Complete collection of folk remedies for treating night sweats
Release time:2024-07-09 14:02:24
Word Count:7691
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Solemnly declare
The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Bitao Dried Red Date Soup for Night Sweat Treatment
[Prescription] 15 dried green peaches (preferably dried unripe fruits with green color) and 10 red dates.
[Method] Decoction. Take one dose every night and three doses in a row.
[Effect] Anti sweating.
[Verification] According to the Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine, Bitao Gan has a certain effect on night sweats caused by different diseases such as lung abscess and sepsis, and has no side effects after clinical application.
02 Flavored Oyster Powder for Night Sweat Treatment
[Formula] 100g Forged Oyster, 100g Raw Astragalus, 50g Mahuang Root, 50g Schisandra.
[Addition and subtraction] Prolonged illness with Qi deficiency and 6 grams of ginseng beard; Yin deficiency, dryness and heat, 10 grams of raw earth, and 10 grams of white peony; 10 grams of sour jujube kernels and 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus are added for palpitations and sleep disorders.
[Preparation and usage] Grind crude powder of the upper medicine. Bottle storage for future use. 10-20 grams each time, stir fry with floating wheat flour, filter out residue, and take hot food twice a day.
[Effect] The body often sweats, and if active, it benefits greatly, making it easy for people to catch a cold; Sleeping at night and sweating at night, waking up to stop sweating, those with shortness of breath and fatigue; Qi deficiency is a sign of weakness on the surface, and the Wei Yang is not fixed.
[Verification] Fang XX, male, 50 years old. Date of Visit: October 16, 1950. The patient is fatigued and fatigued, prone to night sweats, especially when moving, prone to catching a cold, with a pale red tongue, thin and white coating, and weak pulse. Due to this deficiency of qi, the external yang is not fixed. Therefore, this prescription is given 20 grams per day, along with 6 grams of ginseng root and 15 grams of floating wheat. The residue is also decocted and taken twice a day. After taking it continuously for 2 weeks, my physical strength improved and my sweating also subsided.
[Note] Calcined oysters can hide the sun and reduce sweat; Astragalus membranaceus can nourish qi and solidify the surface; Ephedra root walks on the surface and solidifies the health; Schisandra can regulate yin and stop sweating; Floating wheat nourishes the heart and yin, plays a role in tonifying qi and consolidating the surface, concealing yang and restraining yin, nourishing the heart and stopping sweating. Therefore, it can be used according to the symptoms of spontaneous sweating and night sweating. This formula is extremely suitable for spontaneous sweating and night sweating due to post illness body deficiency, but it is not suitable for sweating profusely in the dead yang.
03 Wubanzi Powder for Night Sweat Treatment
[Formula] An appropriate amount of gallnut.
[Method] Grind extremely fine powder and store in a bottle for later use. 2-3 grams each time, mix with warm water to form a paste, apply to the navel before sleeping, cover with gauze, fix with adhesive tape, and remove the next morning.
[Effect] This medicine has a sour and astringent taste, specifically for astringency. It has a astringent and antiperspirant effect when used for spontaneous and night sweats.
[Verification] Wang XX, female, 35 years old. Date of Visit: October 5, 1975. The patient sweats profusely during sleep at night and stops immediately after waking up. There may be a feeling of dryness and heat, but there is no discomfort. Treat with this formula 4 times, and sweat will stop and heal.
[Note] Do not use if there is eczema or skin damage on the navel. Discontinue using 5-6 invalid attempts.
04 Maizao Tang Tonifies Qi and Blood, Constipates Sweat
[Formula] 50g of floating wheat and 50g of jujube.
[Method] Boil in water. Take one dose per day.
[Effect] Nourish the heart and mind, restrain weak sweat. Use to treat night sweats.
[Verification] This method is widely used in rural areas.
05 Huangqi Lamb Soup Nourishing and Moisturizing Sweat
[Formula] 15 grams of Astragalus membranaceus, 90 grams of lamb, 10 grams of longan meat, and 15 grams of Chinese yam.
[Method] Boil the lamb in boiling water for a while, then remove it and soak it in cold water to remove the smell of mutton. Boil the water in a clay pot, add lamb and three traditional Chinese medicines to the soup, and adjust the taste when eating. Drink soup and eat meat. If children have no chewing ability, they can be boiled into thick soup for consumption.
[Effect] Strengthen the spleen and tonify deficiency, nourish and restrain sweat. After the main illness, there is body deficiency and night sweating.
[Verification] Sun XX, female, 15 years old, recovered from night sweats after taking 3 doses.
[Note] Children with excessive yin deficiency should avoid using it.
06 Pig Heart and Astragalus Decoction for Treating Spontaneous Sweat and Night Sweat
[Formula] 1 pig heart, 12 grams of astragalus, 12 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, and 4 grams of Schisandra chinensis.
[Method] Take Huangqi and other three ingredients into the heart of a pig, add water and simmer until cooked. Eat meat and drink soup.
[Effect] Tonify qi and blood, calm the mind. Use to treat spontaneous and night sweats caused by body deficiency.
07 Braised Sheep Liver for Treating Weak Body and Night Sweat
[Formula] 1 lamb liver, 60g glutinous rice, 5 red dates.
[Instructions] Wash and stain the lamb tripe, wash the glutinous rice thoroughly, and put it into the lamb tripe with red dates. Use thick thread to sew the opening, then put it in a pot and simmer over water. Cut open the lamb tripe during the meal, adjust the flavor, and serve as a side dish.
[Effect] Strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the middle and nourish qi, and restore vitality and gather juice. Indicating body deficiency, night sweating, and spontaneous sweating.
[Verification] According to the introduction of "New Traditional Chinese Medicine", the above two formulas are effective in treating night sweats and spontaneous sweats caused by body deficiency.
08 Leek Cure Spontaneous Sweat and Night Sweat
[Formula] 100g of leek roots.
[Usage] Water decoction. Dunfu.
[Effect] Relieve sweat. Use to treat spontaneous and night sweats, etc.
[Verification] Repeatedly using divine effects.
09 Oat and rice bran for treating excessive sweating and deficiency
[Formula] 50g oats, 25g rice bran, 15g maltose.
[Method] Fry the first two ingredients in water and remove any residue. Take in two doses and season with malt sugar.
[Effect] Tonify deficiency and reduce sweating. Use to treat excessive sweating, night sweats, and deficiency sweats.
[Verification] Repeatedly using divine effects.
10 Wheat Bran for Treating Sweat Deficiency, Spontaneous Sweat, and Night Sweat
[Prescription] 100g wheat bran, 250g pork powder, 250g water milled glutinous rice flour, and a little scallion powder, ginger powder, salt, and soy sauce.
[Preparation] Mix wheat bran with minced meat, chopped onions, ginger and other seasonings to make meat stuffing, add some water to grind glutinous rice flour, mix it into soft material, and then wrap it with meat stuffing to form rice dumpling. After cooking, it can be consumed in moderation.
[Effect] Used to treat deficiency sweating, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, etc.
[Verification] Wu XX, female, 35 years old, often sweats at night and stops after waking up. She improves after taking two doses above. 6 doses cured.