Complete collection of folk remedies for treating dizziness
Release time:2024-07-09 18:23:58
Word Count:5078
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Solemnly declare
The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Anti dizziness formula
[Source] Chinese Medical and Chemical Industry
【 Composition 】 30g of calcined magnetite (first decoction), 18g of stone cassia (first decoction), 30g of raw oysters (first decoction), 12g of white tribulus, 9g of diluted oyster, 1.2g of Xiqianghuo, 0.45g of North Asarum, 15g of sweet wolfberry, 5g of prepared bird, 5g of purple river chariot, 9g of stir fried Angelica sinensis, 9g of stir fried white peony, 2.4g of Wuweizi, 3g of white sand ginseng, 12g of roasted Astragalus membranaceus, 5g of convolvulus flowers (package decoction), 5g of sea clam powder (package decoction), 12g of Nansha ginseng, 5g of French Pinellia ternata, and orange peel 3 grams of red each, 5 grams of Sichuan Fritillaria (pestle), 9 grams of summer dried grass, and 9 grams of Poria cocos.
【 Effect 】 Tonify essence and qi, calm the mind and collaterals, dissolve phlegm, and assist in extinguishing wind and latent yang.
【 Indications 】 Dizziness (Meniere's syndrome).
【 Fang Jie 】 This syndrome is not simply an empirical syndrome of wind, fire, and phlegm, nor a deficiency syndrome of qi and blood deficiency or liver and kidney deficiency, but rather a deficiency of essence and qi, combined deficiency of liver and kidney, and liver yang, phlegm, and fire. The condition is complex, and treatment should take into account both the symptoms and the symptoms. Yin and Yang should be replenished simultaneously, Qi and blood should be beneficial, and liver and kidney should be nourished together. Phlegm and fire should be fixed and cleared, but if the disease persists, phlegm and collaterals should be treated simultaneously. Therefore, the combination of warming, clearing, moistening, and transforming should be used together. Bitter and harmonious collaterals should be applied together, accompanied by stone cassia, oysters, and white thistle to calm the liver, extinguish wind, and promote yang retention. For those who use Qianghuo and Xixin, take the upper and lower branches of their medicinal herbs.
Modern pharmacological research has found that Zhixuan Fang has sedative, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and improving lipid metabolism effects.
【 Usage 】 Water decoction, 1 dose per day
02 Er Chen Tang
[Source] "Taiping Huimin He Ju Fang"
【 Composition 】 5 taels of Pinellia ternata and 5 taels of Orange Red, 3 taels of White Poria cocos, and 1 tael of Licorice for 5 coins.
[Effect] Dry dampness and reduce phlegm, regulate qi and balance the body.
【 Indications 】 Suffering from damp phlegm, chest and diaphragm distension, headache and nausea.
【 Solution 】 If phlegm dampness obstructs, the clear yang will not rise, the clear orifices will lose nourishment, and dizziness will occur. Fang uses Pinellia ternata and orange red to transform phlegm and regulate qi, Poria cocos to invigorate the spleen and promote dampness, licorice to harmonize various medicines, and together they play the role of regulating qi and regulating the middle.
Modern pharmacological research has found that Erchen Tang has the effect of improving lipid metabolism.
【 Usage 】 For 4 yuan per serving, use 1 cup of water, 7 slices of ginger, and 1 black plum. Fry for 6 minutes at the same time, remove impurities and warm up, no matter when.
03 Ba Feng San
[Source] "Taiping Huimin He Ju Fang"
【 Composition 】 8 liang of Huoxiang, 1 jin each of Baizhi and Qianhu, 2 jin each of Huangqi, licorice, and ginseng, and 3 jin each of Qianghuo and Fangfeng.
【 Effect 】 Evacuate wind evil, clear and benefit the head.
【 Indications 】 Upward attack of wind and dizziness of the head.
[Solution] No dizziness without wind. The formula uses Huoxiang, Bai Zhi, Qiang Huo, Fangfeng to disperse wind evil, Qianhu Li to transform phlegm, Huangqi, ginseng, and licorice to nourish qi, and a combination of various medicines to support the right and eliminate evil, in order to collect and disperse wind evil, and benefit the head.
Modern pharmacological research has found that Bafeng Powder has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and immune enhancing effects.
【 Usage 】 The upper part is fine powder, which costs 2 yuan per serving. After eating, take it warm.
04 Lower fatigue pill
[Source] "New Compilation of Supplementary Verification Methods"
【 Composition 】 1 liang of alum and 5 yuan for fine tea leaves.
【 Effect 】 Dissolve phlegm and dispel wind.
【 Indications 】 Wind phlegm dizziness.
【 Fang Jie 】 Fang uses alum to dissolve phlegm and dispel wind. When wind dispels phlegm and dispels wind, dizziness will stop on its own.
Modern pharmacological research has found that Xiatan Wan has lipid-lowering and anti-inflammatory effects.
[Usage] The top is the end, and the honey is the pill, as big as the plane tree. Take 50 pills each, and send the Yuan Jiang Tang as a gift.
