Two remedies for treating white hair, one nourishing yin and the other nourishing yang!
Release time:2024-06-30 17:44:45
Word Count:9891
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Although there are many reasons that can lead to white hair, it ultimately boils down to a close relationship with the rise and fall of kidney qi. This is because the kidney stores essence, which generates blood and results in excess of blood.

The deficiency and decline of the kidneys can be divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency, both of which can cause white hair.
Kidney yin deficiency, decreased secretion of body fluids, manifested as yin deficiency and internal heat, as well as yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, leading to lower back and knee pain, dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, and loose teeth and hair loss. This symptom is observed on the tongue, which is red with little fluid and no coating. Feeling the pulse, the pulse is thin and frequently beating.
Especially when the water of kidney yin deficiency does not contain wood, it leads to deficiency of liver yin fluid and internal heat disturbance, resulting in white hair loss.
Kidney yang deficiency, insufficient yang qi, difficulty in vaporizing body fluids, promoting qi and blood circulation, leading to dizziness, mental fatigue, fear of cold, heaviness of the body, weakness of muscles and bones, and even easy shedding and early whitening of beard and hair. This symptom is characterized by a pale, plump tongue with white coating. Feeling the pulse, the pulse is heavy and weak, but beating slowly.
It can be seen that white hair is only one of the symptoms of kidney yin and kidney yang deficiency. If there is a formula that can turn white hair black, the related symptoms can also be alleviated or eliminated.
In traditional Chinese medicine formulas, there are two formulas that respectively tonify kidney yin or kidney yang, both of which are focused on medication and only have two flavors. Can be used for blackhead hair and eliminate various diseases.
Qing'e Pill for Tonifying Kidney Yang
The Qing'e Pill was first recorded in the official medical book "Huimin He Ju Fang" in the Song Dynasty.
Qing'e, in ancient times, referred to the beauty of a young girl, as well as her hair in front of her ears and temples. Fang's name is chosen in this way, with "black hair on the temples, making one not old".
This formula not only has good effects on impotence, lower back pain, and athlete's foot (swelling or weakness of the lower limbs caused by dampness), but also can strengthen muscles and bones, activate blood vessels, darken hair, and enhance color when taken regularly. This medicine can have a long-lasting and beneficial effect on the elderly, pleasing the heart and eyes. Especially, taking this medicine can make the hair on the temples turn black, make people look younger, and have anti-aging effects.
Qingmoth Pill is used for medicine, one of which is walnut meat, also known as walnut kernel.
Walnut kernels have a sweet and warm taste. They first enter the kidney meridian, second enter the lung meridian, and third enter the large intestine meridian. Firstly, the function of tonifying the kidney and consolidating essence is very powerful. Secondly, it can warm the lungs and relieve coughing and asthma. Thirdly, it is good for the digestive system and can moisten the intestines and relieve constipation. Not only that, it also has strong functions in promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis, and generating new energy.
Fructus Psoralea is used as medicine, with a bitter, bitter, and warm taste. Bitter and warm can dry and wet, while spicy and warm can warm and promote dispersion. Therefore, Buguzhi can warm yang qi to unblock meridians, warm stomach yang to eliminate food stagnation, dispel dampness and turbidity to promote qi circulation, improve spleen qi to relieve pain, dispel cold and dampness to eliminate stubborn obstruction, and nourish spleen qi to stop dysentery.
The combination of the two, breaking old paper belongs to fire, astringent deity, can connect the fire of the pericardium with the fire of the life gate, strengthen the Yuanyang, enrich the bone marrow, and solidify the essence.
Walnuts are a type of wood that nourishes dryness and nourishes blood. Blood belongs to yin and detests dryness, so oil is used to nourish it. To break old paper, there is a wonderful interplay between wood and fire. As the saying goes: A broken old paper without walnuts is like a jellyfish without shrimp.
The amount of walnuts used in the formula is twice that of psoralen, which is because walnuts are sweet and warm, have strong nourishing effects, and can prolong life and nourish qi. No wonder the two are compatible and have the ability to treat impotence, lower back pain, athlete's foot, and black hair.
Composition of Qing'e Pill: 300g of psoralen and 600g of walnut meat (soaked in soup, peeled, finely ground like mud).
