Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanbai!
Release time:2024-07-11 18:28:05
Word Count:4152
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1. Alias

Shajiang and Shanspicy.
2. Plant morphology
Perennial herb. Rhizome block shaped, light green or greenish white, fragrant. Leaves usually grow close to the ground, nearly round, hairless or sparsely covered with long soft hairs on the back of the leaves. When dry, red dots can be seen on the leaf surface, and there are few stalks. Spike inflorescence with 4-12 flowers, terminal, partially hidden in leaf sheaths, fragrant, easily wilting; Bracts lanceolate, green; The sepals are about the same length as the bracts, and the corolla has three linear, white lobes; Two lateral degenerated stamens, petal shaped, inverted, white; White lips with purple spots at the base; 1 stamen, without filaments, square shaped septate appendage, 2-lobed; Ovary inferior, 3-chamber, stigma discoid. Capsule.
3. Origin distribution
Born on hillsides, under forests, and in grasslands, it is mostly cultivated. Originating from India. It is cultivated in Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
In winter, dig, wash, remove roots, slice, and dry.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Circular or nearly circular horizontal slice. The outer skin is light brown or yellow brown, wrinkled, and some have root marks or residual fibrous roots; The cut surface is white, powdery, and often bulging. Crispy and easy to break. The aroma is unique and the taste is spicy.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Spicy taste, warm nature. Returning to the Stomach Meridian and Heart Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Warm the body, digest food, and relieve pain. Belonging to Wenli medicine.
8. Clinical application
Take 6-9 grams and decoct. Used to treat chest and diaphragmatic distension, abdominal cold and pain, and indigestion. When used topically to treat toothache, the combination of musk has a certain analgesic effect, and external application can also treat dysmenorrhea, lung cancer, liver cancer, contusions, etc; Oral administration for cough, upper respiratory tract infections, and digestive ulcers.
9. Pharmacological research
There is maximum absorption near 210 nanometers and 310 nanometers of ultraviolet light, which can be used for identification. The decoction has antibacterial effects in test tubes; Ethanol extract has antihistamine effects; In addition, it also has anti-cancer effects.
10. Chemical composition
Containing volatile oils, flavonoids, coumarins, proteins, starch, and mucilage. Dry products contain 30% to 40% volatile oil, which includes ethyl cinnamate, ethyl coumarite, camptothecin, eucalyptol, and ethyl p-methylcoumarite. Flavonoids include kaempferol and kaempferol.
11. Usage taboos
Those with yin deficiency and blood deficiency, as well as those with stomach stagnation and fire, are prohibited from taking it.
12. Related prescriptions
① Treatment for cold and painful heart and abdomen: Shan Bai, Xiang Xiang, Danggui, Licorice, etc. For the end, vinegar paste pills, wutong son big. Take thirty pills each time, under the influence of alcohol. (A Brief Introduction to Lake Collection)
② To treat cold, food stagnation, chest bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea: 15g Shanbai, 6g Shancangzi root, 9g Nanschisandra root, 4.5g Wuyao, and 3g aged tea leaves. At the end of the research. Take 15 grams each time, soak in water or boil a few times, then take the juice and take it. (National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicines)
③ Treat all toothache: 6 grams of hawthorn (wrapped and cooked), 1.5 grams of musk. For fine details. For every three doses, hold warm water in your mouth and twitch your nose along with the painful area of your teeth. Just spit out the mouthwash. (Musk scattered in one word in 'Sea Side')
④ Treatment of bone marrow and throat: 6-15 grams of mountain bamboo rhizome. Boil and rinse with water. (Selected Materia Medica of Guangxi)
⑤ Treatment for dandruff: 3 grams each of Shan Nai, Gan Rosin, and Ling Xiang, 0.6 grams of Camphor, and 15 grams of Talc. At the end. Wipe the bamboo flute at night. (Quoted from "Shui Yun Lu" in "Gangmu")
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.