Complete list of folk remedies for treating urinary tract stones
Release time:2024-07-16 14:52:19
Word Count:8561
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The prescriptions publicly available here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country, and are clinically effective formulas. Due to individual differences in medical condition and constitution, please take under the guidance of a physician.
01 Glauber's salt treatment for urinary system stones
[Formula] The formula for Fossil Soup consists of 50 grams each of Sichuan large leaf golden grass and walnut meat, 25 grams each of raw ground, winter sunflower seeds, talc (pan fried), stir fried plantain seeds (pan fried), Sichuan Achyranthes, 20 grams each of Qu Mai and Jing Mang nitrate (separately packaged and taken in 3 doses), 15 grams of stone reed, and 10 grams of raw licorice.
[Instructions] Take 1 dose per day, decoct in water and take 3 times
[Formula] Fossil powder formula consists of 100 grams each of saltpeter and sea gold sand, 30 grams of amber, and 20 grams of borax.
[Instructions] Grind the medicine into extremely fine powder, take 5 grams per day, divided into 3 doses.
After more than 50 clinical observations, it is generally recommended to only take Fossil Powder or Decoction. If the symptoms are severe, both parties can take it at the same time, in divided and frequent doses, with significant effects and no side effects.
[Verification] Chen, male, 45 years old, physically healthy. Recently, I have been experiencing cramping pain in my lower back, which is unbearable. After X-ray examination, it was diagnosed as "urinary tract stones". Its shape is larger than the little finger and tightly embedded in the middle of the right ureter. During the attack, the pain was unbearable, and the doctor advised him to undergo surgery, but he refused due to fear. Si was introduced by his colleague Shao and invited Mr. Ma to diagnose him. After Mr. Ma's diagnosis, he wrote the above two formulas and added 20 grams of crushed Corydalis yanhusuo to the decoction. The decoction was taken warm four times a day. The powder is taken in combination with the decoction. During the follow-up visit, the lower back and abdominal pain had stopped, and the body's pitching movements were normal. Both parties continued to take it, and the symptoms did not recur. After 3 weeks of X-ray re examination, the stone has disappeared without any trace. After resting for more than a week and returning to work, it has been 10 years since then.
02 saltpeter powder for the treatment of urinary tract stones
[Formula] 6 grams of nitrate and 18 grams of talc.
[Instructions] Place the iron spoon on paper, pour the nitrate onto the paper, do not let it come into contact with the iron, and stir fry over low heat until golden brown. Stir fry yellow nitrate and talc in a medicine pot, add a large bowl of water, decoct for 10 minutes, pour out the medicine juice and take 1 dose per day, twice a day, continuously taking until urinary stones are excreted.
[Effect] It has a miraculous effect in treating stones.
[Verification] Answer xx, male, 50 years old, physician. I have been suffering from urolithiasis for several years, and in 1978, my condition worsened and I came to seek treatment from above. Take 5 doses in a row and excrete several urinary stones, some of which are the size of soybeans; The larger one is 2.3 centimeters long and has a diameter of 0.7 centimeters at the middle end. It is in the shape of a jujube pit and has a fine-grained rough surface on one side. After the urinary stones were expelled, the disease recovered and there has been no recurrence so far.
03 Deer Antlers Cream for Treating Urinary Tract Stones
[Formula] 30 grams of deer antler cream, 12 grams each of yam seeds, chicken inner gold, stone reed, sea gold sand, and white peony, 9 grams each of raw licorice shoots and Wang Buliuxing, 1 gram of amber (swallowed), 15 grams of goldenrod, 6 grams each of black medicine and peach kernels.
[Instructions] Take one dose of water decoction daily.
[Effect] Warm the kidneys and strengthen yang, eliminate stones and promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and unblock collaterals.
