Complete collection of folk remedies for treating colitis
Release time:2024-07-11 13:57:44
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The prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience and clinically effective prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country. Due to individual differences in condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a physician.
01 Gui Shao Lai Fu Tang for treating intestinal diseases
[Formula] 120 grams of Angelica sinensis, 60 grams of Paeonia lactiflora, 10 grams each of licorice, betel nut, Fructus Aurantii, and Plantago asiatica, and 30 grams of Semen Raphani.
[Usage] Boil in water and take.
[Effect] Nourishing yin and clearing heat, strengthening spleen and diuresis, soothing liver and regulating qi, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.
[Verification] Case 1: Worker X, male, 34 years old, farmer, first diagnosed on August 5, 1950. Suffering from diarrhea and dysentery for 4 years, which recurs every summer and autumn, and is ineffective after treatment. Manifestation: Shigella paste like stool, with a foul odor and sometimes a reddish brown bean paste like appearance, carrying a small amount of pus and blood. It is urgent and heavy, with two movements day and night. The navel and left lower abdomen are dull and painful, with a red tongue and light yellow coating, and a heavy and smooth pulse. Fecal microscopy revealed red blood cells (++) and pus cells (++), revealing amoeba as a trophoblast. Fang Yu Gui Shao Lai Lv Tang with 30g of Ma Chi Lan and 3g of Brucea Javanica, wrapped in Gui Yuan meat in capsules, and served with medicinal liquid. Nine doses of various ailments were eliminated. Adjust and heal with the original method of preparing Xiangsha Liujunzi Pill. Follow up for 9 years to date, no recurrence, and normal stool routine after multiple examinations.
Case 2: Huang X, female, 32 years old, worker, first diagnosed on June 2, 1979. She reported to herself in early May 1976 that she suffered from abdominal pain due to ingestion of unclean substances, urgency and heaviness, with red and white sticky stools. She had itching around the anus and external genitalia three to four times a day, and had been treated repeatedly with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and detoxifying methods for three years. The effect was poor, and the condition did not improve significantly. The stool has tested positive for mold multiple times. Manifestations: emaciated body, dizziness and dizziness, dry mouth and morning bitterness, white tongue coating, deep and thin pulse. Propose to add 10 grams of Huanglian, Jingjie, Artemisia argyi charcoal, and Guanzhong to the Shao Lai Fu Tang. Take 2 doses in a row, and the abdominal pain has stopped. The remaining symptoms are mild. The medicine has shown its effectiveness, taking advantage of the situation to drive away the disease. Continuously administering the upper dose will clear the symptoms and cure the illness. There has been no recurrence since follow-up.
[Note] In clinical practice, adjustments can be made according to the condition of the disease. This formula has significant therapeutic effects on chronic amoebic dysentery, fungal enteritis, intestinal sclerosis, schistosomiasis complicated with proctitis, chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis, trichomoniasis enteritis, etc.
02 Sophora flavescens solution enema for the treatment of chronic colitis
[Formula] 30 grams of Sophora flavescens.
[Method] Add 500 milliliters of water to Sophora flavescens, fry over low heat until 80-100 milliliters, and keep enema before going to bed every night. According to the depth of the lesion detected by rectal endoscopy, the depth of enema should be determined. If the site is higher, the buttocks should be raised after enema to facilitate the filling and diversion of medication. Drink and sleep, prevent the medication from flowing out, and defecate the next day. Avoid eating raw, cold, spicy, and greasy foods during enema. 7 days is considered as one course of treatment, with a 2-day rest before proceeding with the second course.
[Efficacy] The author used this method to treat one case of chronic colitis. 6 cases recovered after 3-4 courses of treatment; Three cases showed a decrease in bowel movements, reduced mucus, and disappearance of abdominal pain; One case relapsed due to lack of dietary restrictions and improper diet.
[Verification] Pan XX, female, 38 years old, is a farmer who has been suffering from chronic colitis for 8 years. She often has diarrhea and abdominal pain day and night, especially at night. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, the patient's pain is unbearable, and she is noticeably thin, weak, and pale. Taking traditional Chinese and Western medicine is ineffective. After being pleased with this prescription, it was applied as usual, and after two consecutive courses of treatment, there was no abdominal pain, and the stool formed and healed.
03 Zhixie San for treating enteritis
[Prescription] 6 pieces of white pepper, 1 gram each of dried ginger, stir fried realgar powder, cinnamon, and Fructus Evodiae.
[Preparation and usage] Grind fine powder together with the upper medicine for later use. Dip the degreased cotton pad in the medicine powder, apply it to the navel, cover it with gauze, and fix it with adhesive tape. Change dressing once a day.
[Effect] Warm, dispel cold, and stop diarrhea.
[Verification] The effect is very good, usually filled with medication in the morning and can stop diarrhea in the afternoon.
[Note] Quoted from "Foreign Governance Summary". Add an appropriate amount of scallion, ginger, and Huangdan each, mash until smooth, and apply to the navel. Apply once or twice a day, and apply 3 or 4 times. It is effective in treating various types of diarrhea.
04 Er Xiang San for treating enteritis
[Prescription] Clove, Muxiang, Cinnamon, Fructus Evodiae, Mint, etc.
[Preparation and Usage] Prepare fine powder of the upper medicine, seal and set aside. When using, take 10g of the upper medicine powder, mix with ginger juice and wine; make a paste, stir fry and heat it up, and apply it to acupoints separately (take Tianshu, Zusanli, Piyu; take Zhongyuan, Mingmen, and Guanyuan. Select two acupoints each time. For acute diarrhea, take Tianshu and Zusanli as the main acupoints; for chronic diarrhea, take Piyu and Zhongyuan as the main acupoints; for kidney deficiency diarrhea, take Mingmen and Guanyuan as the main acupoints. For diarrhea accompanied by nausea and vomiting, use Neiguan acupoints. For severe diarrhea, use Yinlingquan acupoints), cover with gauze and fix with adhesive tape. Change dressing once a day.
[Effect] Dispelling cold, regulating qi, and stopping diarrhea.
[Verification] Repeated use is effective, usually stopping after 1-3 doses of medication.
05 Wild Chrysanthemum Decoction for Treating Enteritis
[Formula] 10-30 grams of wild chrysanthemum
If there is pus and blood in the stool, add 5-15 grams of tea (green tea) and fry together.
[Method] decoct soup to remove residue, decoct 100-300ml of liquid, let it warm to 38-40 ℃, empty stool, insert a rubber catheter about 20cm, keep the enema, once before going to bed every night, preferably for more than 4 hours, continuous infusion for 2 weeks is a course of treatment.
[Effect] Patients with chronic enteritis, persistent damp heat retention due to intestinal dysfunction, and those with persistent chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and mucous stools.
[Verification] Lu, male, 60 years old. Date of Visit: March 10, 1975. The patient has abdominal pain and diarrhea, which occurs from time to time and has been present for 5-6 years. They have been hospitalized for examination and diagnosed with chronic enteritis. Recently, there has been an increase in mucus in the stool, 4-5 times a day. Taking berberine is ineffective, and upper enema treatment is given. After one course of treatment, abdominal pain is relieved, stool is formed, once a day, and mucus disappears and recovers.
[Note] Wild chrysanthemum clears heat and detoxifies, and its tea flavor converges and stops diarrhea. The therapeutic effect of diarrhea caused by spleen and kidney deficiency is not satisfactory.