Complete collection of folk remedies for treating toothache
Release time:2024-06-30 15:55:40
Word Count:12063
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Guchi Powder for the Treatment of Periodontitis
[Formula] 18g talcum powder, 3g licorice, 0.9g cinnabar powder, 1.5g realgar powder and 1.5g borneol powder, grind well, bottle for later use.
[Usage] (l) Use a toothbrush dipped in medicine to brush the affected area; (2) After brushing teeth, use a toothbrush dipped in medicine to brush the affected area; (3) Take 30g of medicinal powder and 60g of raw honey, mix well and apply to the affected area. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
[Effect] Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and pain, transforming and revitalizing muscles, astringent and hemostatic.
[Verification] I used Guchi San, published in the second issue of New Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1982, to treat dental diseases for many years, and introduced this method to another patient, all of which achieved satisfactory therapeutic effects. I have been suffering from dental problems since March 1971, with symptoms such as hot mouth, toothache, loose teeth, and bleeding from my teeth and eyes. At first, I thought it was a minor illness and didn't mind. After treatment with multiple drugs, the effect was not significant, and medication such as painkillers, antibiotics, and vitamins were also ineffective. In 1974, I went to the hospital to have my left lower first molar extracted, but the disease still persists. Afterwards, he sought medical attention from multiple sources and took many Chinese and Western medicines, but his symptoms did not improve. Starting from 1982, he became even more severe, such as brushing his teeth, rinsing his mouth, and licking his eyes. He also experienced bleeding, mild suppuration of the teeth and eyes, exposed roots, and loose teeth in his mouth. His diet was extremely inconvenient, and he drank water and food, causing unbearable pain. However, with only minor effects from multiple medications. In the early summer of 1982, his condition worsened and he became anxious. He then turned his mind to books and searched for a prescription, flipping through more than ten medical books and six traditional Chinese medicine magazines. Later, he found the article "Gushi San" from the New Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was very inspiring. He began using this prescription for treatment on October 16, and his symptoms greatly decreased by the 18th. He stopped bleeding on the 20th and stopped taking the medication for one day on the 26th. After using it for 31 days, all symptoms of the dental disease were eliminated. So far, there has been no recurrence for more than one year.
Another patient, Ran X, female, 36 years old, is a neighbor. Whenever I use powder to brush my teeth, ask for the reason. When he learned about the treatment of toothache, he immediately recounted the pain he had suffered for over a decade and sought medicine to give it a try. He sympathized with the same illness and was filled with regret. From October 25th to November 4th, the joyful announcement is: the dental disease has healed, and I pray for further medication to consolidate it. After recovering from illness, he repeatedly thanked me.
02 Yin Huo San Feng Tang for the treatment of toothache
[Formula] 10-12 grams of broken paper and 9-12 grams of white thistle.
[Add or subtract] 6 grams each of Fangfeng and Jingjie, which cause severe pain; Blood stains with 9 grams of peach kernel, 12 grams of safflower and 12 grams of Sichuan beef knee each; Constipation enlargement yellow 9-12 grams; Urine yellow red gardenia 6-9 grams, bamboo leaves 6 grams; Loose teeth and Jade Girl decoction; Gingival swelling and pain, foul breath, combined with stomach cleansing powder; Pediatric dental caries with 15-30 grams of gypsum, 2-5 grams of Asarum, and 10-20 grams of Rehmannia; Add 30-60 grams of honeysuckle, 12-30 grams of Forsythia suspensa, and 15 grams of Xuanshen with fever; Dry throat at night with 30-60 grams of cooked ground, 12-20 grams of Morinda officinalis, 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 9 grams of Poria cocos, and 5 grams of Schisandra chinensis; Toothache is mild day and severe night, with 15-30 grams of Angelica sinensis and 15 grams of Zhimu; When facing cold pain, add 10g of ephedra, 6g of aconite, and 3g of asarum.
[Instructions] Boil in water and take one dose per day.
[Effect] Anti inflammation and pain relief.
[Verification] Chen XX, female, Yin Sui, diagnosed on June 16, 1984. Right gum swelling and pain, endless pain, right cheek swelling, refusal to press, difficulty opening mouth; Accompanied by aversion to cold and fever, constipation, red tongue, thin yellow coating, and numerous pulse strings. Add flavor to Shanghe Qingwei San. Prescription: 10g of Tribulus terrestris, 6g of Cimicifuga and Coptis chinensis each, 15g of Angelica sinensis, 12g of broken paper, 12g of raw earth and dandelion bark each, 60g of honeysuckle, 30g of Forsythia suspensa and gypsum each, 9g of rhubarb. After 3 doses of medication, pain is reduced and fever subsides, and soft foods can be consumed. The original formula was combined with Zombie Silkworm Trick, and the recovery was achieved by taking three more doses. After taking Zhibai Dihuang Pill, there was no recurrence after a 2-year follow-up.
03 Shi Di Dan Huang Tang for treating toothache
[Formula] 30 grams of raw gypsum, 12 grams of fresh ground, 10 grams of Danpi, and 9 grams of Chuanhuanglian.
[Dosage] Take one dose per day until fully recovered.
[Effect] Anti inflammation and pain relief.
[Verification] The effective formula for treating toothache introduced in the first issue of New Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983 was used repeatedly by the author to treat 15 cases, all of which were cured.
04 toothache powder for treating toothache
[Prescription] 30% each for white, Xuanming powder, and borax, 10% each for Dili powder (in proportion to the above medicine), 10% each for Blood Dragon, and 10% each for Vermilion sand (mixed with finely ground ingredients), and 1% each for Xinmei tablets (based on the total amount of the above medicine).
