Complete list of folk remedies for treating hepatitis
Release time:2024-07-18 14:31:11
Word Count:15238
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Serious Declaration
The prescriptions publicly available here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country, and are clinically effective formulas. Due to individual differences in medical condition and constitution, please take under the guidance of a physician.
01 Three meter Congee with Red Beans
【 Ingredients 】 35g adzuki beans, 100g rice, 70g corn, 100g coix seed.
[Preparation] Wash the above four ingredients, put them into a pot, add some water, and boil them into Congee. Eat in moderation for breakfast and dinner.
【 Effect 】 It can invigorate the spleen, relieve dampness, and detoxify. Suitable for individuals with chronic hepatitis.
02 Floating Wheat Congee
[Ingredients] 30g floating wheat flour and 60g glutinous rice.
[Preparation] Wash the glutinous rice and put it into the pot. Add 500ml of water. First boil it on high heat, then boil it on low heat until the rice blooms. Add floating wheat flour, and continue to cook Congee until it is thick. Warm food in the morning and evening every day.
【 Effect 】 Relieve sweating, nourish the spleen and stomach, and relieve deficiency heat. Suitable for individuals with chronic hepatitis who experience hot flashes and night sweats.
03 Green Bean Jelly Cake
[Ingredients] 400g mung beans, 250g white sugar, and 20g agar.
[Method] Remove impurities from mung beans, wash them, put them in a pot, add water and cook until tender, drain the water, remove the shell, put them in a container, mash them into bean paste, squeeze out the water and set aside for later use; Wash the cabbage thoroughly, put it in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer over low heat until it dissolves. Add white sugar and cook until fully cooked, then filter out the residue with gauze. Pour the filtered agar sugar juice into mung bean paste, stir while adding. After adding the agar sugar juice, boil it over low heat and pour it into a clean dish. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it briefly. Serve as Dim sum.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat, detoxifying and reducing swelling. Suitable for individuals with chronic hepatitis.
04 Banlangen stewed red dates
[Ingredients] 40g of Banlangen and 25 red dates.
【 Production Method 】 First, wash and slice the Banlangen root, then put it into a gauze bag, tie the mouth, and put it in a clay pot together with the washed red dates. Soak it in water for a moment, then simmer over medium heat for about half an hour. Remove the medicine bag and it's ready. Take it twice in the morning and evening.
【 Effect 】 Suitable for patients with various types of viral hepatitis.
05 Stewed Tofu with Loach and Green Skin
[Ingredients] 450 grams of tender tofu, 15 grams of green skin, 300 grams of loach, appropriate amounts of yellow wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, chopped scallions and ginger.
[Method] First, place the live loach in a clean water basin and raise it for 3 days. During this time, change the water frequently and add a few drops of cooking oil each time to clean the internal organs and mud. Wash the green skin, chop it into small pieces, put it in a clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and boil for about half an hour. Remove the residue, take the juice, and let it cool. Put it into the clay pot together with the tender tofu, slowly add the loach, and let the loach crawl into the tender tofu. Reduce the heat from low to low, simmer until boiling, add chopped green onions and ginger, and add a little yellow wine. Add refined salt and monosodium glutamate, mix well, and wait for the loach to be cooked until it is tender before eating. Serve as a dish and finish it on the same day.
【 Effect 】 Suitable for patients with liver and spleen dysregulated viral hepatitis.
06 Eel and Yam Soup
[Ingredients] 300g eels, 10g chicken roe, 10g yam, 5slices ginger, appropriate amounts of yellow wine, refined salt, and monosodium glutamate.
[Method] After killing the eels alive, remove their internal organs, wash them, cut them into sections, and blanch them in boiling water to remove blood and mucus; Wash chicken and yam thoroughly. Heat up the wok, saut é the eel meat with ginger until fragrant, add a little yellow wine, then add an appropriate amount of water, transfer to a clay pot, add chicken in gold, Huai yam, and ginger, boil over high heat first, then simmer over low heat for 1 hour, add salt and MSG, and boil again. Drink soup and eat meat in moderation.
【 Effect 】 It can invigorate the spleen and stimulate appetite, eliminate food stagnation. Suitable for patients with acute non jaundice hepatitis of liver and spleen imbalance type.
07 Purple eggplant Congee
【 Ingredients 】 200g purple eggplant and 150g rice.
[Preparation] Wash and chop eggplant, put it in the pot together with Xun's washed rice, add proper amount of water, boil it with high fire food, and then boil it with low fire to make porridge. Take one dose daily for several consecutive days to achieve results.
【 Effect 】 Clear heat and dispel dampness. Suitable for patients with acute viral hepatitis.
08 Radish Sour Plum Soup
【 Ingredients 】 250g fresh white radish, 5 sour plums, and an appropriate amount of refined salt.
