Traditional Chinese Medicine, Road to Road!
Release time:2024-07-10 19:43:18
Word Count:4366
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1. Aliases

Maple Fruit, Maple Upper Ball, Maple Fragrance Fruit, Maple Fruit, Maple Tree Ball, Wolf Eye, Nine Kongzi, Wolf Eye, Niezi.
2. Plant morphology
Trees, up to 40 meters high. The bark is gray brown, rough, and has pores. Single leaf alternate, with wide ovate leaves often 3-lobed. The leaves of young and sprouting branches are mostly palmately 5-lobed, with dark green above and light green below; Petiole length 3-7 centimeters; Stipules linear, early setting. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; Male flowers are catkins without perianth, with numerous stamens and unequal filaments; The female flower is a spherical head shaped inflorescence with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters, consisting of 23-43 flowers. The inflorescence peduncle is long, with 5 sepal teeth, subulate, without petals. The ovary is semi inferior, with 2 chambers. The endosperm is numerous, and the style is 2. The stigma is curved. The majority of the capsules form a head shaped spherical fruiting sequence, with a diameter of 2.5-4.5 centimeters. The surface has thorny structures formed by persistent styles and bracts around the ovary. The capsules are elongated and elliptical, with the lower part hidden within the inflorescence axis. When mature, the apical pores crack. There are two types of seeds: underdeveloped and fully developed. The former is mostly polygonal, small, and yellow brown, while the latter is oblong and flat, winged, and brown. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
3. Origin distribution
Born in plains and hilly areas. Distributed in eastern, southern, southwestern and other regions of China.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest the ripe winter fruits, remove impurities, and dry them.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Juhua fruit is a collection of many small capsules, spherical in shape, with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters. The base has a peduncle. The surface is grayish brown or brownish brown, with many sharp spines and beak shaped small blunt spines, 0.5-1 cm long, often broken, and the top of the small capsule cracks, forming a honeycomb shaped small hole. Lightweight, hard in texture, not easy to break open. Slight breath, light taste.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Mild in nature and bitter in taste. Return to the liver and kidney meridians.
7. Effect and function
Qu Feng Huo Luo, Li Shui Tong Jing. Belonging to the subcategory of dispelling wind and dampness, it is a strong muscle and bone medicine for dispelling wind and dampness.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage 5-9 grams, decoct and take. Used to treat joint pain, numbness and contracture, edema and fullness, and oligomastia and amenorrhea.
9. Pharmacological research
Anti inflammation; Protect the liver. Pharmacological experiments have shown that Lulutong has a significant effect in promoting the reduction of swelling in rats with formalized arthritis and treating egg white arthritis.
10. Chemical composition
Lu Lu Tong contains volatile oils, flavonoids, phenols, organic acids, and sugars. In addition, it also contains methyl oleanolate, 3-epi oleanolic acid methyl ester, and 3-epi oleanolic acid methyl ester. The volatile oil contains components such as β - terpinene, β - pinene, limonene, and α - terpinene. It also contains components such as ursolic acid, 28 demethyl oleanolic acid, coumarin, oleanolic acid, oxidized syringene, a-elemene, epoxide coumarin, and luteolin.
11. Taboos for use
Yin deficiency, excessive menstruation, and pregnant women are prohibited from taking medication.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment for tinea: 10 roads are open (burning), and 0.15g of white arsenic is used. Finally, apply sesame oil. (Quoted from "De Sheng Tang Fang" in "Compendium of Materia Medica")
② Treatment of urticaria: 500 grams of Lulutong, pan fried with concentrated juice. 3 times a day, 18 grams each time. Hollow clothing. (Hunan Pharmacology)
③ Treatment of yellow water in the ear: 15 grams of road traffic. Jianfu. (Zhejiang Folk Herbs)
④ Treatment for allergic rhinitis: 12 grams of Lulu Tong, 9 grams of Canger Zi and Fangfeng each, and 6 grams of Xinyi and Baizhi each. Boiled in water. (Clinical Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.