One Cave, One Qiankun's Leakage Valley Cave
Release time:2024-07-10 13:59:11
Word Count:3314
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The name of the Luogu acupoint. The First and Second Classics of acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion were published. Belonging to the Foot Taiyin Meridian. Nickname: Tai Yin Luo Xue.. Leakage, also known as leakage. Grains, grains, and small things. The name of this acupoint refers to the deposition of turbid and heavy substances in the spleen meridian. The substance in this acupoint is transmitted from the Sanyinjiao acupoint. Due to the exchange of dampness and heat in the spleen meridian with qi and blood in the liver and kidney meridians, the gaseous substance ascending to this acupoint has a lower temperature. The changes in this acupoint are the result of heat dissipation, condensation, and cooling. The turbid and heavy parts settle from the sky to the ground, like small grains leaking out, hence the name.

[Meridian Orientation]
Guijing: belongs to the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian.
Positioning: Located on the inner side of the calf, on the line connecting the inner ankle tip and Yinling Spring, 6 inches away from the inner ankle tip, behind the inner edge of the tibia.
【 Functional Indications 】
Function: Settle the yin turbidity of the spleen meridian.
Indications: Abdominal distension and tinnitus, indigestion, difficulty urinating, nocturnal emission, hemiplegia, erysipelas, leg and knee chills, lower limb weakness, and athlete's foot; Jue Qi, upper head epilepsy, swelling and pain in the feet and ankles, etc.
Clinical application
1: Treatment of abdominal distension and intestinal tinnitus with the combination of acupoint leakage and acupoint Zusanli.
2: The combination of Liugu acupoint and Wei Yang treatment for the accumulation of dampness and heat.
3: The combination of Luogu acupoint and Chize acupoint is used to treat patients with pulmonary heat stagnation,
4: For those who treat liver depression and qi stagnation with the combination of acupoints of Lou Gu and Tai Chong and Zhi Gou,
5: The combination of Luogu acupoint with Ciliao and Xuehai can treat blood stasis and obstruction.
6: Those with weak temperament in the combination of Qi Sea and Zusanli at the Luogu acupoint.
7: For those with weak kidney yang in the combination of Tai Xi and Yin Gu acupoints,
8: Those who have no intention to urinate or are unable to urinate due to the combination of Qihai and Qugu acupoints.
9: Treatment of kidney deficiency and non consolidation with the combination of acupoint Liugu and Zhishi and Taixi.
10: The combination of Liugu acupoint and Xinshu and Pishu can treat the deficiency of both heart and spleen.
11: Luogu acupoint combined with Taixi and Shenmen to treat yin deficiency and excessive fire
12: Luogu acupoint is matched with Zhongji and Yinling Spring to treat damp and heat.
13: Luogu acupoint combined with Shenmen treatment for insomnia.
14: Lougu acupoint combined with Baihui treatment for dizziness.
15: The combination of Lou Gu acupoint and Fu Liu treatment for spontaneous sweating.
16: The combination of Luogu acupoint and Ququan acupoint is mainly used to treat blood stasis.
17: Lougu acupoint, combined with Yin Ling Quan and San Yin Jiao, is used to treat severe lower limb pain.
The modern research of Liugu point is clinically used for the treatment of gastritis, enteritis, enuresis, spermatorrhea, urinary retention, and paralysis of lower limbs.