Traditional Chinese medicine is essential for rescue!
Release time:2024-07-04 15:40:09
Word Count:4360
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1. Aliases

Silver Bark, Silver Fragrance, Mountain Bear Gall, White Wood Fragrance, Earth Millennium Health, Hongzi'er, White Holly.
2. Plant morphology
Evergreen trees. The bark is thick and gray white; The stem and branches are cylindrical, with a light grayish green color; Twigs have some edges and are reddish brown in color. Leaves alternate, thin leathery, ovate to obovate elliptical, apex acute or blunt, base wedge-shaped or blunt, entire. Blossoming small white flowers in summer and autumn; Flowers dioecious, often arranged in cymes or umbels. The male inflorescence is generally composed of 5-16 flowers, with 4-lobed sepals, triangular lobes, 4-5 petals, long elliptical, fused at the base, and stamens and petals in the same number; The female inflorescence generally consists of 3-7 flowers, with sepals disc-shaped and 5-7 petals. It is obovate and elongated, with degenerated stamens and an upper ovary. Berry shaped drupe, spherical in shape.
3. Origin distribution
Born in sparse forests or hilly areas along valleys and streams. Distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Fujian and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
It can be harvested all year round. Peel off the bark and dry it in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Roll shaped or curly long sheet shaped, with varying lengths, the outer surface is bluish gray white, grayish yellow or grayish brown, rough, often with horizontal wrinkles and grayish white patches; The inner surface has fine longitudinal wrinkles, slightly smooth, slightly glossy, brown or black brown. The material is hard and brittle, and can be broken. The cross-section is slightly flat, slightly granular, and yellow brown or brown in color. The air is slightly fragrant, and the taste is bitter and slightly astringent.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Cold in nature and bitter in taste. Gui Lung Meridian, Liver Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian, and Stomach Meridian.
7. Effect and function
Purge fire and detoxify, clear heat and diuresis, promote qi circulation and relieve pain, cool blood and stop bleeding. A heat clearing and dampness reducing medicine classified under the category of heat clearing medicine.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage 9-15 grams, decoct and take; Apply an appropriate amount externally, grind and apply to the affected area. Used to treat colds, high fever, sore throat, damp heat diarrhea, epigastric pain, damp fire bone pain, and blood heat coughing up blood, vomiting blood, rectal blood, and urinary blood. External use for treating injuries such as falls, burns, and external bleeding.
9. Pharmacological research
Alcohol extracts can increase coronary flow, improve hypoxia tolerance, and have a protective effect on lowering blood pressure and myocardial hypoxia in cats; N-butanol extract has a hypotensive effect on rats, with diastolic blood pressure being more pronounced, while having little effect on heart rate.
10. Chemical composition
It contains syringin, iron holly acid, amphotericin, glucoside from mustard, isopropanol of iron holly acid, phenols, β - coumarin alcohol and stearic acid, tannins, 3-acetyl oleanolic acid, syringal, and volatile components.
11. Taboos for use
Not yet clear, use medication with caution.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat abdominal pain and feverish stomach pain: 18g of iron holly bark, 5 pieces of scallions, boiled in water. (Fujian Pharmacopoeia)
② Treatment for swelling and pain caused by falls: 6g of powdered bark from Jiu Bi Ying and 30g of white sugar. Wash with boiling water. (Guangxi Herbal Medicine)
③ To treat colds and fever: 6g of iron holly bark, 9g of ginger and 9g of tea each, boiled in water. (Fujian Pharmacopoeia)
④ Treatment for acute and chronic hepatitis: 45 grams of Jiu Bi Ying and 15 grams of Ba Jiao Wang. Both medicines are taken with tree bark, scraped off the rough skin, sliced, and boiled in 2 bowls of water until half a bowl. Take one dose daily, divided into two doses. (Guangxi "Prescription Collection of New Chinese Herbal Medicine Therapy")
⑤ Treatment of soup fire injury: Dry rescue essential medicine powder, mixed with cold boiled water to form a paste, applied 5-6 times a day. (Guangxi Herbal Medicine)
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.
