Folk remedies for internal medicine, simple and easy to learn, economical and practical!
Release time:2024-06-23 14:52:58
Word Count:12754
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I solemnly declare that the prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners nationwide, and are clinically effective prescriptions. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a local physician!
Classic folk remedies are divided into six categories: internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, dermatology, facial features, and beauty. The methods are simple and easy to learn, and they are economical and practical, making them worth collecting.
1. The drugs used in this patch are mainly food based and absolutely non-toxic.
2. To make it easy for readers to understand, the dosage units are all in the old system, such as jin, liang, qian, etc. Some use bowls, which refer to general medium bowls.
3. Medications marked with an asterisk can generally be purchased from traditional Chinese medicine stores, which have access to them.
4. The vinegar mentioned in the post refers to general edible vinegar. If white vinegar is used, it will be noted separately.
5. The Baijiu mentioned in the post refers to Baijiu with a temperature of more than 50 degrees.
6. During the treatment of some diseases, it is necessary to avoid eating, which means that if not avoided during the medication period, it will affect the therapeutic effect.
7. A valuable material compiled by combining traditional secret formulas that have been passed down among the people for a long time in ancient times. It gathers many famous formulas, wonderful formulas, and secret techniques from ancient and modern times. It not only brings convenience to the people and is a precious book for every family, but also has great reference value for some professional doctors in both traditional Chinese and Western medicine.
1、 Internal Medicine Department
1. First time catching a cold: Scallion white (with beard), ginger slices for 5 yuan, boil in a bowl of water, add an appropriate amount of red pond heat, take it once (scallion and ginger do not need to be taken), and go to bed immediately. Sweating will heal.
2. Multiple day cold: The same method as the first one is used during the day. In addition, before going to bed at night, mash large garlic into a paste and apply it to the heart of both feet (Yongquan acupoint, with a large amount of soybeans on each heart), wrap it with a cloth, remove it the next morning, and continue to use for 2-3 days to recover.
3. Headache (all types of headaches are acceptable): Raw white radish juice, two drops per time (both nostrils), twice a day, used continuously for 4-5 days, can be eradicated. Avoid eating Sichuan pepper and pepper.
4. Dizziness (dizziness, dizziness): One duck egg and 20 red beans, stir well and steam until cooked. Take it empty in the morning, once a day, for 7 consecutive days with special effects. Avoid eating alcohol and spicy food.
5. Insomnia and excessive dreaming: Soak your feet in half a basin of hot water and one or two vinegar for 20 minutes before going to bed, and eat 1-2 green onions raw.
6. Dry cough (can be caused by a cold or other reasons): 3 yuan (about a spoonful) of raw black sesame seeds, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, crushed and boiled water, washed in the morning, taken empty in the morning, recovered in 3 days, and eat less fish.
7. Phlegm and cough (including acute tracheitis, bronchitis, and pediatric tracheitis): Two liang of white radishes and two liang of duck pears, cut together, add water, cook in a bowl, and consume with an appropriate amount of rock sugar. Use twice a day for three consecutive days. Clearing heat and resolving phlegm. Can be used in conjunction with Article 9.
8. Elderly tracheitis (chronic tracheitis): Take one or two sponge gourd vines and one cent licorice after frosting in winter, and fry soup in a bowl of water. Take it twice a day and use it continuously for half a month to 20 days. It can be cured. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy food, and it is best to use them together with the ninth rule.
9. Long term cough (caused by emphysema and bronchitis, etc.): Mix one or two alum into powder and vinegar to make a paste. Take a large ball of soybeans and apply it to the heart of the feet (Yongquan acupoint, both feet) before going to bed every night, wrap it with cloth, remove it the next morning, and use it continuously for 7 days to have a special effect.
10. Asthma (same as childhood asthma): Half a kilogram of dried earthworms, stir fried with yellow powder, and taken with sugar water. It costs 2 yuan (about half a spoonful of powder) twice a day. After taking, it will heal. Avoid eating spicy food.
11. Stomach pain, acid vomiting, gastric prolapse, and gastric antral inflammation: Garlic heads burn one or two times on the skin, then boil with a bowl of water and an appropriate amount of sugar on an empty stomach. Use twice a day for 7 days to cure the root cause.
12. Stomach and duodenal ulcers: Mix 30 scrambled egg shells into powder, stir fry half a pound of wheat flour, shake well together, and use before breakfast and dinner. Boiled water for 2 yuan (about half a spoonful), twice a day. Generally, one dose of medicine can cure the condition, but two doses are required for serious illnesses.
13. Hypertension and hyperlipidemia: One or two celery seeds, wrapped in gauze, add 10 pounds of water to fry soup, drink 1 cup in the morning, middle, and evening. For those who are not afraid of spiciness, it is recommended to eat 2 pieces of raw garlic in the morning, middle, and evening, which has a special effect on lowering blood pressure and blood lipids.
14. Heart disease and coronary heart disease: Peanut shells cost one or two times, mung beans cost 5 yuan, boil a bowl of soup and take it twice a day, which takes half a month.
15. Gastroenteritis and diarrhea: Stir fry half a liang of wheat flour each time, add an appropriate amount of sugar and hot water, mix well, take before meals, twice a day, 2-3 days with special effects. Avoid eating persimmons, bananas, and greasy foods.
16. Indigestion (similar to children's indigestion): Stir fry 4 taels of chicken nap skin and grind it into powder. Take it with sugar water before meals, twice a day, for 2 yuan (about half a spoon) each time. For children, take half of it and take one dose. Avoid snails.
17. Chest tightness and bloating: White radish seeds cost 5 yuan, boil in a bowl of soup, take three times a day, and use continuously for three days to have the effect of reducing accumulation and promoting Qi circulation.
