Complete collection of folk remedies for treating cervical spondylosis
Release time:2024-07-03 17:06:47
Word Count:6958
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Guizhi Jia Ge Gen Tang for the treatment of cervical spondylosis
[Prescription] 18 grams each of Guizhi and Bai Shao, 12 grams of licorice, 25-40 grams of kudzu root, 6 grams of ginger, and 6 Chinese dates.
[Add/Subtract] Local cooling is even more severe than adding aconite; Neck depression, combined with Qianghuo and Duhuo; Numbness in the arms with Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, and Achyranthes bidentata; Long course of illness with gastrodia elata, scorpion, and earthworm; For those with kidney deficiency, add deer antler cream, Cornus officinalis, and Weilingxian.
[Usage] Boil in water and take. One dose per day, with 20 days as one course of treatment.
[Effect] A good medicine for cervical spondylosis.
[Verification] Sun, female, 53 years old, diagnosed on October 5, 1982. My knee is usually not firm. Two years ago, I suffered from neck pain, which was relieved by massage. I often feel that the cold and rainy weather worsens, gradually leading to a stiff neck and ineffective rotation. When using various traditional Chinese medicines, the symptoms may be mild or severe. The cervical spine X-ray shows osteoporosis, with a strong physiological curvature, and significant bone hyperplasia at the posterior edge of the cervical vertebrae 5, 6, and 7. During diagnosis, one feels a numbness and coldness in the neck due to the size of the palm of the hand; Feeling loss, there is a sound when turning, and if the head is tilted back, the right chest, shoulders, arms, and fingers become dull and numb. The tongue is light, the coating is white and smooth, and the pulse is deep and slow. This is spleen kidney yang deficiency, cold obstructs meridians. Prescription: 25 grams of powdered kudzu root, 20 grams of Cornus officinalis, 12 grams of white peony, 10 grams each of Guizhi, Duhuo, and Tianma, 9 grams each of roasted licorice, aconite, Qianghuo, Chuanxiong, and Chuan Niuxi, 6 grams of ginger, and 6 Chinese dates. Take 5 doses in a row, with slight sweating after each dose. After taking it, the neck relaxed and the local cooling improved. Due to the weakness of the body, remove Qianghuo and Chuanxiong from the upper part, and add deer antler cream and Xianling spleen. After taking medication for one course, the neck rotates flexibly and the physical condition improves. Further treatment with more than 60 doses of addition and subtraction above, if all symptoms are lost, they will heal. The cervical X-ray showed improvement in physiological curvature and bone hyperplasia, and there has been no recurrence since follow-up.
02 Treating cervical spondylosis with scorpions, centipedes, etc
[Formula] 9g of scorpion, 2 pieces of centipede, 30g of deer grass, 15g of black snake, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, and natural copper each.
If there is severe numbness and pain in the upper limbs, mulberry branches should be added; If the neck is stiff and painful, add kudzu root; If dizzy or unconscious, add Earthly Dragon, Gouteng, and Zexie; If the symptoms worsen during climate change, add Han Fangji and Qinqin.
[Preparation and Usage] decoct the upper medicine in water and take it orally in two doses, one dose per day.
[Verification] 19 patients with cervical syndrome were treated with topical medication, of which 11 cases had completely or completely disappeared symptoms, 5 cases showed significant improvement in main symptoms, and 3 cases did not show significant improvement in symptoms after taking more than 15 doses of medication. The one who takes the least amount of medication is a clever one, and the one who takes the most is 60, with an average of 36.
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03 Treatment of cervical spondylosis with Angelica sinensis, Asarum, etc
[Prescription] Equal amounts of Angelica sinensis, Panax notoginseng, and safflower each.
[Preparation and usage] Grind the upper medicine into extremely fine powder, pass through a 120 mesh sieve, and bottle for later use. When in use, take 3 grams each time and take with yellow wine or warm water. This formula can also be made into capsules for swallowing, with a weight of 0.5 grams per capsule and 4-5 capsules taken. Three times a day. 10 days is one course of treatment.
[Verification] This formula was used to treat 95 patients with various types of cervical spondylosis, of which 86 were cured; 5 cases showed significant effects; Four cases were ineffective. Among the 86 cured cases, 32 were cured in one course, 44 were cured in two courses, and 10 were cured in three courses.
04 Treatment of cervical spondylosis with kudzu root, danshen, etc
[Prescription] 50 grams each of Ge Gen, Dan Shen, Bai Shao, Wei Ling Xian, Fang Feng, 20 grams each of Chuanxiong, frankincense, myrrh, Sichuan pepper, Wujiapi, Guizhi, Sangzhi, Jingjie, and raw licorice, 3 grams each of Xixin, and 10 grams each of Scorpion and Centipede. [Instructions] Grind the upper medicine into extremely fine powder, put it in a bottle for later use, take 3 grams each time, and take yellow wine or warm water. Three times a day.
[Verification] 72 patients with cervical spondylosis were treated with this formula, of which 6 were cured; 4 cases showed significant improvement; Three cases were effective.
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05 Treatment of cervical spondylosis with kudzu root, white peony, etc
[Prescription] 30 grams each of kudzu root, white peony, and Angelica sinensis, 10 grams each of danshen, papaya, raw earth, scorpion, chuanxiong, cinnamon twig, sour jujube kernel, frankincense, and myrrh, 3 grams each of asarum, and 12 grams each of raw licorice.
[Dosage] Take 1 dose daily, decoct in water and take orally three times.
[Verification] 113 patients with cervical spondylosis were treated with this formula, of which 102 were cured, 6 were significantly effective, and 5 were ineffective. Among the 102 cured cases, 42 were cured with 5-10 doses and 22 were cured with 11-15 doses.
06 Treatment of cervical spondylosis with black snake, licorice, etc
[Prescription] 15 grams each of black snake and licorice, 2 pieces of centipede, 12 grams of pangolin, 8 grams of scorpion, 10 grams each of Chuanxiong, natural copper, and papaya, 3 grams of Asarum, 40 grams of kudzu root, and 50 grams of white peony.
[Preparation and Usage] Boil the medicine three times and combine the liquid. Take it three times in the morning, middle, and evening after meals, one dose per day. 5 doses are a course of treatment until recovery.
[Symptoms] 25 patients with cervical spondylosis were treated with this formula. After 2-4 courses of medication, 23 cases were cured and 2 cases showed significant effects.