One hole, one universes house, one hidden hole
Release time:2024-07-22 16:53:18
Word Count:2195
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Wuyi is the name of the acupoint. The First and Second Classics of acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion were published. Houses, ground buildings as well. Yi, in ancient times, refers to a covered cave or object made of feathers, where the substance inside the cave is the qi that guards the outside. The name of this acupoint means that there is Qi from the ground that provides external defense and obstruction to the chest. The substance of this acupoint is the underground meridian water transmitted from the warehouse acupoint, which is the liquid that seeps out of the spleen and soil of the warehouse acupoint. It vaporizes into gas at this acupoint due to the heat from the outside of the ventricle, with a damp and turbid nature. It is located in the lower part of the sky, such as the outer barrier of the chest, hence the name.
【 Guijing Positioning 】
Gui Jing: Belongs to the Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian.
Positioning: Located in the chest of the human body, as the second intercostal space, 4 inches away from the anterior midline.
【 Functions and Indications 】
Function: Disperse chest heat and provide yang heat to the chest. The Wuyi acupoint has the effects of reducing stress, relieving asthma, relieving pain and swelling, regulating qi and calming the mind, activating collaterals and promoting lactation, relieving cough and phlegm, and relieving swelling and itching.
Indications: Cough, wheezing, cough with saliva, pus and blood, chest and rib pain, breast abscess.
Clinical Application
1: The combination of Wuyi acupoint and Tianzong acupoint is used to treat breast abscess.
2: The combination of Wuyi acupoint with Feiyu acupoint, Chize acupoint, and Danzhong acupoint has the effect of promoting lung function, relieving cough and asthma, and treating cough and asthma.
3: Wuyi acupoint is combined with Danzhong acupoint, Rugen acupoint, and Jianjing acupoint to treat breast hyperplasia.
Wuyi can be used to treat chest and lung diseases, such as chest and rib branch fullness, cough with retrograde qi, cough with saliva and pus, belching, body swelling, skin pain that cannot be approached, skin itching, bronchitis, intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy, mastitis, etc.