Complete collection of folk remedies that can generate hair
Release time:2024-07-08 20:37:12
Word Count:5672
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
External hair washing and hair growth formula:
01 Saltwater shampoo
Salt is not only a daily seasoning in our lives, but also an essential ingredient for effective hair growth!
Method: Every time you wash your hair, add a spoonful of salt. This can not only prevent hair loss and breakage, but also stimulate the scalp, which is very beneficial for hair growth.
02 Ginger Hair Growth
Ginger hair growth is also a common method in hair growth folk remedies. The common method is to apply fresh ginger to the hair loss area to promote hair growth, only because ginger hair growth has a certain effect.
Method: 30 grams of ginger skin (roasted) and 30 grams of ginseng each, totaling fine powder. Cut the ginger and dip it into the medicinal powder to apply to the hair loss area, once every other day. Mainly used for hair loss caused by psychological factors, with significant hair growth effects. Alternatively, cut ginger into slices and apply it repeatedly on bald spots, 2-3 times a day, to stimulate hair growth.
03 Beer external application method
Applying beer to hair not only protects it, but also promotes it.
Oral Hair Growth Formula
1. 240 grams of Polygonum multiflorum, 60 grams of Dodder seed, Huai Niu knee, Goji berry, Poria cocos each, and 30 grams of Psoralea. This prescription is the "Seven Treasures Beauty Beard Pill". Take one pill per day, twice a day, with diluted salt water or warm water. Avoid spicy food. It is suitable for those with hair loss, recurrent attacks, and accompanying weakness of muscles and bones, as well as thin tongue and pulse.
2. Starting again, the anti hair loss essential oil soothes the nerves in the head, promotes cell regeneration, strengthens and strengthens hair roots, nourishes hair, promotes blood circulation in the scalp, and allows hair follicles to penetrate deep into the skin, preventing hair loss. Activate damaged hair follicles, accelerate the division of hair cells, enhance nutrient absorption, promote hair growth, restore hair follicle regeneration function, and achieve the effect of hair growth.
3. Xixin, Fangfeng (excluding reed heads), Xuduan, Chuanxiong, and Sapinda each weigh 30 grams, Bai Ye 60 grams, Xinyi 30 grams, Bai Zhi 60 grams, Sangsheng 90 grams, Zelan and Lingxiang 75 grams each, Manjingzi 20 grams, bamboo and pine leaves 25 grams each, and Wuma oil 2500 milliliters. Cut the medicine finely, boil 250g of mulberry root white paper in 2000ml of water to 500ml, and then take 200ml of leek root juice to mix. Soak in the medicine for 1 night, wrap it in cotton and oil, simmer over low heat, three times up and three times down. Wait for the white Angelica to turn yellow, remove the residue, and serve in porcelain. Use it to rub hair, three or two degrees a day and night, it can produce long hair.
4. Lotus beard (dried in the shade), Lingling fragrance 3 grams each, and Selaginella leaf, Angelica dahurica, Chuanxiong, and Fangfeng 15 grams each. Cut the medicine finely and wrap it in cotton. Mix 70 peppercorns and 250 grams of sesame oil. Soak in a new bottle and bury it underground for 7 days. Take it out and apply it to the hair to prevent hair loss and growth.
5. Lingling Fragrance, Manjingzi, and Fuzi each weigh 7.5 grams, while Chuanxiong, Baizhi, and Qinjiao each weigh 15 grams. Cut the medicine finely, wrap it in cotton, soak 250g of sesame oil in the porcelain for 3 weeks, and apply it to the sparse area.
This prescription is used to treat the onset of scalp wind, but it is not effective. Remember not to apply it to your face.
6. 90 grams of dried cypress twig, Qin pepper, and Pinellia ternata each. Cut the medicine finely, boil it in two bowls of water until half a bowl is full, with a little honey. Boil it twice for one or two times, and mix a little ginger juice well before use. Wipe off any hair, once a day.
This formula dispels wind and promotes hair growth.
7. 30g each of Lingling Fragrance, Baizhi, Manjingzi, Shengfuzi, Huoxiang, and 15g each of Jingjie Branch. Cut the medicine into powder, wrap it in a bottle with cotton, soak it in 500g of sesame oil, then seal it with paper, bury it in the ground for half a month, and brush it.
This prescription treats women's hair not growing.
8. 15 grams each of raw land, ripe land, chicken blood vine, and Polygonum multiflorum knee, 30 grams each of raw astragalus, 9 grams of Chuanxiong, 15 grams each of white peony, 6 grams each of Tianma and Cordyceps, 9 grams each of dry lotus, 15 grams each of mulberry, and 6 grams each of papaya. Boiled in water, 1 dose per day.
This formula nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes blood, and promotes hair growth.
9. Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, Polygonum multiflorum, Papaya. Each pill weighs 0.5 grams, 4 pills per time, 2 times a day, taken with warm water.
This formula nourishes blood and dispels wind, benefits the kidneys and generates hair, but should be used with caution for those with spleen deficiency, excessive dampness, and full and loose stools.
10. 15 grams each of Aconite, Manjingzi, and Baiziren, and an appropriate amount of Black Chicken Paste. Mix the medicine with black chicken paste, pound three thousand pestles, store in a new magnetic container, seal for a hundred days, mix with horse bun paste, apply to the head, then wrap with a headscarf, do not let the wind appear, apply 3 times a day to produce.