Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wild Horse Chase!
Release time:2024-07-11 18:26:33
Word Count:3232
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1. Alias

Jian Peilan, Peilan, Bai Tou Po.
2. Plant morphology
Perennial herb. The plant height is 50-100 centimeters. The tender stems and leaves are densely covered with fine soft hairs. Leaves opposite each other, without or near stalks, linear lanceolate, lanceolate to ovate lanceolate, 3-10 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, 3-lobed or uncracked, rough and hairless on both sides or with fine soft hairs and yellow glandular spots along the veins below, with sparse serrations on the edges and 3 veins at the base. Head shaped inflorescence, mostly arranged in an umbrella shape at the top of the stem, with bell shaped bracts and light green or purplish red bracts. The top is sharp and pointed. The head shaped inflorescence contains 5 tubular bisexual flowers, with light purple or white flowers, about 4 millimeters long. Gouguo, about 2 millimeters long, black or dark brown, with glandular hairs, 1 layer of coronal hair, white, about 4 millimeters long. The flowering period is from July to September, and the fruiting period is from August to October.
3. Origin distribution
Born on mountain slopes, grasslands, streams, and sandy areas. Widely distributed in various regions of Northeast, North, and East China.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest and sun dry the flowers when they first bloom in autumn.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
The stem is cylindrical, measuring 30-90 centimeters in length and 0.2-0.5 centimeters in diameter; The surface is yellow green or purple brown, with longitudinal edges and dense gray white fur; Hard texture, easy to break, fibrous cross-section, white pulp. Leaves grow on opposite sides, without stems; The leaves are often wrinkled and flattened, with three fully lobed leaves resembling whorls. The lobes are strip-shaped and lanceolate, with a longer middle lobe; The tip is blunt and round, with sparse serrations on the edges. The upper surface is green brown, and the lower surface is yellow green. Both sides are hairy and have glandular spots. The inflorescence grows at the top of the head. The air is weak, and the leaves have a bitter and astringent taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, bitter in taste. Return to the lung meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Dissolve phlegm, relieve cough and asthma. It belongs to the subcategory of cough suppressants and asthma relievers under the category of phlegm resolving cough suppressants.
8. Clinical application
Use 30-60 grams to treat chronic bronchitis, phlegm accumulation, cough, and asthma.
9. Pharmacological research
The flavonoids in Wild Horse Chaser were prepared into a suspension using carboxymethyl cellulose and orally administered to mice, which had a certain cough suppressing effect on cough caused by ammonia water. According to reports, a concentration of 10% has inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. In clinical practice, it can increase white blood cells, lower blood pressure, and inhibit glandular secretion.
10. Chemical composition
Containing volatile oils, alkaloids, coumarins, hyperoside, etc.
11. Usage taboos
It is not yet clear.
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.