There is a small prescription that can cure premature aging and impotence!
Release time:2024-06-20 10:57:53
Word Count:7236
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Although female premature ovarian failure and male impotence are two completely different diseases, they still have similarities - both are caused by decreased levels of sex hormones. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine pathogenesis, they can all be attributed to the problem of kidney qi. Next, please follow the editor to learn Professor Pei Zhengxue's experience and effective formulas summarized in clinical practice.
Premature female aging refers to the reduction or early cessation of menstruation in women of childbearing age, when estrogen levels are lower than those of the general population; Male impotence refers to sexual dysfunction in men of childbearing age, inability to erect the genitalia, difficulty in normal sexual activity, and lower levels of testosterone compared to the general population. The common feature of both is premature decline in sexual function.
Holy Treasure Pill
The clinical application of Shengbao Dan is suitable for both male impotence and female premature aging, while also having a strong blood and marrow nourishing effect. It is suitable as a tonic for various types of anemia and fatigue. This pill has been accumulated over the remaining ten years of experience, and has been hidden through a secret recipe. I am old and now open to the public, in order to benefit the living and benefit the people.
Leech and deer antler, ground into powder, finely coated with 0.25g each capsule, 2-3 capsules per time, 3 times a day, taken with warm water.
This pill combines the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang in one furnace. It has a strong ability to generate blood and nourish the marrow, and has significant therapeutic effects on male impotence and female premature aging. It also has significant therapeutic effects on aplastic anemia, leukemia, and myelodysplastic syndrome.
In my experience, in addition to taking Shengbao Dan and traditional Chinese medicine decoctions, this disease is also one of the main treatment methods, such as feeling comfortable and exercising appropriately. I have encountered multiple cases of patients who have suddenly recovered from this disease due to the harmonious relationship between husband and wife, the promotion of work, and the improvement of the environment.
In addition to Shengbao Dan, the following formulas can also be selected based on syndrome differentiation when treating male impotence and female premature aging.
male impotence 
The following three parties are commonly used:
1. Mount Huangshan mixture: astragalus 20g, yam 10g, epimedium 10g, cinnamon 3g, fructus psoraleae 10g, schisandra 3g, citronella 10g, morinda officinalis 10g, eucommia ulmoides 15g, staghorn gum 10g (closing), lycium barbarum 10g, angelica sinensis 10g, dodder seed 10g, cistanche deserticola 10g, decocted in water, one dose a day.
This formula is based on the dual tonifying of qi and blood with Astragalus membranaceus and Angelica sinensis. In the Erxian Tang, Zhimu and Huangbai are removed, and they are combined with essence tonifying products such as Schisandra chinensis, Psoralea, Yam, Goji berries, and Cistanche deserticola. Antler gum is a sacred product for strengthening yang and filling essence. When combined, essence and blood are prosperous and Qi and Yang are full. This is the case with Yang affairs! This prescription is suitable for middle-aged and elderly patients with both qi, blood, yin, and yang deficiency.
2. Erxian mixture: 10g Xianmao, 10g Epimedium, 10g Deer Horn Gum, 10g Suoyang, 10g Dodder Seed, 12g Rehmannia glutinosa, 10g Cornus officinalis, 10g Yam, 12g Danpi, 10g Poria cocos, 10g Alisma orientalis, 20g Yangqi stone, 10g Morinda officinalis, decocted in water, one dose per day.
This prescription is based on Liu Wei Di Huang Tang, which is a large dose of aphrodisiac and has fewer astringent products compared to the previous one. It is suitable for young patients with an aging constitution.
3. Guifu Jia Wei Tang: 12g of raw Rehmannia, 6g of Cornus officinalis, 10g of Chinese yam, 10g of Danpi, 10g of Poria cocos, 10g of Zexie, 10g of Guizhi, 10g of Fupian, 10g of Codonopsis pilosula, 10g of Atractylodes macrocephala, 20g of Astragalus membranaceus, 10g of leech (diluted), 3g of deer antler (diluted), 10g of Dodder seed, 10g of Ligustrum lucidum, 10g of Goji berry, 10g of Wuweizi, and 10g of Shayuanzi. decoct in water and take one dose per day.
This prescription is mainly composed of Guifu Bawei Pill, combined with Baoyuan Decoction and Wuzi Yanzong Pill. It is mainly used for enhancing yang and is suitable for newly diagnosed erectile dysfunction patients.
Premature aging in women
The following three parties are commonly used:
1. Flavored Guizhi Fuling Pills: 10g of Guizhi, 12g of Fuling, 15g of White Peony, 10g of Danpi, 10g of Peach Kernel, 10g of Angelica sinensis, 12g of Rehmannia glutinosa, 6g of Chuanxiong, 3g of Safflower, 3g of Sanqi (diluted), and 10g of Leech Powder. Boil in water and take one dose per day.
This formula is suitable for young and middle-aged women with strong physical constitution. It is composed of Guizhi Fuling Pill and Taohong Siwu Tang, combined with powerful blood stasis removing ingredients such as Sanqi and leeches.
2. Modified Wenjing Decoction: Codonopsis pilosula 10g, Cinnamomum cassia 10g, ass hide glue 10g (closing), Ophiopogon japonicus 10g, Evodia rutaecarpa 10g, Angelica sinensis 10g, Ligusticum chuanxiong 6g, Rehmannia glutinosa 12g, Paeonia rubra 10g, peach kernel 10g, safflower 3g, hemp seed 10g, dried ginger 6g, jujube 4 pieces, fried liquorice 6g, vanilla 6g, motherwort 15g, decocted in water, one dose a day.
This formula is suitable for young and middle-aged women of childbearing age who are not pregnant, have low menstrual flow, have delayed menstruation, and even have stopped menstruation. It is composed of Da Wen Jing Tang and Tao Hong Si Wu Tang. Although it has the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, its most important function is to warm the meridians and dispel cold.
3. Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder Flavored: 10g Angelica sinensis, 10g Atractylodes macrocephala, 10g Paeonia lactiflora, 12g Poria cocos, 10g Bupleurum chinense, 6g Ginger, 3g Mint, 12g Rehmannia glutinosa, 10g Cornus officinalis, 10g Yam, 10g Alisma orientalis, 10g Cinnamomum cassia, 10g Peach kernel, and 3g Deer Antler (prepared separately), decoction in water, 1 dose per day.
This formula is suitable for middle-aged women with decreased libido and premature menstruation. The modified formula of Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder, Guifu Bawei Pill, and Guizhi Fuling Pill aims to enhance endocrine function and enhance estrogen secretion. The deer antler in the formula can be said to be the finishing touch. This medicine contains both male and female hormones. The former is used for male impotence, while the latter is used for female premature aging. It can be said that "those who are good at tonifying yang should tonify yang in yin, and those who are good at tonifying yin should tonify yin in yang.".
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.