One acupoint, one Qiankun Zhongzhu acupoint
Release time:2024-07-09 15:46:41
Word Count:2215
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Zhongzhu is the name of the acupoint. Produce the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon Lingshu - Main Input". Middle, opposite to the outside, refers to the interior of this acupoint. Zhu, a small piece of land or water edge in the water. The name of this acupoint refers to the accumulation of spleen soil dust that spreads with the Qi and blood of the Three Jiao meridians. The substance of this acupoint is the water dampness air transmitted from the liquid gate acupoint. After reaching this acupoint, the spleen soil dust scattered with the water dampness air coolly descends and returns to the ground, forming a small piece of land next to the meridian channel acupoint, hence the name.

[Meridian Orientation]
Guijing: belongs to the Hand Shaoyang Triple Jiao Meridian.
Positioning: Located on the back of the hand, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, in the proximal depression of the 4th metacarpophalangeal joint.
【 Functional Indications 】
Function: Clearing heat and dispersing wind, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. Tonifying the kidneys and regulating meridians.
Indications: Malaria, headache, dizziness, redness of the eyes, eye pain, otitis media, deafness, laryngitis, mumps, shoulder and arm soreness, inability to bend and extend fingers, intercostal neuralgia, ear ringing, facial redness, blurred vision, pharyngeal swelling, spinal pain, shoulder, back, elbow and arm pain, pharyngeal swelling and pain, arm redness and swelling, neuropathic deafness, deafness, dizziness, laryngitis, corneal leukoplakia, shoulder and back fasciitis, and other strain related diseases, elbow and wrist arthritis.
Clinical application
1: Paiting Tinggong and Yifeng are used to treat tinnitus and headache.
2: Treatment of shoulder and elbow soreness with shoulder joint, curved pool, and external closure.
3: Pai Ba Xie and Wai Guan mainly treat fingers that cannot be bent or extended.
4: Paiwaiguan and Qimen are mainly used to treat intercostal neuralgia.
5: Paired with Taibai acupoint, it can treat difficulty in defecation.
Commonly used in modern times to treat headaches, neuropathic deafness, Meniere's syndrome, supraorbital neuralgia, shoulder periarthritis, acute and chronic lower back pain, etc.
