue, greasy tongue coating, and even tooth marks. Because in traditional Chinese medicine, "the tongue is the seedling of the heart, and the condition of the tongue can reflect the strength of the spleen.".
If the tongue coating is white and thick, appearing smooth and moist, it indicates that there is a lot of cold and dampness in the body; If the tongue coating is rough or thick, yellow and greasy, it indicates that there is dampness and heat in the body; If the tongue is red and without moss, it indicates that the body has been heated to a certain extent and damaged yin. As for the formation of tooth marks, it is mainly related to the spleen as the main muscle. When the spleen is deficient, the muscles are also weak, and the tongue muscles are soft and tender to imprint tooth marks on both sides.
The first prescription for strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness
Eliminate moisture from the root cause
Dampness is the waste that the body wants to push out with all its might. However, dispelling dampness is like shooting in a football game. Whether or not to kick the dampness ball out of the goal with a single kick depends not only on the dispelling dampness medicine, but also on the midfield dribbling before shooting, which is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine for strengthening the spleen.
Having a healthy temper is the key to pushing the ball of dampness towards the goal, so compared to the final step of shooting, midfield fitness is more crucial. Even, in a sense, without discussing the dispelling dampness of strengthening the spleen, it is only superficial and cannot reach the root cause of dampness.
So, when it comes to dispelling dampness in traditional Chinese medicine, it must be a combination of "strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness", because strengthening the spleen is a prerequisite for dispelling dampness. The famous formula that can dispel dampness has always been based on strengthening the spleen medicine, and the most representative one is the "Shen Ling Bai Zhu San", which is known as the "first formula for strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness in traditional Chinese medicine.
The original prescription was recorded in the National Medical Code of the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin He Ju Fang", consisting of 10 traditional Chinese medicines, including Codonopsis pilosula, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala, white hyacinth beans, and yam, which mainly have the effect of invigorating the spleen, while Job's tears and sand kernels are responsible for dispelling dampness.
From the perspective of composition, the power of invigorating the spleen is significantly greater than that of dispelling dampness, because the spleen is responsible for the circulation and transformation. After the spleen is invigorated, the dampness will be naturally pushed out by the body. Even if dampness is not deliberately dispelled, there is no place for dampness to exist.