Chinese medicine, Fangfengcao!
Release time:2024-07-09 18:32:54
Word Count:4190
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1. Aliases

Guangfangfeng, Tufangfeng, Mocao, Jiecao, Luoma Yi, Fake Perilla, Horse Cloth Leaves, Siegesbeckia Grass, Sifang Stems, Stinky Grass, Stinky Su Tou, Ya'er Mi, Da Mie Grass, and Da Yang Gu Sao.
2. Plant morphology
Annual to biennial upright herbaceous plant, 1-2 meters tall. The stem is square, multi branched, and densely covered with white hairs. Leaves opposite, herbaceous, broadly ovate to ovate, apex gradually pointed or short pointed, with irregular teeth at the edge, base nearly circular, both sides hairy, with fine glandular dots. The flowers are in whorls, with the lower part being axillary and the upper part being arranged to the top and growing into a raceme; Calyx tubular, 5-lobed, lobes triangular lanceolate, with short hairs both inside and outside; Corolla tubular, pink, 2-lipped, 5-lobed teeth, upper lip upright, entire, lower lip broad, expanded, with short hairs on the inner surface; Stamens 4, protruding, anthers attached; Pistil 1, stigma 2-lobed. Small nuts are round, black brown, smooth. The flowering period is from September to October, and the fruiting period is from December to January of the following year.
3. Origin distribution
Wild on the roadside, in wasteland, and in the grassy countryside. Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest in summer and autumn. Cut off the aboveground parts and dry them in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
The whole grass is 60-180 centimeters long and covered with white short coarse hairs. The stem is tetragonal, with obvious longitudinal grooves, branching, and has a grayish green or brownish gray surface. The texture is slightly brittle, and the cross-section is fibrous. There is a nearly square white pulp in the center. The leaves are opposite, wrinkled and curled, and the intact leaves are flattened to form a broad oval or oval shape; The upper surface of the leaves is grayish brown, while the lower surface is grayish green. The edges are sparsely serrated, brittle, and fragile; Sometimes residual bell shaped grayish green sepals can be seen in leaf axils. The aroma is turbid, and the taste is slightly bitter.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Warm in nature, with a spicy and bitter taste. Return to the Bladder Meridian, Liver Meridian, and Kidney Meridian.
7. Effect and function
Remove wind, dampness, detoxify, and relieve pain. Xin Wen Jie Biao Yao belongs to the subcategory of Jie Biao Yao.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage 9-15 grams, decoct and take; Apply an appropriate amount externally, pan wash or mash. Used to treat colds, body heat, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle and bone pain, sores, and eczema.
9. Pharmacological research
The macrocyclic triterpenoids contained in Fangfengcao have the efficacy and effect of inhibiting KB cell growth in vitro experiments. Experiments on the antihypertensive effects of three types of Fangfengcao lactones, ovatodiolide, 4,5-epoxy-ovatodiolide, and anisomelic acid on anesthetized dogs, their inhibitory effects on angiotensinase (ACE), their effects on isolated frog hearts, and their effects on calcium ion flow in bullfrog atrial single cells showed that the latter two substances had a slight inhibitory effect on ACE at doses of 60 μ m and 600 μ m, but had no effect on blood pressure; The substance before intravenous injection has a hypotensive effect and can inhibit the contraction of isolated frog hearts. All three compounds can inhibit the flow of calcium ions.
10. Chemical composition
Fangfengcao contains egg parsnip lactone, 4,5-epoxide egg parsnip lactone, fangfeng acid, 4,7-oxocyclic parsnip acid, and 4-methylene-5-hydroxyegg parsnip lactone.
11. Taboos for use
It is not yet clear.
12. Compatibility prescription
Treatment of carbuncle and swelling: Two liang of fresh Fangfengcao, mashed and ground juice mixed with yellow wine, stewed and taken, residue applied externally; Or use fresh Fangfengcao, liang, fresh Verbenaceae Sanqian, water fried and mixed with wine. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.