Tossed and turned, unable to sleep, there is always a calming tea that suits you!
Release time:2024-06-28 13:49:20
Word Count:6729
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Insomnia is the most common type of sleep disorder, which refers to a subjective experience of patients who are dissatisfied with sleep time and/or quality and affect daytime social function. Long term insomnia can affect people's normal life, study, work, and physical health, and even lead to the occurrence of malignant accidents. Severe cases can also exacerbate or induce symptoms such as arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, and heart failure, so it is necessary to pay attention to them.

Traditional Chinese medicine categorizes insomnia into the categories of "inability to lie down" and "insomnia". According to the clinical manifestations of patients, they are divided into syndrome types such as excessive heart fire, deficiency of both heart and spleen, heart kidney mismatch, and phlegm heat disturbance to the heart. Today, we recommend some tea Tonic Diet prescriptions that are easy to operate and have therapeutic effects according to different syndromes.
1. Zaoren Anshen Tea
Ingredients: 3 grams of stir fried sour jujube kernels, 3 grams of sun dried ginseng slices, and 2 grams of honey polygala.
Method: Crush the saut é d sour jujube kernels, cut the honey into small pieces, and pour them into a cup with sun dried ginseng slices. Add boiling water to brew, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, then serve. Generally, it can be brewed multiple times in a row, one dose per day, and consumed frequently as a substitute for tea. It is suitable for use throughout the four seasons.
Function: Tonifying Qi and nourishing blood, calming the mind and calming the mind. Suitable for insomnia patients with qi and blood deficiency and heart loss.
Commonly manifested as: frequent dreaming and easy awakening, mental fatigue and lack of food, palpitations and forgetfulness, dizziness and dizziness, accompanied by limb fatigue, pale complexion, and thin tongue coating.
2. Jianpi Anshen Tea
Ingredients: 3g of raw astragalus tablets, 3g of cypress kernel, and 10g of Poria cocos.
Method: Put the Poria God into a pot, add appropriate water, boil it over low heat for 20 minutes, remove any residue, and take out the decoction. Put Huangqi tablets and Baizi kernels into a thermos, brew with hot decoction for 30 minutes, and then serve as a substitute for tea.
Function: Tonifying Qi and strengthening the spleen, tonifying deficiency and calming the mind. Suitable for insomnia patients with heart and spleen qi deficiency.
Commonly manifested as: insomnia and excessive dreaming, shortness of breath and fatigue, palpitations and forgetfulness, bloating, drowsiness, inability to defecate, easy sweating, dull complexion, light and plump tongue, and thin coating. If the stool is slightly rotten, you can change the cypress kernel to stir fried sour jujube kernel.
3. Light Bamboo Leaf Lotus Seed Heart Tea
Ingredients: 3g of light bamboo leaves and 3g of lotus seed heart.
Method: Cut the bamboo leaves into thin shreds, mix them with lotus seeds, rinse them with clean water, put them into a thermos, soak in 100ml of hot water for 20 minutes, and then drink several times a day.
Function: Clearing the heart and removing heat, calming the mind and calming the mind. Suitable for those with mild heart fire, hyperactivity, and disturbance of the mind.
Commonly manifested as: occasional insomnia and dreaminess, restlessness, dry mouth, slight bitterness in the mouth, slightly yellow urine, red tongue tip, thin yellow or white coating.
4. Huanglian Deng Xin Cao Cha
Ingredients: 3g Huanglian tablets, 3g rush grass, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar.
Method: Cut the rush into small pieces, mix them with the core of Huanglian, rinse with clean water, put them into a thermos, soak in 100ml of hot water for 30 minutes, and then drink.
Function: Clearing the heart and purging fire, dispelling troubles and calming the mind. Suitable for those with strong heart fire and insomnia.
Common manifestations include: insomnia, difficulty waking up, difficulty falling asleep all night, irritability, dry mouth and tongue, short and red urine, or sores on the mouth and tongue, red tongue, and yellow coating.
5. Danpi Yu Rou Niu Xi Ye Jiao Teng Cha
Ingredients: 3g of Danpi, 3g of Cornus officinalis meat, 10g of Achyranthes bidentata, and 10g of Yejiao vine.
Method: Put Huai Niu Xi and Ye Jiao Teng into a medicine pot or pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat first, then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, remove any residue, and take the decoction juice. Put Danpi and Cornus flesh into a thermos, brew with hot decoction for 30 minutes, and then serve as a substitute for tea.
Function: Tonify liver and kidney yin, clear the heart and calm the mind. Suitable for insomnia patients with liver and kidney deficiency and deficiency fire disturbing the heart.
Commonly manifested as: insomnia, frequent dreaming, easy awakening, restlessness, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, hot flashes and night sweats, restlessness in the heart, red tongue, and thin coating.
6. Jiaotai Tea
Ingredients: 3g of raw Huanglian tablets, 0.5g of cinnamon, and 3g of Xuanshen tablets.
Method: Crush the cinnamon or grind it to powder, put it into a cup with Huanglian and Xuanshen slices, add boiling water to brew, cover and let it sit for 10 minutes, then it is ready. Generally, it can be brewed multiple times in a row, one dose per day, and consumed frequently as a substitute for tea. It is suitable for use throughout the four seasons.
Function: Communicating the heart and kidneys. Suitable for insomnia patients with heart kidney disharmony.
Commonly manifested as: restlessness and insomnia, palpitations and palpitations, hot flashes and night sweats, restlessness of the five hearts, dry mouth and lack of saliva, sores on the mouth and tongue, yellow urine, red tongue with little or no coating.
7. Erzhu Dengxin Tea
Ingredients: 10g bamboo shoots, 10g bamboo leaves, 3g rush grass, and 2g tangerine peel.
Method: Put bamboo mushrooms and leaves into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat first, then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, remove any residue, and take out the soup. Cut the rush into small pieces, shred the tangerine peel, and put it into a thermos. Brew it with hot soup for 10 minutes and drink it as a substitute for tea.
Function: Clearing heat and resolving phlegm, and calming the mind in the middle. Suitable for insomnia patients with phlegm heat disturbing the heart.
The main symptoms include: restlessness and insomnia, chest tightness and abdominal distension, bitter taste, red tongue, and yellow and greasy coating.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.