[Method] Wash fresh white radish, cut it into thin slices, put it in a clay pot with sour plum, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat for more than 1 hour, add a little salt, and remove the residue. When drinking beverages, finish them on the same day.
【 Effect 】 Wide circulation of qi, generating fluids and protecting the liver. Suitable for individuals with viral hepatitis, etc.
09 White eggplant Congee
[Ingredients] 150g white eggplant, 50g honey, 100g rice.
[Method] Remove the stem and wash the eggplant, then cut it into small pieces. In addition, put the washed rice into a pot, add 100ml water, boil it over high heat, add eggplant pieces, then boil it over low heat to make porridge, and add honey. Take one dose per day, divided into several servings. People with spleen and stomach deficiency cold diarrhea and pregnant women should not consume it.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and reducing swelling. Suitable for patients with jaundice hepatitis, etc.
10 tomato garlic mixed with cucumber
【 Ingredients 】 2 tender cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 4 cloves of garlic, 10 grams of sesame paste, appropriate amounts of white sugar and monosodium glutamate salt.
【 Production Method 】 Brush the cucumber clean, dry it, crush it with a knife, and place it on a plate. Wash the tomatoes, blanch them in hot water, peel them, cut them into small pieces, put them in a cucumber dish, sprinkle with salt, sugar, and MSG, mix well. Peel off the garlic coat, crush it, chop it into a paste, and sprinkle it on top of the cucumber and tomato; Put sesame paste in a bowl, dilute with a little cold water, pour over cucumber and tomato, mix well and serve. Serve with meals.
【 Effect 】 Clear heat and quench thirst, nourish the stomach and digest food. Suitable for patients with chronic hepatitis, etc.
11 Bitter gourd mixed with Malantou
【 Ingredients 】 300g bitter gourd, 200g fresh Malantou, appropriate amounts of refined salt, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, and white sugar.
[Method] Place bitter gourd in clean water, repeatedly wash its outer skin, cut open and remove the flesh and seeds, wash, cut into thin slices, put it in a bowl, add a little salt, knead evenly, marinate for a moment, and set aside. Wash the fresh Malan head thoroughly, blanch it in boiling water, remove it, mix it evenly, and place it in a plate. Decant the bitter melon pickling water, and evenly place the bitter melon slices on top of the Malan head. Additionally, pour the evenly mixed juice of vinegar, salt, MSG, sugar, etc. onto the bitter melon and mix well to make it ready. Serve with meals.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and dampness, promoting appetite. Suitable for individuals with chronic hepatitis.
12 Bitter Melon Stir fried Egg and Milk
【 Ingredients 】 500g bitter gourd, 200g fresh milk, 2 egg whites, appropriate amounts of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, fresh milk wet starch, and vegetable oil.
[Method] Beat the egg white, add milk, salt, and wet starch, and mix well; Wash the bitter gourd, slice it, heat it slightly with boiling water, then remove it and drain the water. Heat up the wok, add oil and heat up, add bitter gourd and stir fry, add salt and MSG, stir fry until 80% cooked, then remove. Start a separate wok, stir and add egg white milk, stir fry until half cooked, then add bitter melon and stir fry until cooked. Serve immediately and finish on the same day. People with spleen and stomach qi stagnation or cold dampness accumulation should not consume it.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling. Suitable for patients with chronic hepatitis caused by damp heat in the liver and gallbladder.
Stir fried Tomatoes with 13 Meatballs
[Ingredients] 150g tomatoes, 50g lean pork, 100g vermicelli, soy sauce, vegetable oil, refined salt, scallions, ginger in appropriate amounts
[Method] Wash the lean pork and chop it into small pieces; Wash tomatoes, peel and seed them, cut them into slices; Cut the pink skin into small pieces; Cut ginger and scallions into small pieces. Place the pot on high heat, add oil and heat up, stir fry ginger and chopped scallions, add minced meat and stir fry again, pour in tomatoes, add soy sauce and stir fry briefly, then add flour and salt, stir fry quickly over high heat for a few times to serve. Serve with meals.
【 Effect 】 Nourish yin and stomach, clear heat and detoxify. Suitable for individuals with hepatitis, etc.
14 vegetarian baked three samples
【 Ingredients 】 100g of mung beans, 100g of tomatoes, 2 pieces of tofu, 50ml of cooked soybean oil, 10g of wet starch, 10g of seaweed, appropriate amounts of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, chopped green onions, and ginger powder.
[Method] Tear off the gluten of the beans, put them in a pot of water, boil them, remove them, and control the water content; Slice the tofu, boil it in the water pot, remove it, and control the water content; Cut off the stem of the tomato and slice it into orange slices. Heat up the oil in the pot, stir fry chopped scallions and ginger, add tomatoes and stir fry slightly, add a little water, add sea rice, tofu and beans to the pot at the same time, add salt and monosodium glutamate, stir fry gently and mix evenly, thicken with wet starch, and drizzle with a little cooked soybean oil to remove from the pot. Serve with meals.
