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Kongwei, the name of the acupoint. The First and Second Classics of acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion were published. This acupoint is the Qi point of the lung meridian, where the Qi of the lung meridian is deeply concentrated, known as the Qi point of the lung meridian. Diseases of the lung meridian can be treated with Kongzhi acupoint: respiratory system diseases: tuberculosis hemoptysis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma; Sports system diseases: elbow and arm pain, hand joint pain.
【 Guijing Positioning 】
Gui Jing: Hand Tai Yin Lung Meridian
Positioning: Radial side of the palmar surface of the forearm, 7 inches above the wrist crease when the line connecting the ruler and Taiyuan is reached
【 Indications and Functions 】
Effect: Relieve lung qi, clear and eliminate lung heat, cool blood to stop bleeding, reduce swelling and relieve pain, and promote throat function.
Indications: cough, asthma, hemoptysis, chest pain; Throat swelling and pain; suffer aphonia; Fever without sweating and headache; Hemorrhoids; Symptoms such as elbow and arm spasms.
Clinical Application
1: Cough: Kong Zui, Tianquan, Taixi, Xingjian, Yu Fu, Shenfeng, Abdominal Knot, Shaoshang, Fubai (acupuncture and moxibustion Zisheng Sutra).
2: Acute hemoptysis: Kong Zui, Chi Ze, Neiguan (Summary of acupuncture and moxibustion Clinical Experience).
3: Aphonia: Kong Zui, Yin Men (acupuncture and moxibustion Zisheng Sutra).
4: Headache: Kong Jue, Tianzhu, Tao Dao, Dazhu, Houxi ("Essential Prescriptions for Preparing Urgent Women").
5: Unable to sweat due to fever: Kong Jue, Shang Xing, Xuan Skull, Qian Gu, wrist bones ("Picking Ai and Weaving Wings").