[Verification] Wang XX, male, middle-aged. In May 1976, left lower back pain was discovered, radiating to the lower left abdomen with reduced urine output. Western medicine treatment was ineffective, leading to facial swelling and fatigue. Renal diagram: Normal secretion of the right kidney, delayed excretion; Left renal obstruction curve, intravenous nephrography revealed a 0.5 XL cm oval and irregularly edged opaque shadow in the upper left part of the pelvic cavity, with the long axis aligned with the direction of ureteral movement, accompanied by left renal hydronephrosis. Diagnosed as left lower ureteral stone and left renal hydronephrosis. The patient has persistent lower back pain, pale complexion, slight swelling, chills, pale tongue, and sunken veins. The treatment is to warm the kidneys, strengthen yang, promote blood circulation, and eliminate stones. Administer 3 doses above, and after medication, experience mild abdominal discomfort, unbearable pain during urination, and expel 1 peanut sized stone. Abdominal X-ray shows that the stone has been expelled. Follow up with diuretics and kidney strengthening products.
04 Tonglin Paishi Tang for the treatment of urinary tract stones
[Formula] 30-6g of Jinqiancao, 9-15g of Shiwei, Haijinsha, and Jineijin, 9g of Qumai, Fuling, Muxiang, Zhiguo, and Achyranthes, 15g of Huangqi, Shengdi, and Talcum, and 5g of Shenglicorice.
[Addition/Subtraction] Hematuria with Mao Gen, Xianhe Cao, Da Ji, Xiao Ji; Severe colic accompanied by Corydalis yanhusuo, Xiangfu, and Wuyao; Fecal constipation with rhubarb; Qi deficiency combined with Codonopsis pilosula, reuse Astragalus membranaceus; Remove stone reeds and talc from kidney yin deficiency, add wolfberry, Ligustrum lucidum, and dry lotus grass; Deficiency of kidney yang combined with false silk, psoralea, and icarii; After taking the medicine, if the patient develops nausea and discomfort in the stomach, remove the stone reed and talc, add ginger and Pinellia ternata, bamboo mushrooms, and Atractylodes macrocephala; If the stone persists for a long time, add peach kernels and red flowers.
[Instructions] Take one dose per day, decoct to about 300 milliliters, and take in the morning and evening. 10 days is one course of treatment, and those who have not had their stones removed should rest for 3-5 days before proceeding to the next course of treatment.
[Efficacy] 21 cases were treated, and 17 cases were cured (stone discharge, urinary tract X-ray confirmed disappearance of stone shadow); 2 cases were effective (the stone position moved down by more than 2 centimeters); 2 cases were ineffective (stones did not move or moved down less than 2 centimeters). The cured patients took a minimum of 3 doses and a maximum of 54 doses, with an average of 23 cases.
[Verification] Zhang XX, male, 45 years old. Due to pain in the lower right abdomen radiating to the right abdomen, emergency treatment was conducted on the afternoon of July 8, 1982. Suspected of having "urinary tract stones" and admitted to the hospital. X-ray imaging shows a stone at the lower end of the right ureter, measuring approximately 1.4 x 0.6 cm. The patient is unwilling to undergo surgery and seeks traditional Chinese medicine treatment. After taking 27 doses of Tonglin Paishi Tang, on the afternoon of November 13, 1982, during urination, I felt something move from the lower abdomen to the penis, causing a sudden interruption in urination. The pain was severe and there was a strong sense of embarrassment. I was urgently sent to the hospital by my family for treatment. After examination, the urethral opening was completely blocked by something, and due to the severe pain, it could not be discharged on its own. Therefore, I anesthetized the urethral mucosa with 1% cocaine and used hemostatic forceps to remove a Sangkan shaped stone. The appearance was intact, about 1.8 x 1. Ox 0.5 cm 3 in size. The next day, the symptoms were completely relieved, and there was no discomfort during the 2-month follow-up, and I recovered.
05 Chicken Internal Gold Treatment for Urinary Tract Stones
[Formula] 1 chicken internal gold.
[Instructions] Sun dry the chicken's internal gold, crush it, grind it into powder, and take it with white water. Take it once in the morning and once in the evening, and it can be taken continuously.
[Effect] Fossils can penetrate the body.
According to the "Family Doctor" magazine, readers have reported excellent results.