【 Effect 】 It can invigorate the spleen and harmonize the middle, relieve heat and produce fluids, and promote diuresis. Suitable for patients with chronic hepatitis caused by damp heat in the liver and gallbladder.
15 Sweet and Sour Ling Bai
[Ingredients] 350 grams of fresh and tender bamboo shoots, 25 grams of white sugar, 20 milliliters of vinegar, appropriate amounts of refined salt, wet starch, sesame oil, and fresh soup.
【 Production Method 】 Peel off the outer skin of the bamboo shoots, wash them, and cut them into small rolling blocks. Bring water to a boil in the soup pot, blanch the bamboo shoots until they are 80% ripe, then remove and drain. Heat up a wok over high heat, add fresh soup, white sugar, refined salt, and vinegar, bring to a boil, then add water bamboo and cook slightly. Thicken with wet starch and drizzle with sesame oil to serve. Serve with meals.
[Effect] Clears the liver, reduces jaundice, and promotes bowel movements. Suitable for individuals with chronic hepatitis.
16 Sweet and Sour Cabbage
[Ingredients] 400g of tender cabbage, 20ml of vinegar, 30g of white sugar, appropriate amounts of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger powder, wet starch, vegetable oil, and sesame oil.
[Method] Wash the cabbage and cut it into long strips. Place it in a bowl and marinate it with salt. Squeeze out any excess juice. Heat up the wok, add oil and heat it up, then add ginger powder and stir fry the cabbage strips. Add white sugar, vinegar, and a small amount of water and continue to stir fry until fully cooked. Add MSG, thicken with wet starch, stir fry a few times, drizzle with sesame oil, and serve on a plate. Serve with meals
【 Effect 】 Suitable for patients with chronic hepatitis and other conditions.
17 Shrimp Spinach
【 Ingredients 】 500g spinach, 5g water dried shrimp, 10ml peanut oil, 3ml sesame oil, 4g refined salt, 1g monosodium glutamate, and a little Sichuan pepper.
[Method] Wash the spinach thoroughly and cut it into 6 centimeter long sections. Heat the wok over high heat, add peanut oil and bring to 70% heat. Fry the Sichuan peppercorns until fragrant, then remove and blanch the cooked shrimp in the oil pan for later use. Blanch spinach in a boiling water pot for a while, then transfer it to cool water and soak in it. Squeeze out the excess water and place it in a plate. Add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, and fried shrimp and Sichuan pepper oil, mix well.
【 Effect 】 Suitable for hepatitis patients, obese patients, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
Stir fried chicken shreds with 18 shiitake mushrooms
【 Ingredients 】 200g fresh enoki mushrooms, 300g chicken jerky, 50g winter bamboo shoots, 50ml vegetable oil, 1ml sesame oil, 3g refined salt, 2g monosodium glutamate, 10ml cooking wine, 10g scallions, 2g ginger, 100g chicken soup.
【 Method 】 Remove the roots of the enoki mushrooms and wash them thoroughly; Cut the chicken jerky into a 4cm long string, the thickness of a matchstick. Cut the winter bamboo shoots into corresponding thin threads. Cut scallions and ginger into thin strips. Heat a wok over high heat, add vegetable oil and bring to a boil until 70% hot. Then add scallions and shredded ginger and stir fry until fragrant. Pour in shredded chicken and stir fry until fully cooked. Add shredded bamboo shoots, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, and chicken soup and bring to a boil. Finally, add enoki mushrooms, salt and stir fry a few times, drizzle with sesame oil, stir fry a few times, and serve on a plate.
【 Effect 】 Suitable for hepatitis patients to consume. Golden needle mushrooms have significant therapeutic effects on liver diseases and gastrointestinal ulcers.
Stir fried Double Ears with 19 Flammulina velutipes
【 Ingredients 】 200g fresh enoki mushrooms, 100g water dried Tremella fuciformis, 100g water dried Auricularia auricula, 25g green beans, 25g carrots, 50ml vegetable oil, 2ml sesame oil, 4g refined salt, 3g monosodium glutamate, 10g chopped scallions, 2g chopped ginger, 100g chicken soup.
[Method] Remove the stems of Tremella fuciformis and Auricularia auricula, wash them clean, and roughly cut the larger ones. Wash the green beans and let them boil in cold water. Wash the carrots, peel them, and cut them into 4cm long, matchstick thick shreds. Place the wok on high heat, add vegetable oil and heat it up to 80%. Add chopped scallions and ginger and stir fry until fragrant. Add fungus, Tremella fuciformis, green beans, and shredded carrots and stir fry a few times. Then add enoki mushrooms, monosodium glutamate, salt, and chicken soup, stir fry for a while, and drizzle with sesame oil.
【 Effect 】 Suitable for hepatitis patients, nephritis patients, and gastric ulcer patients.