Complete list of folk remedies for treating epilepsy
Release time:2024-07-20 13:51:04
Word Count:3773
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Serious Declaration
The prescriptions publicly available here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country, and are clinically effective formulas. Due to individual differences in medical condition and constitution, please take under the guidance of a physician.
01 Folk formula: San Shi Wan
【 Composition 】 50 grams each of ochre and erythrite, 20 grams each of almonds, silkworms, and Acorus calamus, and 5 grams of croton cream.
【 Usage 】 Grind the medicine into extremely fine powder, refine it into pills the size of small beans, and store them in a bottle for later use. Adults should take 3-5 capsules each time, 3 times a day, after meals.
【 Effect 】 Promote lung function and open up orifices.
【 Treatment 】 Epilepsy.
02 Folk Formula: Gan Zhu San
【 Composition 】 3 grams each of sweet and cinnabar, 1 fresh pig heart.
【 Usage 】 Grind the first medicine into fine powder, cut open the fresh pig heart into 2 pieces, put the medicine powder inside, wrap it with kraft paper and simmer over low heat, do not let it burn, grind it finely and mix it with cinnabar, divide into 4 pills, take 1 pill each.
【 Effect 】 Water dispelling and calming the mind.
【 Treatment 】 Epilepsy.
03 Folk Formula: Modified Baijin Powder
【 Composition 】 60 grams each of alum and turmeric, 15 grams of cinnabar, and 30 grams of amber. 【 Usage 】 Grind the medicine into extremely fine powder, mix well, and divide into 30 packs. Take 1 pack per day, divided into 2 doses.
【 Effect 】 Relieve depression and phlegm.
【 Treatment 】 Epilepsy.
04 Folk prescription: San Shi Tang
【 Composition 】 120 grams of ochre, 60 grams of magnet, 15 grams of lapis lazuli, 9 grams each of scorpion, tangerine peel, French Pinellia ternata, bamboo root, and southern star, and 6 grams of licorice.
[Usage] Boil in water and take orally. 1 dose per day.
【 Effect 】 Suppress the liver and calm the wind.
【 Treatment 】 Epilepsy.
05 Folk Formula: Ba Dou Er Shi Wan
【 Composition 】 5 grams of croton cream, 80 grams of almonds, 50 grams of red rock fat, and 50 grams of ocher each.
【 Usage 】 Grind the medicine into fine powder and refine it into pills the size of small beans. Store in a bottle for later use. Adults should take 3-5 capsules each time, 3 times a day, after meals.
【 Effect 】 Relieve heat and relieve constipation.
【 Treatment 】 Epilepsy.
06 Folk Formula: Wu Xiao San
[Composition] Scorpion, centipede, Zaocys dhumnades, Bombyx batryticatus and ground beetle beetle. [Usage] Apply the medicine, place it on the clay tile and bake it, grind the fine powder together, or use honey to make pills as big as wutong seeds, and store them in bottles for standby. Take once a day in the morning and once in the evening with plain water.
【 Effect 】 Relieve wind and spasm.
【 Treatment 】 Epilepsy.
Modified Di Dang Tang
[Composition] 12g leeches, 9g tabanidae, 12g peach kernels, 9g rhubarb, 9g ground beetle worms, 15g earthworm, 9g bombyx mori, 6g scorpions, 2 centipedes, and 20g pistil stones.
【 Usage 】 Boil in water, take in 2 doses, 1 dose per day.
【 Effect 】 Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.
【 Treatment 】 Traumatic epilepsy. History of traumatic brain injury, resulting in coma and collapse, convulsions and rigidity, drooling at the corners of the mouth, occasional abnormal screaming, red tongue with greasy coating, pulse count, and dry stool.
08 Anti epileptic Powder
【 Composition 】 Suitable amounts of Radix Ginseng, Poria cocos, Acorus tatarinowii, Radix Gastrodia elata, Pinellia ternata, Citrus reticulata, Citrus aurantium, Agarwood, Qingguo, Shenqu, Amber, Chuanxiong, and Qianghuo.
【 Usage 】 The medicine is in fine powder and should be taken orally according to age.
【 Effect 】 Relieve wind and phlegm.
【 Treatment 】 Pediatric epilepsy.
