Uncles blood sugar dropped from 14.5 to 5.2 at the age of 50. His three blood sugar lowering habits are worth learning from
Release time:2024-06-27 15:03:05
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Diabetes is an irreversible metabolic disease, so once diabetes is diagnosed, you need to take medicine for life. However, the key is to see how you recuperate yourself while taking medicine. If you still eat and drink heavily relying on medicine alone, it is also easy to lead to a continuous rise in blood sugar and other complications.

Uncle's blood sugar dropped from 14.5 to 5.2 at the age of 50. Doctor: His three blood sugar lowering habits are worth learning from
1. Stable emotions
Negative emotions such as irritability, anxiety, depression, etc. can lead to the secretion of stress hormones by the body, which promote catabolism and increase the levels of hormones such as cortisol, adrenal hormones, and norepinephrine that promote catabolism.
These hormones can counteract the hypoglycemic effect of insulin, leading to a brief increase in blood sugar. Therefore, in daily life, it is necessary to learn some common methods of emotional release, such as confiding in others, diverting attention, relaxing music, etc., to help improve negative psychological states.
2. Maintain good sleep habits
He maintains good sleep habits every day. Uncle will fall asleep on time every night and ensure that he sleeps for no less than 7 hours each night. Doctors point out that insufficient sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances in the body, which in turn affect the secretion and utilization of insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar.
Good sleep habits can help the body recover and repair, improve immunity, and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Therefore, it is particularly important for diabetes patients to maintain good sleep habits.
3. Control calorie intake
Diet control is the basis for treating diabetes and plays an important role in stabilizing blood sugar. He said that he would calculate the total calories he should eat every day.
According to the ratio of 1:2:2 in the morning, middle, and evening, it is reasonably allocated to the three meals, and Uncle Wang also checks the calories of various foods online to determine the best amount of calories he should consume every day through calculation, and formulates a set of dietary rules that are suitable for himself.
Don't panic if your blood sugar is high. Eat more of these four foods to say goodbye to high blood sugar
1 Onion
When blood sugar is relatively high, you can eat some onions appropriately. Onions, as a common food, have a spicy taste, but after consumption, they can effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Therefore, in people with high blood sugar, it is advisable to eat some onions appropriately to supplement the nutrients inside, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent significant blood sugar fluctuations from causing physical damage.
2 edamames
Soy beans contain a lot of lecithin, which plays an extremely important role in brain development and can effectively improve brain function.
Moreover, the dietary fiber content in edamame is very high, which can improve gastrointestinal function and prevent constipation. Regular consumption of edamame can control blood pressure and cholesterol, and has a good effect on controlling blood sugar.
3 Corn
Corn is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, with the highest content of linoleic acid, which can effectively reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, prevent cholesterol precipitation, and lead to the occurrence of various cardiovascular diseases. The sugar content is much lower than that of rice, making it suitable for consumption as a staple food.
4 buckwheat
There is already an increase in blood sugar, so it is recommended to consume buckwheat appropriately during the dietary process. Buckwheat, as a cereal with high nutritional value, can not only obtain the dietary fiber and trace elements needed by the human body.
Moreover, it has a strong sense of fullness and can reduce the intake of other calories after intake, which is also beneficial for blood sugar control. Therefore, when hyperglycemia occurs, eating buckwheat can regulate the body and prevent further elevation of blood sugar.
In summary, if blood sugar is found to be high, it should be lowered in a timely manner. Do not think that not being too high is not a problem. If not taken seriously, it may also cause other problems. This sugar enthusiast's experience in lowering blood sugar is worth referring to, and with the word "persistence" added, I believe that blood sugar will gradually drop to a reasonable range.