Traditional Chinese Medicine, Big Flying Grass!
Release time:2024-07-09 16:19:51
Word Count:4534
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1. Aliases

Feiyang Grass, White Milk Grass, Tianpao Grass, Big Milk Grass, Prolactin Grass, Big Milk Grass.
2. Plant morphology
An annual herb with coarse hairs and white milk, usually consisting of branches at the base of the stem. The branches are often light red or light purple, creeping or spreading, and are 15-40 centimeters long. Leaves opposite, ovate to rectangular, 1-4 centimeters long, slightly narrow and oblique at the base, with small serrations at the edges, and usually purple spots in the middle; The stipules are small and linear. Most cup-shaped inflorescences are densely integrated into axillary head shaped inflorescences; The bract is broad and bell shaped, with a soft outer layer and a 4-lobed tip; Gland 4, funnel-shaped, with short stalks and petal like appendages; Flower unisexual, without perianth; Both male and female flowers are born in the same bract; Most male flowers, with one stamen; Female flower single 1, born in the center of the inflorescence, ovary 3-loculed, style 3. Capsule broadly ovate, approximately 1.6 millimeters long, hairy, triangular. The flowering period is year-round.
3. Origin distribution
Born in open land, by the roadside, by the garden. Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest in summer and autumn, sun dry.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Dry whole grass with roots. Root slender and curved; The stem is cylindrical, 1.3 millimeters thick, slightly bent, reddish brown, with irregular shallow longitudinal wrinkles and small warts, obvious nodes, and covered with yellow green coarse hairs; Hard and brittle in texture, with a white wood cross-section and a hollow structure; The leaves are curly and the paper is fragile; The leaf axils have inflorescences, small and numerous flowers, dried and contracted, or with capsules. Qi is weak and unique.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Spicy and sour in taste, with a cold nature. Return to the lung and liver meridians.
7. Effect and function
Clear heat, detoxify, promote lactation, relieve dampness, and relieve itching. A heat clearing and detoxifying medicine belonging to the subcategory of heat clearing drugs.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage 6-9 grams, decoct and take; Fresh 1-2 liang, external use: boil and wash or mash. Used to treat acute enteritis, dysentery, gonorrhea, hematuria, lung abscess, breast abscess, furuncle, swelling, eczema, athlete's foot, and skin itching.
9. Pharmacological research
Dafeiyang Grass has central analgesic and antipyretic effects and effects; It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and can stimulate the uterus. It still has an antidiarrheal effect and a cytotoxic effect on amoeba deformans. Female guinea pigs given Dafeiyang grass before sexual maturity can accelerate breast development and lactation.
10. Chemical composition
Containing flavonoid glycosides, phenols, and triterpenes. The stem contains triacontanol, taraxanthin, sesquiterpenes, β - coumarin, β - sitosterol, taraxanthin, myricetin, and triacontane. Flowers contain gallic acid.
11. Taboos for use
Pregnant women and those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should use with caution.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment of lung abscess: Fresh and flying whole grass in one grip, mash. Grind half a cup of juice and rinse with hot water. (Fujian Folk Herbs)
② Treating breast abscess: stew 60g of Dafeiyang whole grass and 120g of tofu; Take another grip of fresh grass, add a little salt, mash and apply hot water externally. (Fujian Folk Herbs)
③ Treatment of red and white dysentery: 15-24 grams of Dafeiyang grass, red dysentery with white sugar, white dysentery with brown sugar, stewed in hot water. (Fujian Folk Herbs)
④ Treatment for urinary obstruction and bleeding: fresh and airy 30-60 grams. Boil with water and take twice a day. (Fujian Folk Herbs)
⑤ Treatment for hematuria: 30 grams of fresh flying grass and 30 grams of fresh golden silk grass, 15 grams of fresh black chives and 15 grams of brown sugar. Boiled in water. (Fujian Pharmacopoeia)
⑥ Treatment of herpes zoster: Crush the whole grass of fresh Feiyang and extract the juice, add 1.5g of realgar powder. Mix well and apply to the affected area. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⑦ Treating wheat swelling: Fresh flying grass is broken, take milk and apply it to the affected area. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.