One hole, one square of the universe, one tendon hole
Release time:2024-07-16 16:06:26
Word Count:2263
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The name of the Lujin meridian acupoint. From acupuncture and moxibustion Classics A and B. Also known as Shen Guang and Dan Ji. L ǎ o, ancient refers to the flat plates that protrude outward from the upper ends of the left and right sides of the carriage. Its function is to prevent the splashing of mud and water from the wheels. This refers to the change of qi and blood in the gallbladder, which leads to a cold descent. The tendons and liver and gallbladder are responsible for regulating the qi and blood flow within the acupoint, which refers to a moist and moist atmosphere. The name "Lujin" refers to the moist and cold water vapor in the gallbladder meridian that absorbs moisture and then returns to the ground. The substance in this acupoint is the moist and cold water vapor transmitted from the deep armpit acupoint. After reaching this acupoint, it dissipates heat and absorbs moisture, causing it to descend from the sky to the earth. The changes in qi and blood are like splashing mud and water being blocked, hence the name Lujin.
【 Guijing Positioning 】
Gui Jing: Belongs to the Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian.
Location: Located in the lateral chest area, in the fourth intercostal space, 1 inch anterior to the midaxillary line.
【 Indications and Functions 】
Effect: Soothe the liver and stomach, relieve asthma and reflux, regulate qi and relieve pain.
Indications: Chest fullness and wheezing. Vomiting and swallowing acid. Lower back pain, axillary swelling, shoulder and back pain.
Acupoint compatibility
1. Using Yanglingquan and Zhigou to treat chest and rib pain.
2. Treating vomiting, acid reflux, and stomach pain with the use of spleen Yu acupoint, stomach Yu acupoint, gallbladder Yu acupoint, Juque acupoint, and Neiguan acupoint.
3. Pei Fei Shu, Ding Chuan, Kong Zhi, have the effect of reducing stress and relieving asthma, and are mainly used for treating wheezing and preventing lying down.
The Lujin acupoint has the function of relieving and treating shoulder and arm pain, vomiting, wheezing, etc. It is mainly used to regulate symptoms such as axillary swelling, chest and rib pain, shoulder and arm pain, gastritis, vomiting, acid swallowing, wheezing, axillary lymphadenitis, intercostal neuralgia, limb spasms and convulsions.