Jiuzao Nose Formula
Release time:2024-07-22 14:28:08
Word Count:3789
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↓ "Fang 1." ↓
Loquat leaf honey
【 Recipe 】 Fresh loquat leaves 5kg, honey in moderation.
【 Usage 】 Wash and remove the hairs from fresh loquat leaves, add 40 liters of water, decoct for 3 hours, filter to remove residue, then concentrate into 1.5 kilograms of paste, mix with honey, and store for later use. Take 10-15 grams per dose, twice a day. Commonly used and effective.
【 Effect 】 Adjuvant treatment of rosacea.
【 Source 】 Folk testing formula.
↓ "Fang 2." ↓
Purslane Formula
【 Ingredients 】 Moderate amount of purslane.
【 Method 】 Purslane decoction.
【 Usage 】 Wash once a day.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying. Suitable for rosacea nose.
↓ "Fang 3." ↓
Loquat leaf formula detoxifies and cools blood
【 Composition 】 Loquat leaves, gardenia kernels, and other parts.
【 Method 】 Remove the fuzz from the back of loquat leaves, crush and grind them with gardenia seeds. Take 6 grams per serving, 10 milliliters of warm wine, 3 times a day.
【 Effect 】 Clear heat. Use to treat red nose.
↓ "Fang 4." ↓
Baibu Kushen Formula
【 Composition 】 30g each of Baibu and Snake Bed Seed, 40g Lei Wan, 20g Sophora flavescens, 15g Atractylodes macrocephala, 500ml 80% alcohol.
[Practice] Put all the medicinal materials into Baijiu and soak them for 15 days.
【 Usage 】 Use 100ml of the prepared medicine solution, add 2-3ml of azone, and use a sterilized cotton ball to dip the medicine solution and apply it to the affected area. Three times a day.
[Effect] It can relieve dampness and detoxify, kill insects and relieve itching, and is used to treat rosacea.
↓ "Fang 5." ↓
Seven flower decoction
【 Recipe 】 10 grams each of rose, cockscomb, camellias, safflower, honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum, and locust flower.
【 Usage 】 Take 1 dose daily, decoct in water and take 3 times in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
【 Effect 】 Adjuvant treatment of rosacea.
【 Source 】 Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1990 (10).
↓ "Fang 6." ↓
External application of milk realgar for the treatment of rosacea and nasal papules
25 grams of realgar, 10 grams each of light powder and borax, and an appropriate amount of milk. Mix realgar, light powder, and borax together and grind them into a fine powder. Then add milk and mix well. Apply to the nose and wash off after 15 minutes. 1-2 times a day, with 10 days as one course of treatment.
↓ "Fang 7." ↓
Sulfur yellow wine for treating rosacea and nose
[Composition] 120 grams of sulfur and 1500 milliliters of distilled liquor.
[Method] Put sulfur in a sand bowl, boil it with distilled liquor until it is dry, then take it up and set aside for later use. Apply a small amount and let go to apply it.
【 Effect 】 Detoxification, stasis removal, and itching relief. Effective in treating rosacea.
↓ "Fang 8." ↓
Snow pear Honey Water
[Composition] 20g Tremella fuciformis, 1 snow pear, 3 honey dates, and some white sugar.
[Practice] Wash the pear, remove its core, cut it into pieces, put it into a pot together with other materials, add proper amount of water, and boil it until snow pear and tremella are ripe.
[Usage] For daily consumption, eat pears, dates, etc., and drink soup.
【 Effect 】 Clear fire, moisten lungs, used for treating rosacea.
↓ "Fang 9." ↓
Light powder almond for treating rosacea
【 Formula 】 6g light powder, 12g almond and 12g sulfur each.
【 Usage 】 First, grind the light powder finely, then add almonds and grind together. Finally, add sulfur and grind together. Wash your fingers thoroughly, dip them in medicine and rub the affected area.
[Effect] Detoxification and insecticidal. Used to treat rosacea and acne.
【 Verification 】 This formula was used to treat 10 cases of rosacea, with 6 cases cured, 2 cases improved, and 2 cases ineffective. The total effective rate was 80%.
The above is a folk remedy, please adjust it under the guidance of a physician.