Chinese medicine is anti-tumor, remember these two formulas!
Release time:2024-06-26 16:59:03
Word Count:6019
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Gastrointestinal tumors include esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, etc., of which liver cancer and gastric cancer are more common. The early symptoms of the patient are not significant, as they are easily overlooked or misdiagnosed in the digestive tract. Common symptoms include decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea. Professor He has summarized two anti-cancer formulas based on years of medical experience.

1. Fuzheng Kanghua Tang (Shuangpu San): composed of multiple medicinal herbs such as dandelion, dandelion, and ginseng. The efficacy is to clear heat and toxins, nourish qi and stomach, resist chemotherapy and prevent cancer, mainly treating precancerous lesions such as intestinal metaplasia, commonly seen in chronic atrophic gastritis. Its pathogenesis is the accumulation of dampness and heat in the stomach, leading to deficiency of qi and yin, accumulation of dampness and heat, and obstruction of gastric meridians. The pathological progression is heat toxicity phlegm coagulation blood stasis cancer. Dandelion and dandelion are monarch medicines. The former clears heat and detoxifies, inhibits and kills Helicobacter pylori, and protects the gastric mucosa. The latter promotes blood circulation, removes blood stasis, relieves pain, and has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Paired with Astragalus membranaceus and other herbs to invigorate the spleen, nourish qi and yin, pangolin and other herbs to promote blood circulation, unblock collaterals and dispel blood stasis, hedgehog skin and other soft and firm herbs to resist heat, and white snake tongue grass and other herbs to clear heat and toxins. Taking into account both nourishing and anti pathogenic factors, we hope to reverse the pathological changes of the gastric mucosa and prevent the occurrence of cancer. It can be made into powder, sieved and taken with warm water, twice a day, 3g each time, or replaced with granules. The best effect is to take it on an empty stomach or before bedtime. Do not drink or eat for half an hour after taking the medicine, as the occurrence and reversal of intestinal metaplasia is a chronic process. The treatment course is generally 3 to 6 months.
2. Fuzheng Anti Cancer Tang: composed of Astragalus membranaceus, Angelica sinensis, Cistanche deserticola, etc. The efficacy is to strengthen the foundation, eliminate evil and fight cancer, suitable for patients with digestive tract malignant tumors such as esophageal cancer, especially those in advanced stage, who cannot undergo surgery, have postoperative recurrence, cannot undergo chemotherapy, or cannot adhere to chemotherapy. Teacher He believes that the incidence of malignant tumors is related to the strength of the human body's positive qi. Treatment should be based on supporting the positive qi and nourishing the stomach qi, in order to achieve peaceful coexistence between humans and cancer cells. This formula balances good and evil, using large doses of Astragalus membranaceus to nourish qi, Angelica sinensis to nourish blood, Huangjing to nourish yin, Cistanche deserticola to nourish yang, Taizi ginseng to nourish spleen qi and stomach yin, glutinous barley and malt to digest and harmonize the stomach, and white flower snake tongue grass to clear heat, detoxify, disperse nodules, and fight cancer. The core of the entire formula is to maintain the healthy qi and stomach qi, and to regulate yin and yang qi and blood.
Sun Simiao extensively reviewed medical books from previous dynasties and, considering the abundance of prescription books, compiled "Qian Jin Fang", which was later supplemented by "Qian Jin Yi Fang". He attached importance to the role of food in health preservation and treatment, advocated to understand the source of the disease first, and then use medicine if food therapy did not heal, and also advocated comprehensive treatment combining medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion. However, his works also have limitations, mixed with superstitious content about ghosts and gods.
Taoism values medicine in order to achieve immortality and longevity, dividing medicine into three grades. High grade medicine is believed to make people immortal, but in reality, it is often unscientific. In history, many people died from poisoning due to taking the elixir of gold, and the trend of seeking immortality gradually declined. In order to achieve longevity, Taoists need to understand medicine. Ge Hong, Tao Hongjing, Sun Simiao, and others are famous medicinal scholars.
The Shennong Materia Medica Classic was influenced by alchemists and immortals, resulting in unscientific classification of medicines and chaotic copying of scriptures. Tao Hongjing is proficient in pharmacology, and his contributions include improving classification methods, supplementing drugs, explaining drug properties, developing drug performance determination, and compatibility use.
Ge Hong is a famous pharmacologist with numerous works. His book "Behind the Elbow" covers a wide range of topics and has many innovative ideas, which were later supplemented by others.
During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Sun Simiao was skilled in medicine and lived in seclusion on Mount Taibai. He wrote "Qian Jin Fang" and "Qian Jin Yi Fang".
Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of tumors should be based on syndrome differentiation and tailored to individual needs. The dosage and changes of drugs should be determined according to the patient's physical condition, disease stage, tumor location, and pathological characteristics. For different tumors, corresponding anti-cancer drugs should be selected, such as acute seeds for esophageal cancer, dandelion for gastric cancer, Sophora flavescens for colon cancer, seaweed for polypoid cancer, and toad skin for ulcerative lesions.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.