[Preparation and usage] The upper medicine is finely ground and stored in bottles for future use, do not deflate. Wrap the medicine powder with cotton wool, such as fava beans, and place it on the lesion (i.e. inside the cavity), then bite the upper and lower teeth tightly.
[Effect] Detoxify, promote blood circulation, kill insects and relieve pain. Caries pain (gum swelling and pain).
[Verification] Repeated use of special effects has a significant analgesic effect.
[Note] Quoted from "Various Orifices Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Various Diseases". Add 1 piece of Da Dong (de nucleated) to 1 gram of Xin Bai Shi, simmer and calcine for storage, take it out and let it cool, grind it into fine powder. Take an appropriate amount of dental caries. After 10 minutes of general medication, the pain and illness disappear immediately.
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05 Jieqi San for treating toothache
[Prescription] 500 milliliters of Achyranthes (excluding reeds), 1250 milliliters of Mujin, 20 pieces of Huangjia (finely cut), 640 grams of Yuli Ren, and 100 pieces of Musk Empty Skin.
[Instructions] Crush the above 5 ingredients into a jar, cover the mouth with a tile, leave a small hole, use salt paste to solidify, heat until red, let it turn white, then stop the fire, bury it in new soil for one volt, take it out, then add the medicine, add 500ml each of Cimicifuga and Asarum (excluding seedlings), mix the medicine into fine powder, and store in a bottle for later use. Apply a small amount to the affected area.
[Effect] Fix teeth and relieve pain. Toothache shaking, wind and fire pain.
[Verification] Repeatedly using divine powers.
[Note] Cited from "Heji Jufang". Rinse your mouth with warm water for a short period of time using this medicine, and apply a little more when lying down. It's also okay to swallow saliva.
06 Frost Plum Milk Powder for Treating Toothache
[Formula] 5 grams each of Baixin, Chuanhuangbai, and Licorice, 50 grams of jujube, 10 grams of indigo, 20 grams of borax, 2.5 grams each of frankincense and myrrh, and 7.5 grams of borneol.
[Method] First, remove the pit and slice the red dates. Grind the white sugar into powder and mix well on a tile. Heat it with charcoal until the smoke of the white sugar is completely reduced. Take it out and let it cool down. Grind the other medicines into small pieces, except for borneol. Mix well before storing. Wash the affected area first, then add the collected medicine to borneol and sprinkle a small amount on the affected area, 5 or 6 times a day.
[Effect] Clear heat and detoxify, relieve scars and pain, and eliminate decay and promote muscle growth. Tooth chancre.
[Verification] Good effect after repeated use
[Note] Cited from Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1959 (5).
07 Xiaojiangdan for treating various types of toothache
[Formula] 6 grams each of Fangfeng, Asarum, Piper longum, Schizonepeta, and sulfur, and 33 grams of borneol.
[Instructions] Grind the medicine into fine powder, take one glass cup and one piece of sandpaper, wrap the sandpaper on the mouth of the cup, tie it, place the medicine powder on the sandpaper, pile it into a cylindrical shape, then ignite it on the top, slowly burn the medicine powder, and wait until it reaches the bottom of the medicine pile (be careful not to burn it to the sandpaper). Remove the medicine ash and sandpaper, scrape off the pills on the inner wall of the glass cup, and store them in a bottle for later use. Take a small amount of Jiangdan and put it in cotton, then apply the cotton to the toothache area and bite it tightly.
[Effect] dispelling wind, anti-inflammatory, and relieving pain. Various toothaches.
[Verification] It has been clinically applied for many years and has shown good analgesic effects in the treatment of various types of toothache. Generally, taking medication once can relieve pain in 8 minutes and has a good effect.
[Note] Quoted from "Various Orifices Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Various Diseases".
08 Simmering garlic with one head to treat wind, insect, and toothache
[Formula] 2-3 heads of single headed garlic.
[Instructions] Peel the garlic and simmer it on the stove until cooked. Cut open and iron the painful area while it is hot, then change it again when the garlic is cold, multiple times in a row.
[Effect] Anti inflammatory, antibacterial, and detoxifying. Use to treat wind, insect, and toothache.
[Verification] Zhao XX, female, 27 years old, recovered after using this formula several times.
09 Ginger alum powder for relieving toothache
[Prescription] Old ginger, dried alum, and other ingredients.
[Method] Roast aged ginger in tiles, grind it into powder, finely grind dried alum, and mix well with ginger powder. Smear sick teeth.
[Effect] Relieve tooth pain.
[Verification] According to "Puji Fang": "Some people moan day and night (referring to toothache - Editor's note), and use it to heal."
10 Chives, Roots, Sichuan Peppers, Relieving Caries and Pain
[Ingredients] 10 leek roots, 20 Sichuan peppercorns, and a little sesame oil.
[Instructions] Wash thoroughly, mash together like mud, and apply to the cheek on the side of the diseased tooth.
[Effect] Pain relief.
According to "Qian Jin Fang", applying this formula "several times will heal."
11 Peppers and mung beans for treating toothache
[Ingredients] 10 peppercorns and 10 mung beans each.
[Instructions] Wrap the pepper and mung beans with cloth, smash them, and wrap them in gauze to make a small ball. Bite the painful teeth and spit out saliva.
[Effect] Clearing heat and relieving pain. To treat toothache caused by inflammation and dental caries.
[Verification] According to the "Han Shi Yi Tong", this method can "establish healing".