Facial paralysis secret recipe 1
Release time:2024-07-22 15:00:59
Word Count:14652
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The prescriptions disclosed here are all the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country, scientifically rigorous and clinically effective. Due to individual differences in medical condition and constitution, please take under the guidance of a physician.
1 .  Treatment of Facial Nerve Paralysis with Blood of Congliao Eel
[Formula] Congzhi Liao Cao (also known as Congzhi Liao, Huohong Spicy Liao, Spicy Liao) and Eel Blood are suitable for children.
[Instructions] Mash the knotweed, take half and stir fry until hot for later use. Then apply the eel blood to the affected side of the face (such as applying it to the right side of the face when the left mouth and eye are tilted, and to the left side when the right side is applied). After the eel blood dries, mix the stir fried and stir fried Polygonum multiflorum and apply it to the area coated with eel blood. Change it once a day until it is cured. Generally, after 10-20 minutes of application, there will be a pulling sensation on the affected side of the face, and the symptoms will be relieved after one day of medication. The treatment lasts for a short 3 days, a long 7-8 days, and usually 5 days.
25 cases were treated, and all 24 cases were cured except for 1 case who automatically gave up treatment on the second day of medication.
[Verification] Lin, female, 56 years old. The mouth and eyes have been crooked for 7 days, and treatment with traditional Chinese medicine such as Daqinqiantang, Qianzheng San, and Western medicine has been ineffective. Diagnosis: Right angled mouth and eyes, left eye unable to close, tears overflowing, continuous drooling, language loss, disappearance of forehead wrinkles. Using the upper treatment, after the first 20 minutes of application, a strong pulling sensation appeared on the affected side of the face. After 5 consecutive days of use, the patient recovered. Follow up for 6 years showed no recurrence.
2. Modified Xiaoxuming Tang and external application of croton for the treatment of facial nerve paralysis
[Formula] 2-6 grams of cinnamon powder (taken orally), 4 grams each of aconite and ephedra, 6 grams of Chuanxiong, 10 grams each of Codonopsis pilosula, Paeonia lactiflora, Almond, Windproof, Scutellaria baicalensis, Radix Menispermaceae, and Radix Aconitum, 5 grams of licorice, 3 grams of Xixin, 3 centipedes, 15 grams of earthworm, and 10-13 grams of Chen Ba Dou (with the best efficacy within 1-2 years).
[Instructions] Take the medicine orally and decoct it. Wrap the medicine residue with two layers of gauze while it is hot and iron the affected area. After cooling, heat it up again and iron it repeatedly. It is best to sleep after taking medication to maximize its effectiveness. Apply external medicine to remove the shell of croton and crush it into a paste (do not use water, oil, or other substances). Pinch it into a cake shape according to the size of the patient's palm and place it outside the affected palm. Cover it with a dressing and secure it with a bandage. After 24 hours, flip the croton cake and apply it for another 24 hours. After 48 hours, remove and mash the croton cake, then make it into a cake shape and apply it for another 24 hours, for a total of 3 days and nights. There are usually itching, fever, blisters, and even swelling and pain along the arms to the neck and face, as well as swelling of the eyelids at the application site, which are all normal and do not require treatment. If the reaction is too strong, the medication can be removed, and the reaction will quickly subside and disappear. If the condition does not improve afterwards, you can apply it again according to the original method, and rest appropriately during the treatment period.
500 cases were treated, 443 cases were cured, 34 cases showed significant improvement, 8 cases showed improvement, and 15 cases were ineffective.
[Verification] Li XX, male, 58 years old, diagnosed on April 27, 1983. Four days ago, I found that my mouth and eyes were crooked, and taking three doses of traditional Chinese medicine had no effect. Examination: Obvious left side deviation of mouth, eyes, nose, lips, etc., large fissure of the right eyelid, and drooping of the right corner of the mouth. Diagnosed as peripheral right-sided nerve paralysis. According to the above method, the patient recovered after taking 5 doses of medication.
3. Pu Shi Fan Mi Gao for treating facial paralysis
[Formula] 500g of Chinese soft shelled turtle (also known as Ma Qian Zi) and an appropriate amount of white honey.
[Instructions] Add 3600ml of water to the soft shelled turtle, boil for 20 minutes, scrape off the outer skin while hot, take the clean kernels and slice them into slices. Place them on a tile and bake over high heat until crispy. Grind and sieve until fine, then mix with white honey to make a thin paste. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes until warm and set aside. Apply the ointment to the affected side (diagonally to the left, diagonally to the right, diagonally to the right, diagonally to the left), with a thickness of about 0.2 centimeters (not to the mouth or eyes), cover with gauze, and change the ointment once a day. If there is itching at the application site for 3-5 days, rash for 6-8 days, and severe pain for 9-14 days, it is a sign of recovery and medication can be stopped.
