Chinese medicine, yellow medicine!
Release time:2024-07-22 17:22:18
Word Count:4998
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1. Alias
Huangdu, Huangjin Yam, Huangyao Root.
2. Plant morphology
Perennial tangled vine. The tubers are oval to nearly round in shape, with many slender roots densely packed on the surface. Stem cylindrical, hairless. The leaves are broadly ovate heart-shaped or ovate heart-shaped, with a gradually pointed tip and a heart-shaped base. They are completely or microwave-assisted and have no hair on both sides. There are varying sizes of purple brown, spherical, or oval bead buds in the leaf axils, with spots on the surface. Male inflorescences droop in a spike like shape, often clustered in leaf axils, and sometimes elongated at the base to form a conical shape; Male flowers grow early and densely; Bracts 2, ovate; 6 flower petals, lanceolate, purple; There are 6 stamens, which grow at the base of the corolla, and the filaments are nearly equal in length to the anthers; The female inflorescence is similar to the male inflorescence, often consisting of 2 to several clusters in the leaf axils, with 6 petals and 6 degenerated stamens. The ovary has 3 chambers, and the stigma has 3 lobes, each with 2 lobes. The capsule is triangular and elongated, folded and drooping, rounded at both ends, and light yellow in color. The seeds are flattened and oval in shape, dark brown in color, usually growing in pairs at the top of the central axis. The wings of the seeds extend upwards and form an oblong shape, chestnut brown in color. The flowering period is from July to September, and the fruiting period is from August to November.
3. Origin distribution
Born beside river valleys, in shady wetlands, on the edge of mixed forests, or under the shade of trees near villages. Distributed in Henan, Shaanxi, and the eastern, central southern, southern, and southwestern regions of China.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest tubers in autumn, remove stems and leaves, wash, cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick, and dry in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Circular or quasi circular slices, with a transverse diameter of 2.5-6 centimeters, a longitudinal diameter of 4-7 centimeters, and a thickness of 1-1.5 centimeters. The surface is brownish black with wrinkles, densely covered with short branches and yellow white circular micro raised branch marks. Some cork peels off, revealing a pale yellow color. The cut surface is light yellow to yellow brown, smooth or appears granular and uneven. The material is brittle and easy to break, with a flat or granular cross-section. Mild odor, bitter taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, bitter in taste. Return to the liver meridian and heart meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Clear heat, cool blood, detoxify, and eliminate galls. Belonging to the subcategory of clearing heat and detoxifying drugs.
8. Clinical application
Take 3-6 grams and decoct in water. Used for the treatment of sore throat, carbuncles and sores, snake and insect bites, and thyroid enlargement. Apply external pounding or grinding powder to the affected area.
9. Pharmacological research
It has antibacterial, anti goiter, heart inhibitory, intestinal smooth muscle inhibitory, uterine smooth muscle excitatory, and hypoglycemic effects. In clinical practice, the use of Huangyaozi tincture, compound Huangyaozi extract tablets, and Huangyaozi su tablets has shown certain therapeutic effects in treating thyroid enlargement or thyroid tumors, with compound Huangyaozi extract tablets (containing potassium iodide) showing better efficacy. It has a certain inhibitory effect on malignant tumors of the thyroid, esophagus, stomach, rectum, and breast, and has an inhibitory effect on common skin fungi.
10. Chemical composition
Contains a small amount of dioscin, dioscin, as well as furan demethylated diterpenes such as terpenes A, B, and C.
11. Usage taboos
The oral dosage should not be too high. Patients with spleen and stomach weakness and liver and kidney dysfunction should take it with caution.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treating sprains: equal amounts of Huangyaozi root and Qiye Yizhi flower (both fresh). Roast and apply externally. (Jiangxi Herbal Medicine)
② Treatment for hemoptysis: 30g each of Huangyaozi and Hanfangji. Finally, take 3 grams per serving, one cup of water, and 20 grains of wheat. Fry them together and warm them up before eating. (Experience Formula)
③ The treatment of epistaxis is not limited to: yellow medicinal seeds are the last, 6 grams per serving, and ass hide glue soup is fried. After a long time, I took a spoonful of freshly mixed noodles and put it on my head. (Brief Relief Formula)
④ Treatment for diarrhea: Grind Huangyaozi powder, 3 grams each time, swallow with boiling water. (Guizhou Herbal Medicine)
⑤ Treatment for cough and asthma: 9 grams of yellow medicine tubers, 9 grams of flaxseed leaves, and 2 sugarcane nodes. Boil it in water. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.