Collection of folk prescriptions for diabetes
Release time:2024-06-29 19:20:48
Word Count:8073
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
Zishen Rongjing Pill in the Treatment of Kidney Deficiency diabetes
[Prescription] 20g Huangjing, 15g each of Cistanche deserticola, Polygonum multiflorum, Fructus sakuri, and Huai yam, and 10g each of Chishao, Shanzhi, Schisandra chinensis, and Buddha's hand slices.
[Preparation] Make small pills according to the quality control standard of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations. Take 6 grams each time, three times a day.
[Efficacy] It is effective in the treatment of kidney deficiency type diabetes.
[Verification] In the treatment of 170 cases of kidney deficiency diabetes, 49 cases were cured recently, 22 cases were significantly effective, 77 cases were effective, 22 cases were ineffective, and the total effective rate was 87.1%.
[Note] Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Standardization: (l) Main symptoms: excessive drinking, eating, urination, weight loss or obesity. (2) Kidney deficiency symptoms: turmeric or dark complexion, dizziness and blurred vision, palpitations and shortness of breath, shortness of breath when moving, sweating and fatigue, insomnia and dreaminess, tinnitus and deafness, hot hands and feet, numbness and limb pain, soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, forgetfulness, low sexual function, impotence and nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation, frequent nocturia, red and little coating on the tongue, pale coating on the tongue, or dark red tongue texture, thin or weak pulse.
02 Radish juice for light and medium diabetes
[Formula] Red skinned white meat radish.
[Usage] Select red skin and white meat radish, mash and extract 100-500 milliliters of juice as a dose, take once in the morning and once in the evening, for 7 days as a treatment course, and can be taken continuously for 3-4 treatment courses.
[Effect] Clearing heat and reducing fire, generating fluids and fluids, strengthening the stomach and digestion, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, promoting qi circulation and detoxification.
[Verification] Feng XX, female, 45 years old, farmer, diagnosed on April 16, 1983. He has suffered from diabetes for 1 year and has been treated with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Symptoms include thirst and soreness in the waist, fatigue and weakness, frequent sweating and urination, palpitations and hunger, red cracks on the tongue, sharp red edges, and thin pulse count. Fasting blood glucose 185 milligrams, urine glucose (+++). Please stop taking this medication and drink radish juice once a day, morning and evening, each time about 100 milliliters, for 21 consecutive days. Examination: Fasting blood glucose is 85 milligrams, urine glucose is negative, and other symptoms are no longer obvious; Consciously feeling a slight emptiness and noise in the stomach. Take 30 grams of jade bamboo decoction to nourish qi and yin. After taking it for half a month, your spirit will improve and you can participate in full-time labor. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to continue taking radish juice for one month and observe for two years without recurrence.
[Note] The "Hygiene Easy Formula" for quenching thirst states that "using radish to mash juice has a great effect.". This formula is suitable for lung dryness and stomach heat type. The evidence shows that it is good for hunger, thirsty and thirsty, dry mouth and tongue, dry stool, frequent urination, red tongue tip, thin fur or yellow dryness, slippery pulse, etc. It belongs to the upper and middle elimination syndrome, namely light and medium diabetes.
03 Black fungus and lentils for diabetes
[Formula] Black fungus, lentils, etc.
[Method] Dry in the sun and grind into noodles together. Take 9 grams each time with white water.
[Effect] Tonifying Qi, clearing heat, and dispelling dampness. Use to treat diabetes.
[Verification] Huang, X, male, 55 years old, suffered from diabetes for two years. The symptoms were thirst, waist ache, fatigue, frequent sweating and urination, palpitations and hunger. After multiple drugs, they did not improve significantly. After taking it every day for two months, the urine sugar turned negative, and the blood pressure was normal.
[Note] diabetes is a chronic disease mainly caused by insulin deficiency, which is characterized by glucose metabolism disorder and high blood sugar. Early asymptomatic, late typical cases include symptoms such as polyuria, polydipsia, overeating, emaciation, and fatigue. This disease belongs to the scope of "quenching thirst" in traditional Chinese medicine.
04 Cold Water Tea for diabetes
[Formula] 10 grams of tea (unprocessed coarse tea is the best, followed by large leaf green tea).
[Instructions] Cool the tea leaves with boiling water and soak them in 200 milliliters of cold boiled water for 5 hours.
[Efficacy] Use to treat diabetes.
[Verification] According to the journal Family Doctor, this method has excellent therapeutic effects.
[Note] Do not brew with warm water, otherwise it will lose its therapeutic effect. According to Japanese news media, a Japanese professor's research results show that tea contains polysaccharide substances that can promote insulin synthesis and remove excessive sugar in the blood, so drinking cold water tea regularly can treat diabetes.
05 Boiling corn kernels to treat diabetes
[Formula] 1000 grams of corn kernels.
[Method] Add water and boil until the grains are cooked and rotten. Take it in 4 doses, taking 1000 grams in a row.
[Effect] Clear heat, diuretic, and lower blood sugar. With the treatment of diabetes, the urine taste is sweet, the body is swollen, and the urine volume is increased. [Verification] According to the Jinfang Experimental Record, the patient Yuan suffered from diabetes for more than two years. His urine was sweet, bloated, and his urine volume increased. The prescription was ineffective after treatment with traditional Chinese and western medicine. In addition, Mr. Wang, 63 years old, has suffered from diabetes for several years. His fingers swelled in the summer of 1967, and he was asked to decoct 60g corn kernels every day. After taking 1000g of corn kernels, his fingers became soft and his blood sugar decreased.
[Note] People with stomach cold should eat less.
06 Eating pumpkin regularly to cure diabetes
[Recipe] Pumpkin (papaya, lougua, wogua, beigua).
[Usage] Cooked food, or consumed as a staple food.
[Efficacy] Use to treat diabetes.
[Verification] According to Japanese news reports, the health examination of a village and town in Hokkaido, Japan, found that there was no case of diabetes and hypertension among the residents of the village and town in history. This amazing report has attracted the attention of scientists. After research, it was found that the residents of the village have been eating pumpkin as their staple food for generations. This mystery caused a great sensation in Japan, and people competed to eat pumpkins. It is foreseeable that the Japanese medical and business communities will use scientific processing to produce pumpkin powder that is rich in vitamins and low in calories, and put it on the market. A former Japanese prime minister suffered from diabetes and recovered after eating pumpkin powder. The report also introduced that pumpkins are also popular among Japanese women for their weight loss and beauty benefits. It is rumored that pumpkin fever has now spread to Europe and subsequently swept across Southeast Asia.
According to the Chinese medical book "Lingnan Herbal Medicine Chronicle", pumpkin has a sweet and warm taste. Warm to stop coughing, clear heat and detoxify, and expel insects. Literal records on the treatment of diabetes (diabetes) can be seen from the clinical and efficacy. In recent years, pure pumpkin powder has been produced and distributed in China.