People who love to eat this kind of food rarely get sick! Experienced doctors love to eat it
Release time:2024-06-28 20:05:25
Word Count:6349
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Dietary therapy recipes, health knowledge, and health and wellness methods
Drink Congee
From the perspective of eating habits, all long-lived old people like to drink Congee. Famous economist Ma Yinchu and his wife Zhang Guijun, both of whom are centenarians, especially like to drink Congee.
Every morning, add 50g oatmeal to 250g boiling water and brew it for two minutes to make Congee. Every day is like this, without interruption.
02 Xiaomi is the best supplement
The elderly love Xiaomi the most and consider it the best nourishing food. Elderly people who are weak and sick often use Xiaomi to nourish their bodies.
Xiaomi benefits the five organs, thickens the intestines and stomach, fills the body with fluids, strengthens muscles and bones, and grows muscles. A famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty said, "Millet is the best food for people. When cooking rice porridge, the rice oil is better than ginseng soup." It can be seen that it is reasonable for long-lived people to like millet.
03 Corn as staple food
Corn is a staple food that longevity elderly people cannot do without. The American Medical Association conducted a census and found that Native Americans in the United States did not have any high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis. They used to eat old corn instead.
Medical researchers have found that old corn contains a large amount of lecithin, linoleic acid, grain alcohol, and vitamin E, making it less prone to hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
04 Drinking milk every day
Drinking milk is a common habit among elderly people, especially those who live in cities.
80% of centenarians in the United States are women, and their dietary habit is to generally drink milk. The centenary star Benin drinks two cups of milk a day, sometimes even more, so by the time she reaches her 100th birthday, she still has no signs of osteoporosis.
Eating an egg every day
Eating an egg every day has become a common habit among long-lived elderly people. Dr. Chen Hansheng, a centenarian and renowned economist, adheres to the "Three Ones" diet every day according to the arrangement of nutrition:
He eats an egg in the morning, a glass of milk in the evening, and a big apple in the middle. He eats more vegetarian meals and less meat three times a day, scientifically arranges his diet, and eats healthily.
06 Prefers sweet potatoes
Eating sweet potatoes is a great joy for elderly people who live a long life. According to medical research, sweet potatoes have five major benefits: 1. They are rich in nutrients and nourish the blood; 2. Wide bowel ventilation promotes bowel movements; 3. Yiqi Shengjin, enhances immunity; 4. Contains anti-cancer substances that can prevent and combat cancer; 5. Resist aging and prevent arteriosclerosis.
Medical experts say that sweet potatoes contain a large amount of mucin, which can prevent and treat liver and kidney connective tissue atrophy, and enhance the human immune system. It also has the effect of eliminating reactive oxygen species, avoiding the induction of cancer by reactive oxygen species. Because sweet potatoes contain more calcium and magnesium, they can prevent and treat osteoporosis.
07 Tofu is loved by everyone
The elderly generally love to eat tofu. They said, "Fish makes a fire, meat makes phlegm, and cabbage and tofu keep the peace." The Diet of Living with the Rest says, "You can make it everywhere. The rich and the poor are easy to find out from the majority of religious leaders in vegetarian diet. You can also eat meat dishes. The taste of people who are frozen in the winter months is very beautiful."
The main components of tofu are protein and isoflavones. Tofu has the effects of nourishing qi, tonifying deficiency, reducing blood lead concentration, protecting the liver, and promoting metabolism in the body. Eating tofu regularly is beneficial for health and intellectual development. The elderly often eat tofu, which has a good therapeutic effect on diseases such as vascular sclerosis and osteoporosis.
08 Love Chinese Cabbage
Chinese cabbage, a common dish, loved by the elderly. Mr. Qi Baishi, a master of traditional Chinese painting, has a painting of Chinese cabbage, which describes cabbage as the "king of vegetables" and praises it as "a hundred vegetables are not as good as cabbage". The old man often says, "Eating cabbage for half a year, the doctor enjoys leisure."
Chinese cabbage contains minerals, vitamins, protein, crude fiber, and carotenoids. From the perspective of medicinal effects, Chinese cabbage has seven major effects, including nourishing the stomach, promoting intestinal function, relieving hangover, promoting bowel movements, lowering blood lipids, clearing heat, and preventing cancer.
09 Winter Never Leaving Radish
Longevity elderly people eat carrots in winter. They said, "Eating radish in winter and ginger in summer ensures health throughout the year." Zheng Banqiao, one of the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou," once wrote a couplet: "Green vegetables, radish, brown rice, tile pot of Tianshui chrysanthemum tea." "Radish tea" is Mr. Zheng's way of nourishing life.
Radish is an authentic health food for the elderly. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can dissolve stagnation, eliminate food accumulation, treat phlegm, cough, and loss of voice, treat vomiting blood, quenching thirst, stopping dysentery, dispelling headaches, and promoting urination; Eating raw can quench thirst, clear internal heat, dissolve phlegm, stop asthma, and aid digestion. Steaming cooked food can also help digestion, invigorate the spleen, and have nourishing effects.
10 Carrots
Carrots are also beloved by the elderly. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and are extremely rich in carotenoids. Research has shown that carrots can provide various nutrients needed to resist heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis. Carotenoids can only be absorbed by the human body when dissolved in fats.
Therefore, experienced elderly people often cut carrots into slices or stir fry them in oil, so that the preservation rate of carotenoids can reach over 79%. Slice and stew with meat, with a preservation rate of up to 95% for carotenoids. Carrots also have the function of promoting brain material exchange and enhancing memory. Eating a plate of stir fried carrot shreds before reading and studying is beneficial for consolidating memory.