18. Neural decline: 1 liang of pig brain, add a spoonful of honey, steam and eat, once a day, for 5-10 consecutive days.
19. Anemia: When killing chickens and ducks, pour fresh blood onto a clean white paper, dry it in the sun, knead it into powder, and mix it with wine. Take half a spoonful of powder once a day, twice a day, for half a month. Avoid kelp.
20. Internal heat and dry mouth: 5 yuan each for reed roots and mung beans, boil in a bowl of water, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, remove the reed roots, eat beans and drink soup. Take twice a day for 3 consecutive days. Nourishing fluids and moistening the lungs, reducing fire and relieving fever.
21. Chronic hepatitis: Use two liang of white thatch root each time, boil a bowl of water to take soup, three times a day, usually for half a month, and avoid spicy substances.
22. Gallbladder, kidney, and urethral stones: Take 50g of chicken inner gold and corn silk, fry a bowl of soup, 2-3 times a day, for 10 consecutive days. Avoid eating liver, fat, and egg yolks.
23. Acute and chronic nephritis: A black fish weighing about 4 liang, with scales and intestines removed, and green tea for 2 yuan. Wrap it in the fish belly and tie it with thread. Add a bowl of water and cook until cooked. Take one dose of fish and soup a day for 10-15 days. Avoid alcohol, salt, bananas, and sexual activity.
24. Cholecystitis: Fry 5 yuan each of winter melon seeds and mung beans in a bowl of soup, take it all at once. Three times a day, used continuously for 10 days.
25. diabetes: One pig pancreas, one liang of wax gourd skin, boiled with water, and eaten with less oil, salt and spices (no alcohol or sugar), one dose a day for 20 days.
26. Poor memory: Put one goose egg into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of white sugar and stir well. Steam it in the morning and take it empty for 5 days. It has a brain clearing and intellectual function, and has a special effect on enhancing memory. Avoid eating seaweed, Sichuan pepper, animal blood, wine, and mung beans.
27. Urinary obstruction: Take 1 liang of willow leaves and fry a bowl of soup at once, twice a day, and it will take 2-3 days to clear urine without obstruction.
28. Urinary incontinence (urinary urgency, uncontrollable): Take a pair of chicken intestines, wash and dry them in the sun, stir fry them into powder, and take them with yellow wine for 1 yuan each time, three times a day. After taking them, they will heal. Avoid ginger and spicy food.
29. Urinary frequency (frequent urination): 3 liang of raw chive seeds, ground into powder, 2 yuan per time, taken with plain water, twice a day, usually taking 2-10 days. Avoid strong tea and milk.
30. Constipation (dry and difficult to defecate): Take a bowl of cooked pumpkin, add 5 yuan of lard and an appropriate amount of salt to eat, once a day. Once a day, it will take effect, and it will heal in 3 days.
31. Dysentery and Diarrhea: Use two ends of garlic each time, burn the skin on fire, and then boil a bowl of water and empty soup. Twice a day, use continuously for 3 days to reduce inflammation and detoxify. It is particularly effective in treating chronic diarrhea.
32. Snoring: 5-10 Sichuan peppercorns, soak a glass of water in boiling water before going to bed, take it after the water cools down (if the Sichuan peppercorns are not taken), take it continuously for 5 days, and never snore again in the future.
33. Hiccup: Use a small strip of fingernail to ignite and smell, then stop.
34. Carsickness: When taking a car, cut a piece of ginger into your mouth or apply a patch to your navel (this rule is prohibited for pregnant women). For those with severe motion sickness, both can be used together, which has a special effect.
35. Stroke: Drink one or two pieces of celery juice daily. For mild cases, take it for half a month. For severe cases, take it for one month to recover. Avoid eating lamb and duck blood.
36. Neuropathy (also known as epilepsy, sheep epilepsy, crazy disease, fox immortal): Dried peach blossom * 3 liang, cut into fine powder with a knife, divide into ten parts, one part each time, and take it with diluted alum water when the disease occurs. Twice a day, one course of treatment every 5 days, for three consecutive courses of treatment.
37. Hyperthyroidism: 9-12 grams of Huangyaozi, boiled into one bowl with three bowls of water, once a day; In addition, 50 grams can be used to soak 1 jin of Baijiu, taking 1 liang a day, and the metabolic rate will be significantly reduced after 5-8 weeks.
38. Chronic enteritis: 1 egg white, half a pair of Baijiu, mixed, taken every night before going to bed
matters needing attention:
A folk prescription refers to a formula that has a unique therapeutic effect on certain diseases due to its limited medicinal taste. Folk remedies generally refer to medical practices that are scattered among the people and are not known to outsiders, and are mostly inherited from ancestors.
The efficacy of folk remedies may vary depending on the season, region, and individual physical condition. When using folk remedies, it is necessary to choose appropriate formulas according to the region and one's own physical condition, and timely supplement them.
This is because all partial square tests have a certain degree of appropriateness. Choosing according to symptoms can certainly have therapeutic effects, but if one does not analyze and differentiate, making random choices can easily lead to accidents. Therefore, when selecting folk remedies, it is important to pay attention to the following points:
1、 Only with accurate diagnosis can the disease be treated first.
2、 It is necessary to understand the source of folk remedies, especially the administration, dosage, and course of treatment of some drugs with the same or similar names. Do not take it lightly and make a big mistake.
3、 According to one's age and physical condition, it is necessary to master common knowledge of medication and not adopt a trial attitude, treating one's body and life as experimental subjects.
4、 When choosing a formula, it is important to seek guidance from experienced doctors who will determine which formula to use based on your condition. Do not make decisions on your own.