A traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations can clear the old congestion in the body, and the whole bodys qi and blood will pass!
Release time:2024-06-24 15:36:20
Word Count:7290
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In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, it is mentioned that "overeating leads to damage to the intestines and stomach." If the appetite is too large and the intake of water and grain essence exceeds the functional range of the organs, and the spleen and stomach are damaged, the normal distribution and transportation of water and grain essence cannot be achieved. The water and grain essence, which originally could nourish the human body, generates dampness and accumulates phlegm, causing the body to become bloated and obese.

Simply put, nowadays people often overeat or consume large amounts of indigestible food, consuming too much fat, sweetness, and flavor. Over time, our spleen and stomach are burdened excessively, not only losing their function, but also unable to transport the essence of water and grains, resulting in the production of phlegm, dampness, and water, which turn nutrients into harmful waste and further harm the human body, leading to various diseases such as obesity, edema, phlegm and diarrhea. Therefore, we often hear that "fat people have more phlegm and dampness.".
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach qi are the source of blood biochemistry, jointly responsible for the transformation of qi and blood, and the transportation of water and grain essence. If the spleen and stomach are weak and the function of transportation and transformation is insufficient, over time, the water and essence will not be distributed, the cream and fat will not be transformed, the dampness will accumulate and produce phlegm, and the evil of dampness and turbidity will be reversed and left between the muscles of the limbs, resulting in symptoms of obesity, fatigue, poor mobility, and "although fat, the limbs will not lift". In addition, spleen yang deficiency can also lead to obesity, that is, "if the body is rich in color and white... daily phlegm and saliva, this is the essence of Yin Sheng Yang deficiency.". Therefore, in order to lose weight and become thinner, it is crucial to maintain good spleen and stomach function.
In terms of name, "Zhuo" refers to feces, "Qing" refers to urination, and "Zhuo" refers to defecation.
Removing blood stasis refers to removing blood stasis and phlegm stasis from the body.
The accumulation of turbid qi in the body can lead to constipation, fat particles, subcutaneous fat layer, acne, and so on.
Blood stasis and phlegm stasis can form fatty liver, alcoholic liver, hyperlipidemia, high blood viscosity, tumors, etc. over time.
The reason for the above situation is due to spleen and stomach dysfunction, which hinders liver function. The spleen is responsible for regulating body fluids and water, while the spleen is weak,
Water and body fluids cannot be transported and metabolized normally, accumulating in the body, forming dampness. The more dampness there is, the more deficiency the spleen becomes, and over time, dampness persists
Slowly transform into phlegm dampness and blood stasis. The liver is responsible for storing blood, filtering and purifying garbage and fat in the blood. Excessive moisture can lead to
The inability of normal metabolites to attach to the liver in the body leads to the formation of fatty liver, which hinders liver function and prevents the accumulation of waste in the blood
Purification, filtration, and elimination lead to the formation of blood stasis, which includes high blood lipids, high blood viscosity, tumors, etc.
So the Jiangzhuo Quyu Granules adopt the principle of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, lowering turbidity and removing stasis. Starting from invigorating the spleen, the spleen function is normal, the dampness naturally disappears, various metabolism in the body runs normally, improves constipation, accelerates the metabolism of surface garbage and fat, and the fat particles, acne, and pimples on the body surface will also disappear. Improve phlegm dampness and blood stasis, eliminate symptoms such as fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, and high blood viscosity, and achieve the goal of shaping and shaping through internal regulation and weight loss.
Pharmacological analysis of 3 Jiangzhuo Quyu granules:
Jiangzhuo Quyu Granules, also known as Shiwei Jiangzhuo Tang, are a fixed medication for the health and regulation of Empress Dowager Cixi. A glass of Ten Flavors Turbidity Reducing Soup before meals every day can maintain normal bodily functions, achieve the effect of beauty and shaping the body, and is safe and non-toxic with no side effects.
Hawthorn: Relieve food accumulation and dissolve stagnation; Main diet stagnation, abdominal distension and pain, diarrhea and dysentery, blood stasis and dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain;
Raphani seed: reduces digestion and bloating, lowers qi and transforms phlegm. Used for food stagnation, abdominal distension and pain, constipation of stools, retention of diarrhea, phlegm obstruction, asthma and cough; Entering the spleen, stomach, and lung meridians, it can dissolve food and relieve bloating, with significant effects. It is known as "flushing the wall and overturning the wall" and is commonly used in clinical practice to treat solid (food, dampness, and stagnation) syndrome;
Fructus Aurantii: Accumulation stagnation and internal cessation; Swelling and pain due to fullness and fullness; Stool constipation; Severe diarrhea after diarrhea;
Houpu: promoting qi circulation and eliminating accumulation; Remove dampness and dryness completely; Reduce adverse reactions and asthma, indications: food accumulation and qi stagnation; Abdominal distension and constipation; Dampness obstructs the middle energizer, causing abdominal distension and diarrhea; Phlegm obstructs Qi and reverses; Chest full of wheezing and coughing;
Fructus Aurantii and Magnolia officinalis can help with gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate the pushing force of the intestines, and treat bloating caused by constipation; Chenpi regulates qi, invigorates the spleen, transforms phlegm and dampness, and improves spleen dampness, phlegm coagulation, and obesity constitution.
Huoma Ren: It has the best effect on moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements, as well as addressing the poor peristalsis caused by insufficient intestinal fluid, leading to the decay of intestinal substances, and constipation caused by excessive intestinal gas;
Liu Shen Qu: invigorating the spleen and stomach, regulating digestion and regulating the middle;
Malt: promoting qi and digestion, invigorating the spleen and appetizing; It has pharmacological effects such as refreshing the mind, clearing heat and relieving heat, reducing digestion and phlegm, removing greases and weight loss, clearing the heart and eliminating troubles, detoxifying and sobering up alcohol, generating fluids and quenching thirst, reducing fire and improving eyesight, stopping dysentery and removing dampness.
Excessive moisture can cause insufficient qi and blood, insufficient metabolic capacity, and difficulty in excreting waste from the body. Toxins accumulate, and people become increasingly overweight, and their complexion is also not good.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.