A golden prescription for treating lung disease, nourishing and moistening the lungs!
Release time:2024-06-25 19:25:15
Word Count:7738
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In order to highlight the status of the lung system, ancient people gave the lung a vivid name - Huagai.
"Huagai" originally referred to the car cover or umbrella cover of ancient emperors. The lungs are located in the chest cavity, covering the five organs and six organs, with the highest position, which describes the lungs as like umbrellas, providing wind and rain protection for the five organs and six organs. Therefore, it is called "Huagai".
The lungs are the first line of defense in our body, covering and protecting other organs. However, the lungs are highly susceptible to damage from the external environment. Every breath that sustains life leaves deep or shallow marks on the lungs. In addition, environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, and negative emotions have made the lungs a place to hide dirt and grime. Over time, if dirt is not cleared in a timely manner, lung function is disrupted, ultimately leading to lung disease and even systemic diseases.
Mr. Yu is a recently retired high school teacher. I thought I could live a carefree and leisurely life as soon as I retired, but to my surprise, my health didn't allow it, and my old cough problem worsened. In the past, Mr. Yu only occasionally had a dry cough. He could drink some throat moistening medicine or some cough syrup. But this time, the medicine that moistened his throat didn't work, and he coughed very uncomfortable. There seemed to be phlegm in his throat, which was itchy and uncomfortable, but he couldn't cough out. The cough syrup and throat moistening tablets I used to use are no longer effective. After coughing for a while, everyone became thinner.
I touched his pulse, and the pulse was fine, with a particularly large right inch. Coupled with his symptoms, it can be inferred that it is obviously due to lung yin deficiency and heat in the lungs. Lung Yin deficiency, in layman's terms, refers to insufficient water in the lungs. When there is insufficient water in the lungs, they do not have enough capital to resist various threats from inside and outside the human body.
At this point, if you worry too much, the deficiency of heart yin can lead to excessive heart fire and inflammation of the heart fire, which can burn the lungs; If there are significant emotional fluctuations and anger leads to liver inflammation, it can also burn the lungs; If sexual activity is excessive and damages the kidney yin, the kidney fire will also rise and continue to harm the lungs; If there is any external evil energy that enters from the mouth and nose, it is most likely to turn into fire in the lungs and still cause lung injury.
When these evil fires are combined, the lungs cannot bear it anymore. Because the lungs belong to gold, and fire overcomes gold. The lungs are most afraid of fire evil. After being burned by fire evil, the lungs will become even more dry, and the phlegm in the lungs will also remain. Dry and dry in the lungs, forming stubborn phlegm that cannot cough out or dissolve. The lungs are so severely injured that the body's vitality is also damaged.
Upon hearing this, Mr. Yu began to complain about himself: "If I had known all this, I should have come to you earlier. That way, the lung yin wouldn't have been so severely depleted, and the vitality wouldn't have been depleted to this extent. But all I know is to go to the pharmacy and buy some cough syrup and other drugs to deal with it."
I said, "Yes. When you occasionally coughed dry earlier, you should have noticed that it was due to lung yin deficiency. At that time, you only needed to use a little Lily Gujin Pill and couldn't use it randomly. But now, just taking Lily Gujin Pill is not enough. You need to drink soup medicine."
Mr. Yu missed the opportunity to take Lily Gujin Pills, but more people did not miss it.
In the past, young people were prone to tuberculosis, which was also caused by lung yin deficiency. However, with the improvement of living conditions and climate change, fewer people nowadays suffer from tuberculosis. However, the hidden dangers of tuberculosis still exist. In clinical practice, I have found that many people suffer from "quasi tuberculosis" or "hidden tuberculosis". Although not as terrifying and immediate as the real tuberculosis in the past, modern people's lungs are also suffering from varying degrees of burns. Our vitality is consumed in this hidden tuberculosis, and our health and lifespan unconsciously decrease. Moreover, this hidden tuberculosis is not exclusive to young people, regardless of gender or age, especially among middle-aged and elderly people. Baihe Gujin Pill is a good medicine that nourishes lung yin and prevents damage to vital energy from the source.
The composition of Baihe Gujin Tang is: 9g each of ripe ground, raw ground, and Guishen, 3g each of white peony and licorice, 3g each of platycodon grandiflorus and Xuanshen, and 12g each of Fritillaria, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Lily. This is also a wonderful combination. Among them, lilies and Ophiopogon japonicus are refreshing and moistening the lungs, nourishing lung yin and clearing the fire that is also present in the lungs; Shengdi, Shudi, and Xuanshen are nourishing kidney yin, and Shengdi and Xuanshen are cool in nature, which can clear the floating fire in the kidneys; Angelica sinensis and white peony are nourishing liver yin and can also nourish blood. These three groups of nourishing yin medicines, from the lungs to the kidneys, and from the kidneys to the liver, are in line with the order of lung metal generating kidney water, kidney water generating liver wood.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are the source of water. When the water from the source is about to dry up, how can it be replenished? Firstly, of course, water should be added to the water source, but at the same time, water should also be added along the river to reduce the burden on the water source. The Baihe Gujin Pill uses a large amount of tonifying kidney yin and liver yin drugs, which is the reason. Finally, there is a platycodon that not only enhances lung qi, but also guides the upward movement of drugs, enters the lungs to nourish the lungs, and harmonizes various herbs with licorice.
Thus, a good prescription for nourishing the lungs is formed, from the liver to the kidneys, from the kidneys to the lungs. Nourishing the liver is to reduce the burden on the kidneys, and nourishing the kidneys is to reduce the burden on the lungs. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that the liver, kidneys, and lungs are not burdened, and the body is peaceful and healthy without damaging the vital energy.
There are many uses of Baihe Gujin Pills in clinical practice. Any dry cough with less phlegm, dry nostrils, dry skin all over the body, and dry stools are signs of lung yin deficiency, which can dissipate our vitality. Baihe Gujin Pills can be used for nourishment. Some people tell me after taking medication, "I feel less fatigued." "I feel like I'm sleeping well. I used to sleep well without getting tired, but now I wake up feeling refreshed and refreshed." I know this is a sign of vitality recovery.
Of course, due to the fact that most of the ingredients in Baihe Gujin Pill are nourishing yin, it is easy to produce phlegm without yin deficiency. Therefore, people with excessive phlegm, weight gain, and no symptoms of lung yin deficiency such as dry cough should not take this medicine. Our ancestors prepared another good medicine for people with phlegm and no symptoms of yin deficiency to nourish their lungs, which is Erchen Pill. Let's introduce it later.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.