Traditional Chinese medicine, Bai Qian!
Release time:2024-07-15 18:59:27
Word Count:3783
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1. Alias

Bamboo leaf white front, grass white front, goose tube white front, cough medicine.
2. Plant morphology
Perennial herb. The stem is upright, and the young branches are covered with brown hairs. Ye Duisheng has few stems; Leaves elliptical, apex rounded or sharp, base wedge-shaped, entire margin. Axillary inflorescence; Calyx is yellow green, almost completely split; The corolla is yellow white with 5 deep lobes; Corolla 5, yellow green; Stamen 5, with medicine covering the tip of the stamen column; Ovary superior, carpel 2, style 2. The pods are 1-2 long and oval shaped. The flowering period is in August, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
3. Origin distribution
Born on the banks of the river and among the sand and stones. Mainly produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Dig the roots or pull out the whole plant in August, cut off the aboveground parts, wash and dry.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
The rhizome is cylindrical, relatively short, or slightly blocky; The surface is gray green or light yellow, smooth or with fine vertical lines. The nodes are obvious, with a length of 1-2 centimeters between them, a relatively hard texture, a hollow fracture surface, and a small medullary cavity. The nodes are clustered with slender and curved roots, which are slightly thicker and longer, with a diameter of about 1 millimeter. There are few branched fine roots, which are brittle and easy to break.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Slightly warm in nature, with a pungent and bitter taste. Return to the lung meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Reduce Qi, eliminate phlegm, and cough. It belongs to the category of cough and asthma relieving drugs under the category of phlegm resolving cough and asthma relieving drugs.
8. Clinical application
Dosage: 3-9 grams, decoct and take; Or into pills or powder. Used to treat lung qi stagnation, cough, excessive phlegm, chest fullness, and shortness of breath.
9. Pharmacological research
It has pharmacological effects such as cough suppression, phlegm removal, asthma relief, and anti-inflammatory.
10. Chemical composition
Containing triterpenoid saponins, yuanhua leaf white front glycoside A, yuanhua leaf white front glycoside B, yuanhua leaf white front glycoside C-monooleander glycoside have been isolated. Additionally, yuanhua leaf white front glycoside H, yuanhua leaf white front glycoside I, yuanhua leaf white front glycoside J, and others have been obtained. This product also contains saponins, β - sitosterol, quercetin-7-O - α - L rhamnoside, succinic acid, and North China resveratrol.
11. Usage taboos
Caution should be exercised when taking medication for those with yin deficiency and excessive fire, as well as those with lung and kidney qi deficiency and cough.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment for hepatitis: 30g of fresh roots of Bai Qian, 30g of Bai Ying, and 15g of Yin Xing Cao. Boil it in water. (Jiangxi Herbal Handbook)
② Treatment of edema: 30g of fresh roots of Atractylodes macrocephala, 15g of star vegetable roots, ground radish roots, and lampshade roots each. Boil in water and mix with brown sugar. (Jiangxi Herbal Handbook)
③ Treating stomach pain: 15 grams each of Bai Qian Gen and Weiling Xian Gen, and 24 grams of Xiao Fan Tian Hua Gen. Boil it in water. (Fujian Pharmaceutical Journal)
④ Treatment for injuries caused by falls and bruises: 15g of white root, 1 egg or 30g of dried razor clam, 9g of fragrant aconite and 3g of green skin. Boil it in water. (Fujian Pharmaceutical Journal)
⑤ Treating measles: 15 grams each of Bai Qian and Ge Gen. Boil it in water. (Fujian Pharmaceutical Journal)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.