How to cure tinea pedis on the feet? Why not give two secret Chinese medicine recipes a try!
Release time:2024-07-25 13:13:47
Word Count:4639
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I solemnly declare that the prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country, and are clinically effective prescriptions. Due to individual differences in medical condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a local physician!
Tinea pedis is a very common superficial fungal infectious skin disease of the feet, characterized by small blisters on the toes or soles of the feet, peeling and erosion, and a special odor, hence it is called foot dampness.
Tinea pedis is caused by thick stratum corneum, lack of sebum, abundant sweat glands, excessive sweating, and moist feet, which are conducive to the growth and reproduction of mold. It often worsens in summer and some people do not recover throughout the year.
Its characteristics are blisters, peeling, cracking, and erosion on the feet. This disease is mostly caused by infections of dermatophytes in the plantar and interphalangeal areas, mainly including Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton rubrum, and Trichophyton flocs.
Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this disease as "athlete's foot sore" or "rotten feet". The book "Authentic Surgery" says: If a woman's feet itch, it is due to the stagnation of the Three Yang Rheumatism, which cannot be dispersed. Therefore, itching occurs first and then becomes wet, or itching and dampness occur in the curved areas of the soles of the feet
Therefore, the occurrence of this disease is caused by the dampness and heat of the spleen and stomach meridians; Or living in wetlands for a long time, working in water, soaking in water slurry, and being infected with wet toxins.
【 Treatment 】 This disease generally does not require internal treatment, but when the condition is severe or the course of the disease is long, it can be classified into two types of treatment based on syndrome differentiation.
Symptoms: manifested as blisters and flaking, initially forming into patches, peeling off after drying, excessive itching, severe in summer and mild in winter, red tongue, thin coating, and numerous or slippery veins.
【 Fang Yi 】 Sanmiao San
【 Source 】 "Qi Fang Ji Shi"
【 Composition 】 15 grams of summer dry grass, 15 grams of honeysuckle, and 15 grams of dandelion.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dispersing nodules.
[Usage] Boil in water and take one dose daily.
The honeysuckle in the formula has a sweet and cold taste, clearing heat, detoxifying, and eliminating carbuncles; Dandelion has a bitter and sweet taste and a cold nature. It can clear heat and detoxify, eliminate carbuncles and disperse nodules. When used in combination, it can relieve all carbuncles and toxins.
Prunella vulgaris clears liver fire, clears heat and disperses lumps. The combination of various medicines can work together to clear heat, detoxify, reduce swelling, and disperse nodules.
For those with severe heat and toxicity, add Forsythia suspensa and wild chrysanthemum; For those with pus formation, add soapberry thorns and roasted mountain armor.
【 Symptoms 】 Wet toes, erosion and soaking, itching and foul smelling, red and peeling skin, or yellow water sores caused by poisoning, local redness and swelling, red tongue with yellow coating, and smooth pulse.
[Formula 2] Bixie Shuih Tang
【 Source 】 "Collection of Experience in Oncology"
【 Composition 】 30g Bixie, 30g Job's tears, 30g talc, 12g Huangbai, 15g Chiling, 15g Danpi, 15g Alisma, and 6g Tongcao.
【 Effect 】 Clearing heat and removing dampness, harmonizing and reducing swelling.
[Usage] Boil in water and take one dose daily.
[Formula Explanation] The formula includes ingredients such as Dioscorea opposita, Job's tears, and talc, which can strengthen the spleen, promote diuresis, and dampness. Danpi, Chishao, and Zexie can clear heat and cool the blood. Tongcao can clear heat and dampness. Huangbai can clear heat, dry dampness, and detoxify.
This formula is used to treat conditions such as eczema, lower limb erysipelas, torn feet, perianal abscess, and female genital itching caused by dampness and heat. For those with chronic Qi deficiency, add Atractylodes macrocephala and Astragalus membranaceus;
For those with lower back pain and fatigue, ginseng and deer antler gum can be added. For erosive type, it can be clinically combined with half branch lotus decoction water to soak the affected foot in warm water, and then apply Jingjie powder or athlete's foot powder externally;
For patients with blister type, compound hibiscus skin tincture can be applied externally, while for those with pustules, Qingdai ointment can be applied externally.