Loose teeth folk remedies
Release time:2024-07-21 12:30:49
Word Count:6679
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↓ "Fang 1." ↓
Sit upright, concentrate and calm down, eliminate distractions, lightly close your lips, and tap your teeth together with a resounding sound. First knock on the white (large) teeth, then knock on the front (front) teeth, and finally knock on the canine teeth in a misaligned position. Knock 100 times every morning, noon, before bedtime, or at any time. It is advisable to consciously have hot air rushing towards the brain, and if not, double the frequency of knocking. When saliva is produced under the tongue, do not spit it out at will, and send it into the dantian about 3 inches below the navel with intention. When knocking, pay attention to using natural and moderate force. Too much or too little force is not good. Too much pain and too little force will not achieve the desired effect.
↓ "Fang 2." ↓
Massage the gums 1-2 times a day to firm the teeth. The method is: after each lunch or dinner, rinse your mouth and wash your hands clean. First, use the index finger of your right hand to massage the left and middle upper and lower gums, and then use the index finger of your left hand to massage the upper and lower gums of your right side, 50-60 times each.
↓ "Fang 3." ↓
30g bone fragments, 15g black mulberries, 15g salt, 24g walnuts, peeled, simmered to remove oil. Grind the medicine together into fine powder. Apply to the gums, once in the morning and once in the evening daily. Beneficial for the kidneys and teeth, it has the effect of cooling blood and purging fire, and can treat teeth shaking, gum redness, swelling, and pain.
↓ "Fang 4." ↓
3g realgar, 3g autumn stone, 3g borax, 3g alum, 0.3g borneol, several pieces of red jujube meat First put realgar into the jujube meat, wrap it with cold rice, simmer it in the fire until the Rice and vegetable roll is burnt black, take out realgar, and then grind fine powder together with autumn stone, borax, alum, borneol, etc. Before use, soak mint in boiling water to clean the child's mouth, and apply disinfectant gauze dipped in medicine powder to the sore gum area.
↓ "Fang 5." ↓
Talc powder for treating periodontal disease
[Formula] 18 grams of talcum powder, 6 grams of licorice powder, 3 grams of cinnabar flour, 1.5 grams each of realgar and borneol
【 Usage 】 Grind it into fine flour and sprinkle it on the affected area after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening; Or use a ratio of 25g of medicine to 60g of raw honey, mix and apply to the affected area in the morning and evening
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and pain, transforming putrefaction into muscle, converging and stopping bleeding.
【 Indications 】 Chronic periodontitis.
[Verification] This formula was used to treat 74 patients, including 42 males and 32 females, with the youngest being 10 years old and the oldest being 40 years old; The course of illness is between six months and two years or more; The treatment course ranges from 15 days to 3 months. After treatment, 62 cases were cured and 9 cases showed significant improvement.
↓ "Fang 6." ↓
Chrysanthemum and Licorice Decoction for Treating Periodontal Disease
【 Formula 】 30 grams each of chrysanthemum, squid bone, and raw licorice.
【 Usage 】 Take 1 dose daily, boil in water until 500ml, and take 250ml before breakfast and dinner.
【 Effect 】 Relieve wind and heat, clear fire and detoxify, promote blood circulation and relieve pain, converge and stop bleeding.
【 Indications 】 Periodontitis and periodontal abscess belong to Yangming damp heat type. Symptoms include swollen gums, pain, pus discharge, pain affecting cheeks and cheeks, dry mouth, and fever.
[Verification] Chen, male, 30 years old. I complained of toothache in the lower left corner for 7 days and swelling of the cheek with difficulty opening the mouth for 3 days. I usually enjoy eating spicy food. Diagnosed with swelling on the left face, redness and pain that extends to the cheeks and cheeks, with an opening of about one finger; Accompanied by bad breath, headache, chills and fever, the pain worsens when exposed to hot and cold food, the body temperature is 38 ℃, and the lips are red; The sixth lower left tooth is decayed, with redness, swelling, and bleeding around the gum. There is a periodontal pocket with a detection degree of>3 millimeters, and there is a wave sensation, pus overflow, percussion pain, and loose teeth when touched; Palpable submandibular lymph nodes with obvious tenderness; The urine is yellow and red, the tongue is red, the coating is greasy, and the pulse is stringy. Diagnosed with periodontitis and periodontal abscess. The syndrome belongs to Yangming damp heat, which is caused by the accumulation of thick flavors of ointment in the gastrointestinal tract and the stagnation of wind and fire in the meridians of Shaoyang Yangming. Take one dose daily and avoid spicy food, tobacco, and alcohol. After one week, all symptoms disappeared.
↓ "Fang 7." ↓
Dried Lotus Fry
【 Composition 】 Dried lotus grass 60-120g,
【 Instructions 】 Boil in water and swallow frequently
【 Effect 】 Loose teeth
【 Source 】 Experienced party
↓ "Fang 8." ↓
1 red jujube and 0.6g plum slices.
Heat the red dates over high heat until no smoke is visible, then take them and let them cool in salt. After taking it out, add regular plum slices and mash it into a fine powder. First, boil mint leaves and wash the affected area with water, then use cotton dipped in medicine to apply to the affected area several times a day. Avoid spicy, fishy and other substances.
↓ "Fang 9." ↓
Peach and Willow Peel for Treating Dental Diseases
[Prescription] 4g peach bark and 4g willow bark respectively, with appropriate amount of Baijiu.
[Usage] Put Baijiu into the casserole, fry the peach and willow bark gently, and rinse the mouth with the liquor while it is hot. After the alcohol is cooled in the mouth, spit it out and rinse it several times a day.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and relieving pain, dispelling wind and dispersing swelling. Used to treat toothache and periodontal inflammation caused by wind and fire.
↓ "Fang 10." ↓
Gypsum plaster for treating periodontal disease in situ
【 Formula 】 30g of gypsum, 20g of raw earth and heavenly pollen, 15g of Danpi, Forsythia suspensa, and Angelica sinensis, 10g of Shengma, Huanglian, bamboo leaves, rhubarb, and Polygonum cuspidatum.
【 Usage 】 Take one dose daily, decoct in water, and divide into 2-3 oral doses. Continue taking until symptoms disappear.
【 Indications 】 Acute periodontitis.
【 Verification 】 This formula was used to treat 50 cases of acute periodontitis, of which 28 cases were cured, 17 cases showed significant improvement, 4 cases were effective, and 1 case was ineffective. The effective rate is 98%.