[Efficacy] 224 cases were treated, 199 cases were cured, 18 cases improved, and 7 cases were ineffective.
[Verification] Ren XX, female, 3 years old, diagnosed on October 3, 1977. The patient had a high fever six months ago, and the next day, it was found that the mouth and eyes were slanted. Repeated menstrual treatment was ineffective. The right eye is not fully closed, the mouth is tilted to the left, the coating is light white, and the fingerprint is light red and slightly heavy. Apply Pu Shi Fan Mi ointment externally, change the medication once a day, and cure after 7 times. Follow up for 6 years has been normal.
[Note] Patients should be cautious not to be exposed to wind and cold. They should stop applying the medicine for 2 days before washing their face. They should also apply fresh human milk to the black areas 3 times a day. After 3-7 days, their skin color will recover. According to the "Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Ma Qian Zi is bitter cold and toxic... and can treat facial nerve paralysis and myasthenia gravis." This medicine has the function of unblocking meridians to relieve pain, treating paralysis, and has detoxifying effects when used topically with white honey. Therefore, this formula has remarkable effects on facial paralysis.
4. Treatment of facial paralysis with facial paralysis formula
[Formula] 10 grams each of Angelica sinensis and Ligusticum chuanxiong, 3 centipedes, 6 grams each of Cicada molt and Licorice, 10 fresh Earthworms (stir fried with roasted wine), 13 grams each of Wufu tablets (decoct for 30 minutes first), Windproof, Gouteng, and Beauveria bassiana
[Instructions] Boil the medicine in water for 3 times, divide into 3 warm doses, take 1 dose per day after meals.
[Efficacy] 24 cases were treated with upper side single dose therapy, with 20 cases cured and 4 cases ineffective. Among the 4 ineffective cases, 1 brain tumor patient had ipsilateral visual impairment, headache with throbbing pain, intermittent attacks, and occasional vomiting, in addition to oblique mouth and eye movements. Despite taking 18 doses of this formula, it was ineffective. Later, X-ray examination at a certain hospital confirmed the diagnosis of intracranial malignant tumor, and surgical treatment was ineffective, resulting in death; Two cases were caused by suppurative otitis media and were treated with ineffective treatment at the local hospital. They came to our place for treatment and took five doses of our formula without improvement. Treatment was then interrupted; The other case had a disease course of 3 years and came to our department for diagnosis and treatment once. Three doses of medication were ineffective. Among the 20 cured cases, one case had self sweating due to surface deficiency and added Huangmao, while the other case had hemiplegia due to stroke and was treated with this formula in combination with Buyang Huanwu Tang and Fuqin. The rest were not modified. The maximum number of cured cases taking this formula was 12 doses, and the minimum was 3 doses.
[Verification] Guo XX, male, 58 years old, farmer, visited the hospital on August 3, 1977. When I felt dizzy at noon, I suddenly fell to the ground. After helping myself up, I first felt that my right hand and foot couldn't move, and then my facial muscles had a jumping sensation. My mouth and eyes were tilted to the right, and my consciousness was clear. Can cooperate with the examination, slightly less proficient in language, able to consume a small amount of food, light tongue texture, thick white coating, and smooth pulse. Observing its pulse symptoms, the disease is still located in the meridians, and there is no sign of closure or detachment. The syndrome is characterized by wind phlegm blocking the meridians, and phlegm turbidity disturbing and clearing the meridians. Modified formula for treating facial paralysis combined with Buyang Huanwu Tang. Prescription: 13 grams each of Astragalus membranaceus, Fuqin, Wufu tablets, Fangfeng, Bombyx mori, and Gouteng, 10 grams each of Peach Kernel, Paeonia lactiflora, Angelica sinensis, and Chuanxiong, 6 grams each of Red Flower, Cicada Shed, and Licorice, and 10 Earthworms. After taking a total of 12 doses, the angle between the mouth and eyes returned to normal, the function of the paralyzed right limb was basically restored, and they were able to participate in light physical labor and take care of themselves.
5. Ma Li San acupoint application for treating facial paralysis
[Formula] 5 pieces of Ma Qian Zi and 10 pieces of castor bean.
