A traditional Chinese medicine that ignites the fire and goes down, specifically treating sore throat, oral ulcers, dizziness, and tinnitus!
Release time:2024-06-19 17:47:20
Word Count:7072
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There is a traditional Chinese medicine that can drive out the vigorous fire in the human body, and it is Wu Zhuyu.
The first fire, lung fire.
Traditional Chinese medicine categorizes external evil energy into six types: wind, cold, heat, dampness, and dry fire. Among them, dryness is the most likely to harm the lungs. The lungs prefer to moisten and dislike dryness. The lungs need to be moistened, and they prefer a humid environment rather than a dry one. If dryness prevails, then dryness can lead to lung yin deficiency. When yin deficiency occurs, fire becomes active, and lung fire usually manifests as sore throat, dry mouth and nose, etc.
The second fire is stomach fire.
Most nourishing medicines are hot and dry, and difficult to digest, which can easily turn into fire in the stomach. Moreover, more and more people like to eat hot pot. Lamb itself has a warming and nourishing effect. In winter, when the weather is cold and the earth is cold, eating and drinking are less active. They spend the whole day in the heating room, and in spring, the fire will increase.
The manifestations of stomach fire generally include oral ulcers, gum swelling and pain, etc.
The third fire, liver fire.
In modern society, there is a lot of pressure in various aspects, such as being busy with work and having a lot of trivial matters in daily life. However, there is also a lot of overtime. If these pressures cannot be relieved, over time, it will lead to the accumulation of liver depression and fire. The manifestations of liver fire generally include red face, red eyes, dizziness, tinnitus, bitter mouth, dry throat, impatience, and irritability.
The great poet of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei, once wrote in his poem: Alone in a foreign land, he is a stranger, and during festivals, he misses his loved ones twice. I know from afar that my brothers are climbing high, and there is one less person planted with Cornus officinalis.
The ancients designated the ninth day of the ninth lunar month as the Double Ninth Festival. On this day, people like to climb high and gaze into the distance. When climbing high, they would wear Wu Zhuyu on their bodies because the ancients believed that Wu Zhuyu could ward off evil spirits. Here, evil refers to various yin and cold evil energies from the outside world.
Wu Zhuyu is hot and has a pungent taste, and is very good at moving around. It is like an imperial guard, walking back and forth, driving away any cold and evil energy that is trying to approach. It is precisely because it is good at running and jumping that it also has a powerful function of igniting fire to descend, whether it is real fire or virtual fire.
The method is to take 10g of Wu Zhu Yu, grind it into fine powder, mix it into a paste with vinegar, apply it to the soles of the feet before going to bed, fix it with medical gauze, and remove it when waking up the next morning.
Wu Zhuyu can draw the fire energy from the upper body down the meridians and to the soles of the feet. There is a very important acupoint in the soles of the feet, Yongquan acupoint, as the name suggests, which means that spring water rushes out. With the help of the "water" in Yongquan acupoint, the fire energy is extinguished and discharged.
This usage has been recorded in ancient medical books for a long time.
In Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica, Volume 32, Wu Zhuyu" of the Ming Dynasty, it is recorded that "oral ulcers and chancre, with Wu Zhuyu powder, vinegar mixed and applied to the heart of the feet, heal overnight.".
The Compendium of Materia Medica, Volume 32 of the Fruit Department, states: "For those who have sore throat, mouth, and tongue, they should be treated with vinegar mixed with Cornus officinalis powder and applied to the hearts of their feet, which will heal overnight. Although their nature is hot, they can induce heat to descend, which is also the principle of treatment."
Wu Zhuyu's application of Yongquan not only effectively treats sore throat, oral ulcers, dizziness, and tinnitus, but also has a regulating effect on hypertension.
Hypertension is a term used by Western medicine. Western medicine sees the level of data, while traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is caused by inflammation of liver fire. As liver fire rises, it also stimulates qi and blood, leading to the rise of qi and blood. Wu Zhuyu brings down the fire energy and lowers blood pressure.
In addition to inducing heat to descend, Wu Zhuyu can also dispel the cold energy of the Yin meridian because it is spicy and hot, like hernia. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine called "Seven types of hernia". When the disease occurs in the Jueyin, it is the liver meridian of the Foot Jueyin. When the liver experiences cold, the cold nature coagulates, and the muscles and tendons contract back and forth, blocking the qi and blood flow there. It cannot pass through, and it is painful due to blockage. Do you see how the liver meridian works? From bottom to top, along the inner side of the leg, around the genitals, up to the top, so the pain caused by hernia follows from the groin, to the genitals, and even to the lower abdomen.
Take 30g of Fructus Evodiae and 10g of Fennel, put them in a cloth bag, heat them in a microwave, let them cool down slightly, and then apply heat to the painful area and Guanyuan acupoint. Why take Guanyuan acupoint? Firstly, it conforms to the principle of selecting acupoints nearby in traditional Chinese medicine; The second one is closely related to the human reproductive system.
There is a type of headache caused by the cold energy in the liver meridian. The liver meridian reaches its peak, and the cold evil climbs up along the liver meridian, reaching the top of the head. The head is the convergence of various yang, and cold is also a type of yin evil. It likes to confront the yang energy the most, and when this cold evil goes, it wraps around the yang energy, causing intense pain in the head.
Wu Zhuyu is spicy and hot. This medicine also goes through the liver meridian. When applied to the soles of the feet, it can pull down the cold energy from the liver meridian, disperse it, and stop the headache.
Wu Zhuyu can also compress the Shenque, also known as the navel, which is an important acupoint in the human body. As mentioned earlier, Wu Zhuyu is spicy and hot, which can dispel the cold energy of the Yin meridian, including the Foot Jueyin Liver meridian and the Foot Taiyin Spleen meridian.
For example, if you don't cover the blanket properly when sleeping at night, your abdomen catches a cold, and your stomach hurts the next day, your stool is loose and loose. Thirty grams of Wu Zhu Yu and five grams of dried ginger are placed in a cloth bag, heated in the microwave, and then applied to your navel. On the one hand, it disperses the cold evil, on the other hand, it warms up your stomach, and your abdominal pain and diarrhea are all relieved.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.