The most comprehensive folk remedies, including 15 unique folk remedies for treating various diseases
Release time:2024-06-20 11:00:17
Word Count:9588
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I solemnly declare that the prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners nationwide, and are clinically effective prescriptions. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a local physician!
1. Treatment of sequelae of fractures
Five years ago, I had a car accident and fell on my right lower limb. At that time, the pain in the right lower limb was unbearable, and I continued to limp in pain. After a few days, the pain became so intense that I couldn't move. The right lower limb cannot be straightened, and the pain cannot fall asleep. The numbness and pain are even more unbearable than death. The effect of taking "Guizhi Jia Ling Shu Fu Tang" is amazing, as recommended by someone. On the second day of frying, the pain is reduced by half, walking freely, and there is no pain during sleep. After frying continuously for seven days, you can sit upright. After the first bone fracture, I suffered from long-term pain and suffering. After taking this decoction, I have this quick effect. I would like to share my own experience publicly. I hope that if others have this symptom, they can also get rid of it as soon as possible! Prescription: The amount of "Gui Zhi Jia Ling Shu Fu Tang" (daily dose for adults) is four coins each for Gui Zhi, Shao Yao, Da Zao, and Jiang, two coins each for licorice, 0.5 coins each for aconite, and three coins each for Poria cocos and Atractylodes macrocephala. Attention: Fuzi is a traditional Chinese medicine and must be prescribed by a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Overmedication is not allowed.
2. Prescription for treating children's cough: A little mint, boiled in rock sugar water, take daily and it will be good. I advise the world to fast early, as human nature and material nature come together. It is sad to have the heart to kill and eat the flesh of one's fellow countrymen. The character "meat" is originally two people, but it is charming and I don't know how to swallow it. Eating it for half a pound can still be considered human eating!
3. Treatment of edema with wax gourd, black bean, peanut and red jujube
Shen Ying provided that six years ago, my father's whole body felt bloated for some reason, especially with severe swelling on his face and feet, as if he had been breathing, which was unbearable. According to the doctor's diagnosis, it was a kidney disease, so he took medication and injections every day, but none of them worked. Later, he changed to taking traditional Chinese medicine, but there were no signs of improvement. My father had a bad temper and became even more irritable from then on. Later, Uncle Li introduced this folk recipe and understood the method. With a tentative attitude, he went to the market to buy the above ingredients (the same amount should be moderate enough to eat), washed them together, put them into a pot and add half of the water. Cook slowly over low heat, just like cooking porridge. After cooking, it is eaten as a meal, three times a day. This food therapy is really effective! My father took it for less than a week in a row and miraculously recovered without any medicine. He is so happy that whenever he encounters someone with the same disease, he promotes his recovery process, as if he is an expert in treating edema!
4. Bacterial peeling (wealthy hands and athlete's foot)
Pour a bottle of vinegar into a large plastic cup, immerse your hands in the vinegar for about ten minutes each time, then change hands and soak for another ten minutes, three times a day, before going to bed. When soaking, your palms should be flipped frequently, and after soaking, let them dry on their own. Do not wash your hands. Soak for seven days to recover. (Xianggangjiao is also acceptable)
5. Secret recipe for periostitis (i.e. joint periosteal injury or contusion)
Ginger mother, flour, black sugar, rice wine, mashed and mixed into a paste, applied to the inflamed area, and then replaced with this medicine when the medicine dries. It has been used to treat countless people.
6. Brain tremors: Blood flow disorders in the brain, headaches, headaches, one yuan of Qianghuo, one yuan of Guoben, one yuan of Baizhi, three yuan of Tianma, three yuan of Gentiana, three yuan of Xiangfu, three yuan of Beimu (Sichuan Bei), five yuan of Ma Cai Dou (black beans), two yuan of red dates, two bowls of water and seven cents of decoction. (Note: This prescription is provided by a kind-hearted elderly Chinese medicine practitioner, specifically for the purpose of saving all living beings and saving the world.)
7. Prescription for treating kidney stones
Licorice one coin, Huanggui three coins, Dengxin two coins, Fossil Grass one or two coins, Tongcao two coins, Danzhu two coins, Clam Shell Grass, Reed Grass, Pearl Grass three flavors totaling one or two coins, three bowls of water fried in one bowl, can be used to make tea and drink at any time, with a miraculous effect.
