Complete collection of folk remedies for treating cough
Release time:2024-07-01 16:08:31
Word Count:10232
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Carrot and Scallion White Treatment for Cold and Cough
[Recipe] 1 carrot, 6 scallions, and 15 grams of ginger.
[Instructions] Boil the radish in three bowls of water, then add scallions and ginger. Cook until one bowl of soup is left, and take the leftover soup once.
[Effect] Soothing the lungs and relieving external symptoms, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. It can cure cough due to wind cold, phlegm and foam, accompanied by chills, fatigue and soreness.
[Verification] Jia X, persistent cough, ineffective with multiple prescriptions. After taking the upper part, it works well for 5 consecutive days.
02 White Radish Honey for Treating Cold and Cough
[Formula] 1 large white radish, 30g honey, 5 white peppercorns, and 2g ephedra.
[Instructions] Wash the radish, slice them into slices, put them into a bowl, pour in honey, white pepper, ephedra, and steam for half an hour. Take advantage of the heat to dress up and rest in bed, as soon as you sweat, it will heal.
[Effect] Sweat and dispel cold, relieve cough and phlegm. Treat wind cold cough.
[Verification] The effect is good after repeated use.
03 Drinking horse whey to stop coughing due to heat
[Prescription] 300 milliliters of fresh horse milk and an appropriate amount of white sugar.
Boil horse milk and add white sugar when drinking.
According to Tang Bencao, horse milk has the effects of quenching thirst and treating heat, nourishing blood and generating fluids, moisturizing dryness and stopping cough. It has a good auxiliary therapeutic effect on cough and hot flashes of pulmonary tuberculosis.
[Verification] Our method is widely used in grassland areas.
04 Corn whiskers and orange peel for cough treatment
[Formula] Take appropriate amounts of corn whiskers and orange peel each.
[Instructions] Add water to fry, take twice a day.
[Effect] Stop cough and reduce phlegm. Treat wind cold, cough, and excessive phlegm.
[Verification] The effect is good after repeated use.
05 Sugar water mixed with eggs to supplement deficiency and relieve cough
[Formula] 50g white sugar, 1 egg, and an appropriate amount of fresh ginger.
[Instructions] First, beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well. Boil half a bowl of sugar and water, stir the eggs while they are hot, then pour in the ginger juice that has been ground and mix well. Take once in the morning and once in the evening each day.
[Effect] Tonify deficiency and damage. Long term cough does not heal.
[Verification] Our method is widely used in rural areas.
06 Sesame rock sugar water for treating night cough
[Formula] 15 grams of raw sesame seeds and 10 grams of rock sugar.
[Usage] Put sesame seeds and rock sugar together in a bowl, and rinse with hot water.
[Effect] Moisturizing the lungs and generating fluids. Treat persistent coughing and no phlegm at night.
[Verification] Our method is widely used in rural areas.
07 Honeyed jujube and yam for treating lung deficiency and persistent cough
[Formula] 1000 grams of yam, 10 honey dates, 100 grams of diced sesame oil, 350 grams of white sugar, a little osmanthus juice, wet starch, and cooked lard.
[Instructions] ① Wash the yam, put it into a pot, add clear water to submerge the yam, boil it over high heat, remove the skin when the yam is rotten, cut it into rectangular shapes of 6 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide with a knife, and flatten it. Cut the honey dates in half and remove the pits for later use Coat a half large soup bowl with cooked lard, top the bottom of the bowl with honey dates and a layer of yam, sandwiched with a layer of sugar and diced sesame oil, and place layer by layer at the mouth of the bowl. Sprinkle with sugar, cover with a plate, steam for about 1 hour, then remove and turn over to a plate Heat up the wok, filter the broth into a plate, add 100g of water, 150g of sugar, and a little osmanthus juice to the boil, thicken with water starch, and pour over yam to serve.
[Effect] Tonify the kidneys and moisten the lungs. Treat chronic cough due to lung deficiency, diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, mental fatigue and physical fatigue, and weakness in limbs. Long term diet can tonify the kidneys and strengthen the body.
[Verification] After clinical treatment in 2 cases, 13 cases showed significant improvement, 6 cases were effective, and 2 cases were ineffective, with a total effective rate of 96.8%.
08 Peanut Jujube Honey Soup for Cough Relief and Phlegm Reduction
30 grams of peanuts, jujube, and honey each.
[Method] Boil with water until extremely rotten. Drink soup twice a day.
[Effect] Stop coughing and reduce phlegm. Used to treat coughing, phlegm and drinking (thin body, intestinal ringing, chest and rib fullness, dizziness and shortness of breath).
[Verification] The effect is good after repeated use.
