Complete collection of folk remedies for treating gout
Release time:2024-07-02 14:44:36
Word Count:4072
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Solemnly declare
The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Tuckahoe Congee
【 Ingredients 】 30g of Poria cocos and 100g of japonica rice.
【 Production Method 】 First, wash the Poria cocos, sun dry or dry them, grind them into fine powder, and set aside. Wash the japonica rice, put it into the casserole, add water and boil it into thick Congee. When the Congee is ready, mix it with Tuckahoe powder, mix it evenly, then simmer it until it boils. Take twice in the morning and evening.
[Effect] Used for various types of gout patients
02 Lily Congee
【 Ingredients 】 100g of lily and 100g of japonica rice.
[Production method] First, pick up the lilies and break them into lily petals. After washing, add some water into the casserole with the cleaned japonica rice. After boiling over high heat, simmer on low heat until the lilies and japonica rice are crisp and rotten, and the Congee is thick. Take twice in the morning and evening
【 Effect 】 Suitable for elderly patients with acute gout attacks, especially for mild cases.
03 Tianma Eucommia ulmoides powder
【 Ingredients 】 150g Gastrodia elata and 150g Eucommia ulmoides.
【 Production Method 】 First, pick and wash the Gastrodia elata and Eucommia ulmoides separately, then dry or dry them in the sun, chop them into fine powder, bottle them, and set them aside. Twice a day, 6 grams each time, taken with warm water
【 Effect 】 Suitable for patients with chronic gout.
04 Coix Congee
【 Recipe 】 30g Coix seed and 50g japonica rice.
[Production] Coix seed and japonica rice are washed together and added with water. Boil them on medium heat and then turn to mild heat. Wait until Congee is thick.
【 Effect 】 Relieve dampness and heat in the lower burner, eliminate restlessness and thirst, strengthen the spleen, nourish the lungs, and benefit the stomach. Suitable for gout patients with gastric ulcers, dampness, and diarrhea.
[Application] Drink one small bowl of Congee twice a day.
05 Radish Rice Congee
【 Recipe 】 50g white radish and 50g japonica rice.
[Production] Wash the white radish, peel it and cut it into pieces. Wash the japonica rice, boil it with water for about 10 minutes, then add the radish, and let the Congee boil and thicken.
【 Effect 】 Carrots can lower qi and relieve bloating, and promote digestion and diuresis. Suitable for gout patients with abdominal distension and constipation.
[Application] Drink one small bowl of Congee twice a day.
06 Radish Rice Congee
Ingredients: 30g fresh grapes, 50g glutinous rice, 750ml water.
Method: Boil fresh grapes and japonica rice together until Congee is cooked.
Usage: It is recommended to consume regularly.
Effect: Suitable for acute gout patients.
07 Celery Congee
Ingredients: 100g celery (with roots and whiskers), 30g japonica rice, 750ml water.
Preparation: Clean celery and cut it into pieces. Cook it with japonica rice until Congee is cooked. Add a small amount of salt and MSG.
Usage: Can be consumed frequently.
Effect: Suitable for gout attacks.
08 Papaya Soup
Ingredients: 100g papaya, 30g coix seed.
Method: Boil the above ingredients in water and take the juice for consumption.
Usage: Can be eaten regularly.
Effect: Clearing heat, promoting diuresis, relieving pain, suitable for acute gout attacks and when joint pain is obvious.
09 Chestnut Congee
Ingredients: 30g chestnut powder, 50g glutinous rice, 750ml water.
Preparation method: Cook the above raw materials together until Congee is cooked.
Usage: Can be consumed frequently.
Effect: Suitable for authors who have not experienced gout.
10 Huanghua liquor
Ingredients: 30g fresh yellow cauliflower roots, appropriate amount of yellow wine.
Method: Put the cauliflower roots into clean water and fry, remove the residue and extract the juice.
Usage: Once daily.
Effect: It has a certain therapeutic effect on joint pain, redness, and poor mobility caused by gout.