Complete collection of folk remedies for beauty and anti-aging
Release time:2024-07-11 13:45:39
Word Count:5044
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Eternal Beauty Fang
[Prescription] 500g fresh ginger, 250g jujube, 100g salt, 150g licorice, 25g clove and agarwood each, and 200g yinxiang.
[Method] Crush the seven flavors together and mix well. Drink 1 cup of tea with hot water every morning.
[Effect] Nourish qi and blood, moisturize the skin. Used to treat aging and aging, with a haggard and rough complexion.
[Verification] This formula is formulated according to the "Wonderful and Effective Prescription". The ancient book says, "Whether it's fried or ordered, this medicine is as valuable as a treasure. Drink a cup every morning, and your face will never grow old."
02 Empress Dowager Cixi's Beauty Recipe
[Formula] Sea pearls (produced by marine shellfish) and tea in appropriate amounts.
[Method] Grind sea pearls finely. Take 3 grams each time, once every few days, and have tea served.
[Effect] Resides on the face and maintains youth. Used for beauty and skincare, preventing and treating skin aging.
[Verification] This can be found in the "Imperial Fragrance and Misty Records". According to the records of Empress Dowager Cixi's palace maid Deling, Cixi enjoyed eating this formula, so her skin was tender and delicate, her face was like peach blossoms, and her appearance remained youthful.
Pearl is a precious traditional Chinese medicine. Sweet and salty in taste, cold in nature. Functionally calming and calming, clearing heat and nourishing yin, it has a good nutritional effect on the skin.
03 Jade Beauty
[Prescription] Jade artifacts, such as rulers, balls, top fingers, etc.
[Usage] Rub, roll, grind, and rub a small volume jade object on the face with little force and not too fast. Use it when idle and persist.
[Effect] Used for beauty and beauty.
[Verification] It has been verified that the effect is very good.
[Note] Many jade stones contain beneficial trace elements for the human body (such as silver, nickel, copper, magnesium, and iron). Empress Dowager Cixi had a unique beauty method, which was to frequently rub her face with jade stones. This method is recorded in Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica.
04 Lotus Root Fang Zhan Yan Light Body
[Formula] Lotus, lotus root, lotus seed.
[Method] The dosage ratio of the three ingredients is 7:8:9. Place in a ventilated place and dry in the shade, grind it into fine powder, and store it in a sealed porcelain bottle. Take 1 small spoon of warm water on an empty stomach every morning and evening.
[Effect] Nourishing yin, clearing heat, and beautifying the skin. Used for those who are overweight, have a declining appearance, or have obvious signs of aging.
[Verification] According to "Da Qing Cao Mu Fang", this formula has weight loss and beauty maintenance effects.
[Note] During the treatment period, avoid eating spicy foods such as scallions and garlic.
05 Black Bean Maru Yueze Facial Appearance
[Formula] An appropriate amount of black beans and lard each.
[Method] After soaking the black beans, steam them until cooked, hang them on a mat and cover them with straw. Wait for the black beans to gradually turn yellow, take them out and sun dry, crush them and grind them into fine powder. Mix the refined lard with soybean flour and knead the balls into a size as big as beans. Take 10 pills in the morning and evening each day, and take them for a long time to show effectiveness.
[Effect] Moisturizes the skin, nourishes the appearance, and plumps the flesh. Used to treat facial dullness, pale and yellowish complexion, dry and rough skin, and reduced appetite and body weight.
[Verification] This formula is derived from the Compendium of Materia Medica and adapted. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Black beans:" If you take them for a long time, they will turn white and not age. "
06 Walnut and Soybean Soup for Forever Facial Redness
[Formula] 10 walnuts, 300g soybeans, 10g white hyacinth, 50g rice, and 25g white sugar.
[Method] First, stir fry and grind the soybeans and white hyacinth into powder. Put the walnuts in a bowl and soak in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then mix the walnut kernels with rice that has been soaked overnight, use a dough stick to crush them, put them in a porcelain bowl, add 5-6 cups of water, soak thoroughly, and filter with gauze. Pour the filtered juice into the pot, add three cups of water, and then put the ground soybeans and white rice flour into the pot. Add white sugar and cook until a paste is formed. Consume daily.
[Effect] Smooth the meridians, nourish health, and benefit blood. Regularly taking and drinking can make the face smooth and rosy.
[Verification] According to the third issue of "Food Technology" in 1982, this is the favorite beauty food that the famous Peking Opera performer Mr. Mei Lanfang ate during his lifetime.