Method: Apply the medicine and mix well with honey, then place it in the porcelain. There are two methods to follow:
First, it can be made into pills with the size of wutong seeds. Take 30 pills each time, and send them down with warm wine or salt soup on an empty stomach.
Secondly, it is recommended to mix 100 milliliters of warm wine with medicine 15 times a day to overcome the problem, and then eat rice to help with absorption. If unable to drink, it is also possible to mix with warm water.
Bu Shen Yin and Bu Gan Yin Xu Er Zhi Wan
Nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing yin and blood. It is recorded in the "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment" written by Wang Kentang, a renowned physician in the Ming Dynasty.
The reason why it is named Erzhi refers to two medicinal herbs: Ligustrum lucidum seed and lotus root. "Zhi" refers to the two flavors being harvested on the winter solstice and summer solstice, respectively.
Ligustrum lucidum is the fruit of Ligustrum lucidum, a plant in the Oleaceae family. It is in the shape of a kidney or near kidney and has a purple black color when ripe. Both in shape and color, it benefits the kidneys.
Its taste is sweet and slightly bitter, entering the liver and kidney meridians, and its medicinal properties are relatively mild. The Shennong Materia Medica Classic evaluates: "It mainly nourishes the middle, soothes the five internal organs, nourishes the spirit, eliminates all kinds of diseases, takes it for a long time to be healthy and healthy, and lightens the body without aging.".
The meaning is that Ligustrum lucidum can nourish the middle and nourish qi, stabilize the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and stomach. Taking it for a long time, it is mentally sufficient and can eliminate various diseases. Therefore, the Compendium of Materia Medica states: "Ligustrum lucidum is actually a top-grade non-toxic and miraculous medicine." It can be used for the treatment of unclear vision, decreased vision, premature whitening of hair, lower back pain, tinnitus, and yin deficiency fever caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency. It is a famous tonic for deficiency and tonifying yin.
Due to the fact that Ligustrum lucidum fully matures around the winter solstice, it is most suitable for harvesting on that day.
The dry lotus plant is one or two feet tall, with leaves that are green and glossy like willows. When the stem is broken, juice flows out, and it turns black in just one second. Picked on the summer solstice, the stems and leaves are robust, and the juice is black and juicy. It is precisely the color black that enters the kidneys.
Its nature is sweet, sour, and cold, and it enters the kidney and liver meridians like Ligustrum lucidum. It can reduce the fire in the kidneys and is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing the liver, tonifying the kidneys, cooling blood, and stopping bleeding. It has a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as dizziness, loose teeth, early whitening of beard and hair, and lower back pain caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency.
Ligustrum lucidum seed is paired with lotus root, with Ligustrum lucidum seed as the main medicine, tonifying the kidneys, nourishing yin, nourishing the liver, and improving eyesight. The dry lotus grass benefits the kidneys and nourishes yin, cools blood and stops bleeding, helps the daughter of chaste to nourish yin and nourish the kidneys, and increases the function of cooling blood and stopping bleeding. The obtained Erzhi Pill has a calm and slightly cold nature, can tonify yin without stagnation, moisturize without greasiness, and is a good match for tonifying the liver and kidney.
Wang Kentang summarized its effectiveness as follows: "Er Zhi Wan, the first prescription for clearing the upper and tonifying the lower parts, is inexpensive and highly effective. Regular consumption often has miraculous effects. Taking it for the first time can make you feel tired without waking up at night (having more urination at night), double your physical strength in less than ten days, and turn white hair and hair into black. It can strengthen the waist and knees, strengthen muscles and bones, and nourish kidney yin deficiency. Drinking alcohol, color, phlegm, and fire in person clothing is especially effective."
Due to the liver governing the tendons and kidneys governing the bones, and the fact that both flavors have the effect of turning white hair into black hair, Wang Kentang's description of Erzhi Pill is quite accurate.
Erzhi Pill is a traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations. If you want to make it yourself, you can follow the following methods: 30g of Ligustrum lucidum, 30g of lotus root, and stir fry soup to drink.
Kind reminder: Everyone's physical condition is different, and the formulas provided in the article should be differentiated according to the situation. It is recommended to seek guidance from a professional doctor.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.