Chinese medicine, kudzu root!
Release time:2024-07-05 14:00:02
Word Count:4528
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1. Aliases

Gan Ge, Ge Tiao.
2. Plant morphology
Entangled vines, covered with brown short soft hairs and inverted hard hairs, with thick tuberous roots. The leaves are alternate and consist of three compound leaves. The stipules are inserted in the middle and are covered in a needle like elongated shape with multiple straight parallel veins. They are covered with long hard hairs; The small leaves are broadly ovate or ovate rhombic in shape, with a short gradually pointed tip and a wide and round base. Both sides are covered with rough hairs; Small stipules are linear. Axillary racemes, with a total axis covered with yellow hairs; Bracts subulate, early setting; The corolla is butterfly shaped, purple in color, with inward folded ears and hard scabbed like appendages at the base. The wing petals are inverted oval shaped and elongated, with small ears on both sides of the base. The keel petals are sickle shaped and elongated, and the base is nearly flattened; 10 stamens; Ovary linear, style curved. The pods are oval shaped, flat, and densely covered with brown long hard hairs. Seed kidney shaped or circular. The flowering period is late summer and early autumn.
3. Origin distribution
Cultivated or wild in mountainous shrubs and sparse forests. Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Winter harvest. Dig out the roots, wash them, scrape off the cork skin, cut off the head, stem, and fine tail, and cut them into about 15 cm long sections. Cut the half of the large strips into two halves and smoke them with sulfur yellow for 2-3 days until the body is soft. Take them out when the body is soft. When the sun is 60% dry, change to sun exposure, smoke them with sulfur yellow at night, and then sun them until the feet are dry to form "pink kudzu strips"; After washing again, scrape off the cork skin, cut it vertically into square pieces, smoke with sulfur yellow until soft, and dry in the sun to form "Pueraria lobata slices".
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Cylindrical, spindle like, or semi cylindrical; Some are thick slices that are longitudinally or diagonally cut, with varying sizes. The surface is yellow white or light brown, and those without cork removal are grayish brown. A light brown concentric ring pattern formed by fibers can be seen in the transverse section, and several longitudinal lines formed by fibers can be seen in the longitudinal section. Weight, hard texture, and high powder content.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Cold in nature, sweet and spicy in taste. Return to the stomach meridian and spleen meridian.
7. Effect and function
Relieve muscle and fever, promote fluid production, penetrate rash, elevate yang and stop diarrhea. Xin Liang Jie Biao Yao belongs to the sub category of Jie Biao Yao.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage 9-15 grams, decoct and take. Used to treat external fever, headache, strong pain in the neck and back, thirst, thirst, measles, heat dysentery, diarrhea, hypertension, and strong pain in the neck and neck.
9. Pharmacological research
Puerarin extract and its active ingredient Puerarin have a beta receptor blocker effect, which is the basis of their cardiovascular effects. The total flavonoids and puerarin in Pueraria lobata have regulatory and metabolic effects on heart function, as well as the ability to dilate coronary and cerebral blood vessels. Puerarin has anti myocardial ischemia, anti cerebral ischemia, anti arrhythmia, and blood pressure lowering effects. All kinds of preparations have obvious antipyretic effects. In addition, puerarin also has the effects of lowering blood sugar, regulating blood lipids, and detoxifying.
10. Chemical composition
Contains components that contract and relax smooth muscles. The main effective ingredients are daidzein, daidzin, and puerarin.
11. Taboos for use
It has a cool nature and is prone to nausea and vomiting. Those with a cold stomach should use it with caution. In summer, excessive sweating is especially taboo.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat various insect bites such as spiders: mix with kudzu powder and ginger juice. (Compendium of Medicine)
② Treatment for gold sores and spasms: One kilogram of powdered kudzu (file). Boil five liters of water, take two liters, and remove the dross. Take one small cup per hot day, three or four times a day. (Shenghui Fang)
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.