8. Shenfang for treating appendicitis
Boil white snake tongue grass or Xianfeng grass in water and take it with black sugar. If it is acute appendicitis, it can be taken with green mashed juice, which has a miraculous effect. Yu Qiqian suddenly suffered from acute appendicitis, with severe abdominal pain and inability to straighten his feet. He searched nearby for Ganfeng Grass to extract juice and took it. After more than ten minutes, the pain stopped and he recovered after taking it again. The following is the author's experience, providing a reference for widely spreading the message of saving lives.
9. Prescription for treating stones
Fossil grass one or two, Jin Qian Cao San Qian, Che Qian Cao San Qian, boiled and consumed multiple times, the stones are excreted from the urine, and liver, gallbladder, and kidney stones can all be effective. The recipe for women's blood stasis is stir fried with five coins of Jingmustard ears and boiled in clean water. Take only one flavor and one dose to prevent misfortune, but do not stir fry until ineffective.
10. A folk prescription for diabetes
Fifty longan seeds, fifty lychee seeds, and one hundred papaya seeds. Fry three bowls of water into two bowls. Take one bowl every afternoon at 5 pm and one bowl at 11 pm. Take ten doses in a row for examination. If cured, stop taking. If not cured, continue taking ten doses. (Cinnamon and lychee seeds need to be washed clean)
note appended:
One medicine must be taken at the prescribed time, otherwise it will be ineffective.
Second, there are patients with diabetes, whose blood sugar is as high as 300 mg, and they are cured after taking ten doses of this prescription.
11. A wonderful prescription for treating bone spurs
Bone spurs are difficult to cure in Western medicine except for surgery. A prescription was introduced by someone, which treats bone spurs with a miraculous effect. After a month, the disease will be cured.
Prescriptions: Three coins for Job's tears, five coins for Guijian, one and a half coins for Scutellaria baicalensis, one and a half coins for Niuqi, one and a half coins for Guiban, one and a half coins for Chuanzhimu, one and a half coins for Chuanpapaya, one and a half coins for Huangbai, one and a half coins for raw licorice, three coins for White Peony, one and a half coins for Zhengtianma, one and a half coins for Baizhu, two coins for Cangzhu, one and a half coins for Guiwei, and one and a half coins for Duhuo. Boil (fry) the above in three bowls of water, leaving eight parts to take. If the ten patches do not work, do not take them anymore. Vegetarian health reduces diseases and excessive fish and meat can harm the body. I advise you not to settle your grievances. If you settle your grievances, you will not be able to resolve them.
12. Prescription for treating cough for many years
Bai Ji is one cent and five cents, finely ground and swallowed with glutinous rice soup before going to bed.
13. Prescription for Women's Yin Itching
Sophora flavescens five coins, Sichuan pepper one coin, yellow cypress three coins, snake bed seed five coins, boil with water, heat and smoke (wash in the morning, noon, evening, and before bedtime) several times to recover. The medicine is cheap, and the effective prescription I have experimented with is publicly available to save the world.
14. Diarrhea and vomiting caused by unclean food
Boil three to four liang of black vinegar (white vinegar cannot be chemically processed) in a pot and add two pieces of chicken protein (egg white). Boiled and edible (cool or hot as desired), vinegar eggs can stop vomiting and diarrhea at the mouth. For severe cases, take three to five doses to stop the disease.
This formula has been taken by patients in Kaohsiung and Daliao areas with good efficacy and has received good reviews. Readers, if the symptoms are caused by hot and unclean food, please try taking it and stop vomiting and diarrhea after eating.
15. Prescriptions for liver and gallbladder diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B, liver and gallbladder pain)
The wind does not stir in two or two halves, Yang brings one or two, water lilacs in two liang, ten thousand gold coins in five coins, and white flower grass in three coins. The above four bowls of water are boiled and fried with black sugar, leaving one bowl of water. Each paste can be fried three times, and taken after three meals. Our side has treated hundreds of people, but those who have been repeatedly treated with traditional Chinese and Western medicine without success will definitely give patients confidence!
