One acupoint, one Qiankuns Yanggu acupoint
Release time:2024-07-22 16:55:32
Word Count:2281
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Yanggu acupoint comes from the book "Ling Shu. Ben Shu". This acupoint belongs to fire, which refers to the five element attributes exhibited by the movement and changes of qi and blood substances in this acupoint. The substance in this acupoint is the moist and hot water vapor transmitted from the wrist bone acupoint. After reaching this acupoint, it further absorbs heat, expands and disperses, and the expanding and dispersing gas rises to the hot part of the body, with the characteristic of fire on the hot side, so it belongs to fire. Yanggu acupoint is one of the ten major yang acupoints and one of the ten major valley acupoints. It is a major acupoint for qi and blood, which can mobilize the body's yang qi, smooth the flow of qi and blood, remove blockages and debris, and enhance one's own immunity.
【 Guijing Positioning 】
Gui Jing: Belongs to the Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian.
Positioning: The ulnar end of the wrist dorsal transverse crease, located at the depression between the ulnar styloid process and the triangular bone
【 Indications and Functions 】
Effect: Generate yang energy, improve vision and calm the mind, and activate meridians and collaterals.
Indications: Neck and jaw swelling, lateral arm pain, wrist pain and other pain symptoms, headache, dizziness, toothache, tinnitus, hearing loss and other facial and head diseases, fever, and epilepsy.
Clinical Application
1: Treating wrist pain with Quchi and Waiguan;
2: Pei Baihui and Yongquan are used to treat epilepsy.
3. Paired acupoint: can treat epilepsy;
4. Pairing Tinggong acupoint, Xiaguan acupoint, and Taichong acupoint: treating deafness;
5. Paired with Zhongchong acupoint and Jiaosun acupoint: for treating oral inflammation;
6. Peiquchi acupoint and Waiguan acupoint: for the treatment of upper limb paralysis and obstruction.
Yanggu acupoint has the function of relieving and treating symptoms such as headache, dizziness, redness and swelling of the eyes, tinnitus, hearing loss, toothache, jaw swelling, wrist joint diseases, epilepsy, and madness. It also has the effects of activating meridians, improving vision and calming the mind, and calming the ears. It is commonly used in modern times to treat conditions such as ulnar neuralgia, mumps, gingivitis, mental illness, epilepsy, etc.