09 Long term consumption of peanuts to relieve cough and phlegm
[Formula] 60 grams of peanuts.
[Usage] Stir fry or cook until cooked. Eat daily without interruption, discontinue after recovery.
[Effect] Moisturizing the lungs and resolving phlegm. Treat chronic bronchitis in the elderly.
[Verification] The effect is good after repeated use.
10 Jianhua Tang for resolving phlegm and relieving pain
[Formula] Two sword flowers.
[Usage] Boil soup or serve as tea.
[Effect] Promote qi circulation, relieve pain, relieve cough and phlegm. Used to treat coughing, excessive phlegm, etc.
[Verification] Wang X, male, 32 years old, has been coughing for many years and has recovered after taking medication.
11 Garlic puree for cough and cough relief
[Formula] 1 head of purple garlic.
[Usage] Peel garlic and mash it into a paste. After washing your feet before going to bed every night, apply it to the swollen areas on the soles of both feet (vaseline must be applied to the soles of the feet first), cover it with a layer of gauze, and remove it when there is strong stimulation in the soles of the feet. If there is no discomfort on the sole of the foot, it can be applied 3-5 times in a row.
[Effect] Detoxify and relieve cough. Used to treat cold cough, dry cough, and pertussis in children.
[Verification] According to the introduction of New Traditional Chinese Medicine, this formula has excellent therapeutic effects and is worth promoting and applying.
12 Winter Flowers for Cough Treatment
[Formula] 9g of winter flowers and 9g of crystal sugar.
[Usage] Soak in boiling water and take it regularly.
[Effect] This prescription comes from the Qing Dynasty's "Selected Good Prescriptions of Zhongfu Hall", which was also mentioned in Lei Ping's "Treatise on Seasonal Diseases". Fangzhong style winter flowers are generally used for honey moxibustion, while crystal sugar is called rock sugar in southern regions. This formula is suitable for coughing in adults and roaring in children.
[Verification] Xiao XX, female, 3 years old, suffers from bronchitis, often caused by colds, phlegm roaring and coughing, and restless sleep at night. When parents were flipping through medical magazines, they found that this prescription only used two flavors of winter flower and rock sugar, which were sweet but not bitter, and suitable for children to take. Therefore, this method was used, and one dose was used to relieve cough, and three doses were effective. I have also used this formula multiple times to treat cough patients, and all have achieved quick results.
[Note] Adding purple aster and two dried peaches (in the same amount as winter flowers) to the formula will have a better therapeutic effect.
13 Ginger Juice and Honey for Treating Cough
[Formula] Ginger, honey.
[Usage] Take 30-50 grams of ginger, mash and extract juice into one part, then take four parts of honey, which is the daily adult dose (children may reduce it). Mix well in a bowl according to this ratio, then steam in the pot over water for about 10 minutes. Take twice in the morning and evening, and use continuously for 2 days. Coughing due to wind cold or deficiency cold, sparse white phlegm or insufficient phlegm, itching in the throat, or severe coughing at night, regardless of new or prolonged coughing, can be used for anyone with the above symptoms.
[Effect] Dispelling cold and tonifying the middle, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.
[Verification] Zheng, 22 years old, typist. Headache, nasal congestion, clear runny nose, cough, small amount of white phlegm, and itching in the throat for several days. Upon examination, only slight congestion was observed in the pharynx, with no other abnormalities. After symptomatic treatment, all symptoms were reduced, except for worsening cough and phlegm, which worsened even at night. Various antibiotics and cough suppressants were used to treat the symptoms. Later, I switched to using the above method and took it once before going to bed that night. I immediately noticed a reduction in cough and a peaceful night's sleep. Take it again the next day to stop coughing and reduce phlegm.
14. White Radish for Treating Phlegm and Phlegm Condensation
[Prescription] 15 grams of raw and cooked white radish seeds (radish seeds), and 9 grams of raw ochre powder.
[Instructions] First, crush the white radish and cook a large bowl of soup. Serve with finely ground raw ochre. After half an hour, use this recipe again once.
[Effect] Eliminate accumulation and phlegm. Use to treat phlegm and fluid coagulation syndrome.
[Verification] According to the "Medical Zhongshen Xilu", a young man with Suduotan Yin had his phlegm and saliva coagulate in the upper abdomen after receiving an external infection, blocking his diet. After using this formula, one immediately feels that the epigastric cavity is suddenly opened and can enter the diet.
[Note] According to "Shi Shi Prescription Science", using Laifangzi decoction alone to transform and stop phlegm and drink is highly effective. Grind the powder of Laifangzi and rinse it with hot water. Drink plenty of hot water and use your fingers to explore and vomit. Drinking turbid water can also vomit, which has the same effect as decoction.