Traditional Chinese medicine, Gentiana macrophylla!
Release time:2024-07-22 17:14:00
Word Count:5122
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1. Alias
Qin Jiao, Qin Jiu, and Da Gao.
2. Plant morphology
Perennial herb, 20-60 cm tall. The main root is thick and long, twisted and not straight, nearly conical in shape, with many fibrous residual leaf bases in the rhizome. The stem is upright or obliquely growing. Leaves lanceolate or elongated lanceolate, basal leaves mostly clustered, entire margin, 5 main veins, stem leaves 3-4 pairs, smaller, opposite. The flowers are mostly clustered into apical and axillary whorls on the stem, with one side of the calyx tube cracked and slightly shaped like a Buddha flame bud. The calyx teeth are shallow, and the corolla is tubular, deep blue purple, about 2 centimeters long. The tip is 5-lobed, with 5 short folds between the lobes, 5 stamens, and an oblong ovary without a stem. The capsule is oblong or elliptical in shape.
3. Origin distribution
Born in mountainous grasslands, on both sides of streams, on roadside slopes, and in shrubs. Distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Excavation can be done in both spring and autumn, but the quality is best in autumn. After digging out, remove the stems and leaves, sun dry until soft, pile them up and let them naturally heat up. When the inside of the roots turns flesh red, dry them in the sun. It can also be dried directly after digging the roots.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Slightly conical in shape, thick at the top and thin at the bottom, measuring 7-30 centimeters in length and 1-3 centimeters in diameter. The surface is grayish yellow or brownish yellow, with longitudinal or twisted grooves. The root head often swells and is often composed of several rhizomes. There are fibrous leaf basal vascular bundles on the remaining stem base. The texture is firm and brittle, easy to break, with yellow or brownish yellow skin on the surface and yellow wood on the surface. Qi is unique, with a bitter and astringent taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, bitter and pungent in taste. Return to the Stomach Meridian, Liver Meridian, and Gallbladder Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Dispelling wind dampness, reducing deficiency heat, relaxing tendons and relieving pain. It belongs to the category of wind dampness dispelling and heat clearing drugs under the category of wind dampness dispelling drugs.
8. Clinical application
The dosage is 5-10g, which is taken orally to treat rheumatic arthralgia, muscle contracture, tuberculosis hot flushes, infantile malnutrition, fever, jaundice, and poor urination. Treatment for joint pain, headache, toothache, etc.: Gentiana injection, 2 milliliters per intramuscular injection.
9. Pharmacological research
Intraperitoneal injection of Gentiana macrophylla alkaloid A, alcohol extract (containing total bitter glycosides), and ammoniated Gentiana macrophylla alcohol extract (containing total alkaloids) into rats has significant anti-inflammatory effects; Gentianine A has antiallergic effect, can significantly reduce asthma in guinea pigs caused by histamine spray, and has obvious protective effect on anaphylactic shock of rabbit egg white. It has sedative effect on rats and mice in small dosage, and can cause excitement, convulsion, paralysis and death in large dosage; Longdan bitter glycoside and Dangyao glycoside have significantly prolonged the sleep time of mice induced by pentobarbital sodium. The water extract and alcohol extract have a significant analgesic effect on acetic acid-induced writhing response in mice, and can directly inhibit the decrease in blood pressure and heart rate caused by the heart. They also have an effect on increasing blood sugar in rats and mice. Toxicity: The LDso of Gentiana alkaloid A administered orally and intraperitoneally to mice were 486 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg, respectively.
10. Chemical composition
Containing components such as gentiopicholine (Gentiana alkaloids A), gentiopicholine (Gentiana alkaloids B), gentianal alkaloids (Gentiana alkaloids C), gentiopicroside, α - coumarinol, Gentiana alkaloids A, and Gentiana alkaloids B.
11. Usage taboos
Long term illness with deficiency cold, frequent urination, and loose stools should be avoided.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment for headache: 6 grams each of Gentiana macrophylla, Angelica dahurica, and Ligusticum chuanxiong, and 9 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong. Boil it in water. (Medicinal Plants in Desert Areas)
② Difficulty in urination and bloating: 30g of Gentiana macrophylla (without seedlings). Take a large cup of water, fry for seven minutes, remove impurities, and divide into two servings before eating. (Holy Blessing Formula)
③ Treating all sores is not suitable: mix fine powder of Gentiana macrophylla with it. ("Zhi Zhi Fang" Qin Gao Xiang Fang)
④ Treatment for chronic carbuncle: 15g of Gentiana macrophylla, crushed with Luo powder. Apply to the wound and wrap it with silk three times a day. (From the "General Record of St. Ji", the formula for coating with Gentiana macrophylla)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.