Complete collection of folk remedies for treating insomnia
Release time:2024-06-29 17:57:10
Word Count:7976
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Da Zao Cong Bai Tang for treating insomnia
[Prescription] 15 dates, 8 scallions, and 5 grams of sugar.
Boil two bowls of water to make one bowl. Take a nap before going to bed.
[Effect] Tonify qi and calm the mind. To treat insomnia caused by neurasthenia.
[Verification] Xiao X, male, 43 years old, has been suffering from long-term insomnia. This formula was discovered in a medical journal and was later used to cure insomnia.
[Note] Before going to bed, scald your feet with hot water, soak for a longer time, cool the water, and then heat it up. Drink jujube and scallion white soup as needed for better therapeutic effects. Changing the usage to a hot drink of boiled egg soup is also effective.
02 locust powder for tonifying deficiency and treating insomnia
[Formula] Locust.
[Method] Remove the feet and wings of locusts, bake and grind into powder. Take 10 grams daily, divided into 2 or 3 times after meals.
[Effect] Used to treat neurasthenia, pulmonary tuberculosis, cough and asthma, etc.
[Verification] According to the Elderly Daily, the effect is ideal.
03 Vinegar for calming down and treating insomnia
[Formula] Vinegar (aged vinegar or fragrant vinegar).
[Instructions] Mix 10 milliliters of vinegar in a cup of warm water and drink. Drink one hour before bedtime daily.
[Effect] Vinegar can induce the body to produce a substance called serotonin, which has good sedative and hypnotic effects.
[Verification] The feedback from readers is very good and worth promoting.
04 Scallion for treating insomnia
[Formula] 150 grams of scallions (white).
[Usage] Cut the chopped scallions into small pieces and place them on a small plate. Before going to bed, place the small plate next to the pillow to sleep peacefully.
[Effect] Used to treat insomnia caused by neurasthenia.
[Verification] According to the Elderly Daily, readers have repeatedly reported satisfactory results.
05 Banxia Yiren Treating Insomnia
[Formula] 60g each of Pinellia ternata and Coix seed.
[Addition and subtraction] Heart and spleen deficiency with Codonopsis pilosula, insufficient heart yin with Ophiopogon japonicus, phlegm heat disturbance with Huanglian, disharmony in the stomach with Shenqu.
[Instructions] Concentrate decoction and take before bedtime.
[Verification] 1. I used the method of "Banxia Shumi Tang Modified Treatment for Insomnia" in the 11th issue of "New Traditional Chinese Medicine" in 1983 to treat 25 insomnia patients in the past six months (including 13 cases of heart and spleen deficiency, 6 cases of heart yin deficiency, 3 cases of phlegm heat disturbing the heart, and 3 cases of gastric disharmony), with a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of more than 1 year; Take one dose of the disease course for a small amount of medication, and five doses for a large amount. 18 cases showed significant improvement, 7 cases improved. Case: Zhang, male, 45 years old, cadre, diagnosed on February 15, 1984. He suffered from insomnia for more than half a year, with a maximum of 2-3 hours of sleep per night. He often stayed up all night, repeatedly taking traditional Chinese medicine was ineffective, and he was unwilling to take sleeping pills. Syndrome differentiation belongs to phlegm heat disturbing the heart. Take 60 coix seed and 60 Pinellia ternata each, and 15 grams of Chuanhuanglian. On the night of taking medication, one can sleep peacefully. Take two more doses and no longer suffer from insomnia. After a 3-month follow-up, no insomnia was found. The patient was happy to thank me, and I believe that I should be grateful to the New Traditional Chinese Medicine. Source: New Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1984, Issue 10.
After reading the article "Banxia Shu Bantang Modified Treatment for Insomnia" in the 11th issue of your journal in 1983, I gained valuable insights. The author has treated 6 patients with insomnia, and the original formula was modified and taken, and it did show significant effects. Case: Xia XX, female, 46 years old, worker, diagnosed on April 2, 1986. Insomnia for over a year, often only able to sleep 2-3 hours per night, and often having multiple dreams; Due to working night shifts, it is even harder for people to sleep during the day. Feeling fatigued, with a dull complexion, a pale and greasy tongue, and a deep and slow pulse. Prepare 60 grams of Pinellia ternata and Coix seed, 30 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, and 3 doses. After taking it, one can sleep soundly for 5-6 hours. Give three more doses and all symptoms disappear.
[Note] Banxia Shumi Tang is the main formula for harmonizing the stomach. Its formula is composed of two medicinal herbs, Pinellia, Sorghum, and Rice. According to Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", Pinellia ternata, except for "the eyes cannot see clearly", Wu Jutong said: "Pinellia ternata is composed of phlegm and water to harmonize the stomach, and sorghum is composed of dry and golden qi. Therefore, it can tonify yang, clear dryness, and make it difficult for it to penetrate its drink. Drinking it can harmonize the stomach, and sleep can stand up." Modern pharmacological research has confirmed that Pinellia ternata has a good sedative and stabilizing effect on the central nervous system. Due to a shortage of sorghum in the pharmacy, following Wu Jutong's instructions, Coix seed was used instead.
06 Mulberry Sugar Water for Treating Mental Aging and Insomnia
[Formula] 100 grams of fresh mulberry candies and 10 grams of rock sugar.
[Method] Add water and boil together. Mix drinks with sugar.
[Effect] Tonify the liver and kidney. Used to treat neurasthenia, insomnia, habitual constipation, etc.
[Verification] After trial treatment in 10 cases, all showed effectiveness.
[Note] According to the "Sui Xi Ju Diet Recipe", this formula also has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, replenishing blood, dispelling wind and dampness, promoting good walking, extinguishing deficiency wind, and clearing deficiency fire.
07 Walnut and Sesame Pills Warm and Tonify Liver and Kidney Deficiency
[Prescription] Walnut kernels, black sesame seeds, goji berries, Schisandra chinensis, Hangzhou chrysanthemum, and an appropriate amount of honey.
[Instructions] Crush together, grind into fine powder, refine honey into pills, each pill weighs 15 grams, 1 pill per time, 3 times a day, take on an empty stomach.
[Effect] Nourishing yin and clearing heat. Treat dizziness, dizziness, and insomnia.
[Verification] Readers have repeatedly reported ideal results.
08 Jujube kernel Congee in the treatment of palpitation and insomnia
[Formula] 5g of sour jujube kernels and 100g of japonica rice.
[Usage] Stir fry sour jujube kernels with yellow powder, set aside. Wash the japonica rice, add water and cook it as Congee. When it is ready, add sour jujube kernel powder and cook it again. Eat on an empty stomach.
[Effect] Ningxin Anshen. Used to treat palpitations, insomnia, and excessive dreaming.
[Verification] and X, male, 68 years old, suffer from long-term insomnia. Later, they were treated with the upper part.
09 Sugar coated longan nourishes the heart and calms the mind
[Formula] 500g fresh longan and 50g white sugar.
[Instructions] Peel and pit the fresh longan, put it into a bowl, add white sugar, steam it in a cage, and let it air dry three times, causing the color to turn black. Mix a little white sugar with the blackened longan and put it in a bottle to serve. Take 4 pieces of longan meat each time, twice a day.
[Effect] Nourishing the mind and calming the mind. Suitable for insomnia, palpitations, forgetfulness, etc. caused by postoperative weakness and insufficient heart blood.
[Verification] According to the Health Report, the effect of this formula is ideal.