[Instructions] Remove the shells and kernels of the two medicines, grind them into powder, mix them evenly, and apply 0.2 grams to the center of a small piece of moisturizing and pain relieving ointment, then stick it on the affected side. The first application of Yifeng and Jiache acupoints; The next day, apply the Tinggong acupoint and Dicang acupoint, and rotate the four acupoints accordingly.
[Effect] It has a remarkable effect on treating facial paralysis.
[Verification] Jia XX, female, 15 years old, diagnosed on October 3, 1983. Facial pain, staring and not closing eyes, tearing with exposed teeth for more than 4 times; The eyes and corners of the mouth are slanted to the left. Apply "Ma Li San" to the acupoint and cure it 4 times.
6. Qiangji Xifeng Tang for treating facial nerve paralysis
[Formula] 30g roasted Astragalus membranaceus, 30g stir fried Atractylodes macrocephala, 30g Chinese yam, 30g Angelica sinensis, 6g Cinnamomum cassia, 30g large green leaves, 10g burdock seeds, 6g Gallbladder, 10g Pinellia ternata, 1g Scorpion, 1g Clam, 10g Bombyx mori, 3g leech, 3g worm, 10g Lumbricus macrocephala, 3g beehive, 10g Angelica dahurica, 30g licorice powder, and 0.3g horsetail.
[Instructions] Take 1 dose daily, decoct in water 3 times, and take in 3 portions. Three weeks is one course of treatment. Later on, pills can be taken.
[Effect] Strengthen muscles and unblock meridians, extinguish wind and phlegm.
[Verification] Zheng X, male, 39 years old, cadre. Two months ago, while washing up in the morning, I suddenly felt numbness on my right side: my face was numb, my mouth was drooping, and my face was tilted to the left. After taking medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, there was no improvement. When eating, the right cheek space often remained residue, and saliva frequently flowed to see a doctor. Check if the mouth and eyes are tilted to the left, wrinkles on the forehead disappear, the right eye has a large fissure, and the nasolabial groove is flat. Inducing him to laugh, the slanting of his mouth and eyes is particularly obvious, he blows air from his cheeks, there is air leakage at the right corner of his mouth, his pulse is weak, his tongue is red with little coating, and his blood pressure is 12.0/8.00kPa (90/60mmHg). Diagnosed as facial nerve paralysis. The syndrome belongs to Qi deficiency and wind attack, with phlegm obsession obstructing the meridians. Intending to use Qiangji Xifeng Tang: 30g roasted Huangqi, stir fried Atractylodes macrocephala, Huai Yam, Danggui, Da Qingye, and powdered licorice, 6g Chuan Guizhi and Zhi Danxing, 10g Niu Fenzi, Zhi Banxia, Xiang Silkworm, Guang Dilong, 10 g Bai Zhi, 3g leeches, beehives, and Shu (with the word "worm" added below) worms, and 3 g Wu Gong (divided into 3 portions after grinding). After taking 10 doses above, the paralysis of the affected facial muscles improved. After taking another 10 doses, the mouth, eyes, and face were basically normal, but there was still a slight tilt when laughing. Continue to take the original formula with pills orally for post-treatment. After a one-year follow-up, all symptoms were resolved and no survivors were left.
[Note] For the treatment of this disease, Yu believes that tonifying should be the main approach, with attacking as a supplement. Supplementing should be done to nourish qi and blood, with the aim of strengthening the muscles. Attacking should be done to clear meridians and dispel wind, with a focus on relaxing tendons. However, antispasmodic drugs should be used with caution. For the treatment of this disease, Bai Fu Zi and Feng Feng should be used. However, these two drugs have strong antispasmodic effects, so Gui Zhi Wen Jing Tong Yang is used instead of Feng Feng, and Niu Lao Zi is used instead of Bai Fu Zi to dispel wind, detoxify, and reduce swelling. The onset of the disease is caused by blowing cold wind, and the warming of the Guizhi meridian and the promotion of yang are essential. Pathological examination shows facial nerve edema, and products such as burdock seeds that can reduce swelling, detoxify, and dry dampness are also essential. The formula uses its anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, phlegm resolving, and ringworm clearing drugs, which are precisely the mechanism of this disease; As for foreign medicine, I think it can only be used as an adjuvant therapy and is relatively cumbersome. If it is convenient, one can choose to use it as a supplement. If it is inconvenient, it should be discarded. But the decoction is still the main treatment for this disease, so patients with this disease rely solely on the decoction to adhere to the prescription and medication, and ultimately achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects.