Freckle folk remedies
Release time:2024-07-24 14:26:09
Word Count:4590
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There are various types of freckles, which are believed by traditional Chinese medicine to be caused by wind evil fighting on the skin and blood qi disharmony. According to the "Complete Book of Surgical Treatment", "At first, freckles spread into patches, and over time, they can spread throughout the body. At first, there is no pain or itching, and over time, there is slight itching." Freckles are yellow brown or coffee colored, similar to spots on sparrow eggshells, and are most common on the face, neck, shoulder, back, and hand of young men and women. Due to genetic factors, the most susceptible areas to infection are the eye sockets and cheeks.
1. Winter melon and lotus seed powder for freckle removal
[Formula] Five liang of winter melon kernels, five qian of lotus seed powder, and three qian of white atractylodes powder.
[Instructions] Grind it into a fine powder and take one tablespoon with boiling water after meals every day, which is very effective.
[Gongchan] Spot removal and beauty.
[Verification] Multiple trials have shown ideal therapeutic effects.
2. Peach blossom powder for freckle removal
[Formula] Peach blossom, winter melon seeds, honey in appropriate amounts.
[Instructions] Mix dried peach blossom seeds and dried winter melon seeds in the same amount and grind them into fine powder. Add honey and mix well. Apply to the affected area before bedtime and wash well in the morning. It is very effective.
[Function] Spot removal and beauty treatment.
[Verification] Repeatedly effective.
3. Winter melon freckle removal beauty
[Formula] One winter melon.
[Instructions] Scrape off the skin, cut into thin slices, and cook the winter melon in half wine and half water until it is tender. When the winter melon is tender, stir it and filter out the residue. Then, fry the winter melon juice over low heat until it becomes a paste (avoid using iron utensils, use a clay pot), put it in a cup, and cover it. After washing your face every night, apply it to the affected area before going to bed, and wash it off the next morning. After two months, your skin will be bright, lovely, and have a beauty effect.
[Verification] Zhang XX, female, 38 years old, gradually lost upper freckles after use.
4. Morning glory flower freckle removal
[Formula] An appropriate amount of black morning glory seeds.
[Instructions] Grind the seeds of black morning glory into powder, add human protein, apply to the face before bedtime, and wash off the next morning.
[Effect] It can eliminate freckles for one week in a row.
[Verification] According to (Medical Health), this formula has ideal therapeutic effects.
[Note] If plum seeds are used instead of black morning glory seeds, the effect is the same.
5. Red small tofu pudding can eliminate freckles.
[Formula] Flowers of adzuki beans and appropriate amount of adzuki beans.
[Instructions] Squeeze out the juice from the flowers of adzuki beans, apply it to your face, grill the adzuki beans in a pot, grind them into powder, mix with rice bran, and drink with boiling water.
[Effect] It has the effects of beauty and eliminating freckles.
[Verification] Repeatedly effective.
6. Cilantro water for treating freckles
[Formula] An appropriate amount of cilantro (i.e. coriander, whole coriander with roots).
[Instructions] Wash and boil in water. Wash your face with coriander soup, it will take effect after long-term use.
[Effect] Used to treat freckles.
[Verification] The Health News reported that readers wrote a letter stating that this method is excellent.
[Note] Patients with freckles should not eat amaranth, kelp, carrots, cocoa powder, oranges, beef liver, pig liver, walnuts, etc. during treatment, as they may worsen pigmentation after consumption.
7. Glutinous Rice Cream for Freckle Removal
[Formula] 30 glutinous rice grains, half a glass of quicklime, 6 grams of alkali noodles.
[Instructions] First, dissolve the alkali in warm water, then pour it into lime and mix well to form a paste. Then pour it into another slightly larger cup, dip the glutinous rice into the lime paste by 1/2, cover the lime paste cup on a damp ground, and after 12 hours, the glutinous rice is cooked. Mix the upper half of the cooked rice evenly to make a paste. Use the hour hand to pick this cream and apply it to freckles. After application, there is a slight itching and pain sensation, which can disappear in about 10 minutes.
[Effect] Dispels blackness and spots. Use to treat freckles.
[Verification] According to the 9th issue of Zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1985, after 3 days, freckles can fall off on their own without leaving any scars.